Oh shit... It worked

good journal.

Thanks! I need to get back to it.

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BUNE bringing the heat and a reminder

So I’ve got to re-open the thread. New shit has come to light. Some good, some bad but this post is to put out some highlights about my recent work with Bune.

First, after years, I feel close to Bune. Certainly the petitions that have been answered are amazing but the “lessons” have been even more important. I speak plainly with Bune and receive the same back. Recently I had a crisis that Bune could solve. I had some trouble defining what it was I wanted to happen. I usually spend some time getting really clear about that. If it can be a single simple statement, I write it like Hemingway back from the dead with all the small words. If it’s more complex I write it like a scene from a movie and use that to build a defined picture. When I communicate, it helps me conjure the emotions that I’d have in that scene. It’s some hybrid of pathworking and ritual when I finally initiate contact. I didn’t actually do that this time. For some reason I wasn’t feeling great about the whole thing. Even working the ritual seemed like a bother and I tried an easier method to communicate and I got a very clear message that I needed to respect how things work.

It wasn’t about Bune preferring one ritual or another as those aren’t for them, but for us. I think it’s that I lost the utter wonder at doing the working at all. I am contacting BUNE who is immensely powerful beyond anything that I can actually imagine. The connection alone is invigorating and with this entity is like good soul music literally flowing through you. It was a reminder that respect, intent and focus is required. While I believe Bune does enjoy our “conversations” such as they are, I had got off track. I went back, built the picture and communicated my request. I got a response immediately and have continued to receive what I call “instruction” since to move me closer to that story I finally wrote. The rigor of doing that helped me detach from negative emotion, to conjure emotions of success and to speak it into existence. Magick right?

It’s good to be reminded that the act of interacting with these spirits teaches us loads about ourselves. It’s also a think a “tap up” and a reminder that sometimes we have to drink some cement and harden the fuck up to find our power and to ask for power from others.

Thank you Bune. I’ve got my shit together.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts and how Bune showed me a way to distill the chaos in my head and heart into clear petitions

Recently there have been a myriad issues that I’ve been having some trouble with and I tried to overcome them in various ways both mundane and through magick. I bothered spirits and was making progress but not with the success that I am used to having on the spiritual side.

I was clearly having some trouble disassociating from the result and as things compounded, I’ve been truly worried.

I stayed in my own head rather than reaching out to patron spirits that have stood by me through thick and thin and taught me lessons time and again.

Finally I decided to spend the day with Bune. When I say “spend the day” I have a process where I perform an evocation. Sometimes with a specific intent, other times simply to connect to the spirit. Then I ask the spirit to walk with me. There may be other ways, but this seems to work best for me.

Over the course of the day Bune seemed to point out small things first. The point being that I wasn’t being disciplined about quite a few things. OK, I thought. Bune hasn’t ever really been that interested in order in general or certainly in the little details of my life. I was getting messages clearly.

I had some bad news and as I tried to counter those events, I went completely reactionary. I was just doing everything I could think to do and nothing seemed to totally work.

I stopped and sat down quietly. I put on some music to calm down and get some perspective. I asked Bune for help. Her voice came through as clear as day, “Start again.” I thought, “What the fuck does that mean?”

I went back to my journals and tried to find some reference to it and finally exasperated, I asked Bune to expand. I won’t bother you with how the messages came through but two things were apparent.

The petitions that I was attempting that were either failing or fizzling. I had multiple issues at work.

First, I had shortened my process, expanded my requests and rushed through absolutely everything. Bune’s message was very clear about this. My first thought was that I’d given offense or somehow I had assumed our connection was greater than it is etc. Once again I was instructed to pay attention to the process.

No matter the method you use, you must take your time in crafting your petition. You have to be accurate. Not for the spirit. You have to be accurate for your own sake. The thinking part provides a foundation for the work. Once I was clear, I could move on to fixing the next issue.

Without a clear petition, you end up conjuring emotion about the problem(s). That means that in some way, you are empowering your opposition because you aren’t clear about the outcome and can’t conjure the feeling of that success. The result is lusting for results. I was clearly doing this.

So, I came up with a way to overcome this. It takes some time, which is inconvenient at times, but everything has come right and I’m convinced this works and actually speeds results.

  1. Write a story of the outcome you want. This should be ALL the problems solved. Write the last scene of a movie where the heroes win and everyone gets more than they thought possible. I usually have a couple paragraphs. It doesn’t need to be great or detailed. Then read it. The amount of time you spend is up to you but I only do it until I can conjure that feeling in that last scene. Once you have that feeling, set an anchor. I like to associate a single word with it and when I start to stress about it, I say that word and connect back to the feeling I just conjured.

  2. Write a petition that gets you started. Use as few words as possible. Definitely use present tense and make sure you connect to a feeling of success when you read that petition. Be specific! Stay in your

  3. Present your petition and forget it. If you worry, go back to the scene where everything works out. Live there. It can be hard, but at the end of the day YOU choose where your attention goes. Don’t make the mistake of blocking the result or inviting more problems. Like they say, “Stay in your three foot world.” Pay attention to things that matter that are also things you can effect. Everything else isn’t worth one second of your attention. Leave it to these spirits and truly leave them to it.


Thank you for this reminder!

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