Leadership is always a service job, and when it stops being that, revolution (of some kind) won’t be far away.
Yeah im O+
Neanderthal blood type nothing particularly special here
Generally who cares if a person is hybrid or has more melamine or red hair etc. At the end of the day isn’t it a matter of evolution to become a god goddess isn’t our flesh just a vehicle of experience? I have heard so much theories and claims i just shut it all out.
Im not downing anyone who is aware of have external influence in their mske up. If you are aware of it than cool .
But tha t s just my thoughts…
I believe you’re absolutely correct. I have had MANY MANY incarnations into various cultures and races. Some not homo sapiens sapiens but still of the Homo genus. The advent of Rh factors is so new that I don’t think there’s enough data that could suggest that gods or demi-gods must have a certain blood type or not. But people tend to use blood type to make themselves yet another special snowflake and I see that garbage constantly online. Everyone is in a human body, period. The Rh factor is no different of a difference than say melanin level. Every human individual is 100% unique. People gotta know that such divisions just end up being yet another ego trap.
On the myth and legend of Nephilim, Cambions it is just that. A demon does not materialize and decide to have a baby and voilà walks away thinking i will create a new genetic race of giants or super beings.
There are many theories out there, some believe that as part of the cosmos we all have parts of the divine within us, some evil or demonic, others angelic. But as demon spirits or entities are incorporate beings they can’t procreate or produce a cross breed of half human and half demon, this theory and myth is absurd.
Unless the whole ancient alien thing is true and the ancient stories of gods or angels mating with humans are just some alien abduction stories. There are still stories to this day about alien hybrids. Perhaps our gods have real bodies somewhere and we’re just encountering their astral energies.
Aliens? Lol. I dont believe in aliens from distant planets trying to observe and conquer the earth. I know its a myth at least the American version of UFOs and flying saucers. The same with alien abductions which are fabrications to sell a story.
I went to a private school in Roswell New Mexico the New Mexico Military Institute and spent some time with the locals. There was an old air force base located there for training and they launched a series of experimental balloons in 1948 with large radar discs hoping to launch them at some point against the former Soviet Union to track there radio and communications. One of the experimental balloons drifted in high winds from its anchor point and landed on a locals ranch.
The rancher reported the loss to the air base who denied any knowkedge, he then went to the press who also contacted the air force who responded with a complete denial. The local press hoping for national coverage fabricated this huge story of alien flying saucers crashing in the New Mexico desert trying to observe government air operations, also knowing that the government would deny any knowledge.
BTW they have a great rocket and science museum there as Robert Goddard did rocket experiments in Roswell in the 1930s.
I don’t agree with you. I have seen and read far too much evidence that we are not alone.
The skin walker and the Sherman family ranch and strange cattle mutilation? Cattle mutilation was from various animals of prey attacking the cattle for food. Later eyes and tongues went missing from the mutilated cattle as scavengers would eat the soft parts of the dead animal’s face and feed off the dead carcasses.
The same with the crop circle phenomenon totally fabricated by various individual’s creating the circles as a hoax. All this for publicity value. And yes many books and a movie of the week have been made about the events.
However if you like a good story you could say i saw big foot and some werewolves but only on evenings of a fullmoon and in a distant wooded area that was known to be haunted by an ancient Indians that was once the buriel site of the tribe…
Me too. Child of Zeus.
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