Only BALG could believe this

Until I give better consideration, if these beings are reading (and Adam) I retract my former statement.

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Same. Quite eye opening.

My Ascent is my own. Always has been, always will be.

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This statement, to me, invalidates any degree of genuineness from their standpoint. Evolution only happens through ones own will. Surrendering yourself or your journey to someone elses will is not evolution. A highly evolved entity that is aware will not make such a request. Isnā€™t this what the like likes of Lucifer, King Paimon, Belial and others teach us?


So Iā€™m assuming that these " Aliens ", arenā€™t just extraterrestrial Iā€™m guessing their interdimensional and extradimensional beings, if so I believe you.

Because I worked with a race of interdimensional beings, they are bodies of light and sound, vibrating at high supersonic speeds that go beyond the speed of light.

As a matter of fact they travel so fast their light particles actually disintergrate and get remodelled in a new destination, to our species this is considered teleportation but itā€™s actually not.

If youā€™re contacting the same beings then prepare for some mind blowing shit, their great at teaching dimensional magick.

They also see things like us, what we call spirituality / magick and what we consider quantum psychics and science they see them as one in the same.


Thatā€™s an interesting take on it and it sounds right to me.

Iā€™m glad I shared this with balg, nobody here questions the validity of my experience, only the motives of the beings I experienced. I think this is a healthy way to look at it and if I didnā€™t have BALG I donā€™t know what I would do.


No one would have doupted if that was real because everyone has spoken to entities and knows how this works.

Now, as for Star, Iā€™ll have to talk to it myself and learn some things that need to be known.

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This is all very interesting. I agree with with @Lady_Eva and am very sceptical myself. I rarely trust things on a silver platter. With that said I neither decline nor accept the offer.

I will be interested to see where this goes.


Count me in, if we have the same goals in mind, why not work with them? Just donā€™t send them to abduct me on a regular basis or anything. :slight_smile:


Iā€™m sorry :sweat_smile: I am going to retract my statement as well

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My Ascension is my own. I have no problem with an alliance with such beings in terms of sharing knowledge and tech. They should understand that.


I agree with Lady Eva on this one:

  • Black Magick and the Ascescion (perfection of my Descended Anti-Christ form) is what leads to happiness.

  • I even told some others this as a friend kept trying to hook me up to a Lover, where I was not interested. I told them that in order for me to fall in love I have to ā€œperfect my personal karma,ā€ which is the perfection of my Godform which will lead me to my Lover. Now of course, most people could not understand this concept that Love first comes from within and affects how others of the right calibre come to me.

  • It doesnā€™t matter who they are, if they do not fit the BluePrint for my Inner Happiness which is found in my Godform type, then I will leave them out in the Cold to shiver and starve. This of course does not mean I am completely selfish or heartless, but in this case it is Survival of the Fittest so that I may realize and experience My Own Greatest Love.

oh and forgotā€¦Edit to Add wouldnā€™t wanna join that club =)


You truly are a goddess.

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It turned out that was exactly what it was. I was under the attack of the Troll and he was using his tricks again. I did make the connection between this latest infiltration and Akenaten. The star and solar references he was making and he also didnā€™t claim to be a god he claimed to be another form of entity and I believe that is exactly what it was. This was my 40 days in the desertā€¦


I got exited as fuck when I read thatšŸ˜‚if my vote has value,then count me in!

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I personally find this subject very interesting for I donā€™t believe that we are the only life in the universe regardless of our intelligence, for we have the ability to excel and ascend. I would love nothing more than to connect with my universal brothers and sisters.

Question, did they tell you who they are (5th dimensional being, etc) and where they are from.

If you have more information or make contact again please share your experience. Thanks.

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This happened. It was an impostor.

Sorry I didnā€™t read everything. Damn. That sux. It would have been a wonderful experience.


Damn.should have taken my time to read all the other postsšŸ˜•
I take back what I said,feeling disappointed :pensive:


yes, they are here for us 100%.