Origin story?

I’ve heard about it (the country)

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I wish I had more information. There is one bookstore that I need to pry into. I have reason to believe they have a hidden room unannounced to the majority.

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I don’t talk to that guy anymore, Sumerian magick as he practiced it didn’t brought him anything good and now those who used to follow him laugh at him because of how stupid he was when he addressed the demons as something that they are not

idk, if you had to choose from one of all those countries from africa to visit, which one you would choose?

I would like you to teach me and tell me more in pm :slight_smile:

I do not wish to learn curses. I wish to learn powerful wards and other helpful things. Im familiar with Sri Lanka off the coast of India. I have “family” who used to live there.

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Shitty magick that never accomplished anything and was overall tremendously supertitious and led to unnecesary bloodshed. Currently not even the people who support those natives practice their spirituality and a lot of them has become Christian. Witchy people in my country prefer European or African traditions, or a mix of both

I do not wish to connect with demons. I wish to learn all that I can so I know how to combat such magic. there are those who do not deserve the power they have been given because they do not use it for good. They give magic a bad name. Curses are not to be f*&%ed with. That much I know

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I will send you some information on it, i might have to translate everything first.
Im thinking of doing my own research on it in the future, where i will have to travel often

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I seek knowledge on European traditions over anything else. I have heard that African traditions are mostly curses. I was cursed once. This is why I need to know how to combat it… I fear for the worst

where you go travel?

Are you trolling? Because if that is your objective, you shouldn’t ask for that in a black magick forum


I will be creating a thread about the origins of magick in srilanka, i might have to do more research first since im not a experienced person in magick
It will be helpful to you


I would love to connect and create a separate thread where we can convene and actually provide fruitful information. I have tried to start a dialogue with many people and they don’t take the inquiry seriously. There are those who think magic is cool and want to reap benefits they d not understand and there are those who were born to understand magic so they can use it for good. I believe I am one of those people.


I’m interested as well, please let me know if you do it

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No Im not trolling. I just don’t fear…

Mostly different areas in my country, visit temples
Most magick is performed by monks in here, who does not wish to share the techniques with anyone unless they are ready to perform with them which is very risky

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Sure im still doing my research on it and i have lot of translation to be done since everything is in the language of pali

and why don’t you become a monk? can you describe those temples?

You just said its all curses with probable death and that it was pulled out of their asses and now you want to learn it and explore??:thinking::thinking::thinking: hmm