5 Days, 5 Spirits, 5 Q&A's

Here is my second Q&A.

2: Aratron, the Olympic Spirit of Saturn

I wasn’t sure which cardinal direction to face for Saturn, so I went with South, which is my default, and placed my chair facing that, within my UC.

This was performed on Saturday, in the Hour of Saturn. I didn’t have any candles in the appropriate colour so I just went with what I had, light blue.

I performed the cloud exercise and the countdown to get into trance. I focused on my breath for a few moments to stabilize my trance, and then decided to chant Ea’s Conjuration to Summon All Magical Powers. This deepened my trance, and seemed to cause the room to waver.

I gazed at Aratron’s sigil, while still chanting, and the sigil really seemed to grow, with the lines widening, and becoming almost 3D on the paper. I called to Aratron to appear before me.

My vision began to fade, and I had a difficult time keeping my eyes open. I felt something come into the room. It felt heavy, yet light at the same time. My body was also set upon by shivers.

I moved my vision from the sigil to my scrying bowl, to try and see the spirit. The water darkened, but I couldn’t make out anything. I closed my eyes and focused my inner sight. I got a sense of great age, wisdom, and endless patience.

I welcomed Aratron, and was greeted thus:

A: You, who fear Death, why have you called me?

I must admit, this threw me. Don’t we all fear death?

DK: Yes, I fear Death, Aratron, but I have called you here because I seek to move beyond my current limits, and to extend my current boundaries. I have read that you can help with this. Is this true?

A: Yes. The Sphere of Saturn can extend boundaries but know that everything must have an end, for without an end, one will never have something to strive against.

DK: I understand, Aratron. Thank you.

A: For my aid, you must know what your boundaries are. How far are you willing to go? Can you break where you currently are? I can help you, but you must be clear.

DK: I understand, Aratron. I am currently trying to understand my limits, for my life has grown stagnant and I seek to expand my influence and power.

A: Saturn is the sphere of stasis and petrification. My influence can lay heavy. Call me again when you have decided.

DK: Thank you, Aratron. Do you have any advice for me regarding my Ascent?

A: No.

DK: Thank you, Aratron, for the knowledge you have given me today. Please, go now, and may there always be peace between us. Go. My Will be done.

I sat for a few moments, collecting myself, and then counted up out of trance.

I felt quite sleepy afterwards, but, paradoxically, I couldn’t sleep.