Offering Channelings

I’ve become quite good at doing channelings, and I would like to offer people the opportunity for you to get a channeling from any one source that you want.

It can be a collection of spirits, but only one group or individual spirit at a time. I do not want to channel multiple times for the same individual unless you ask for a second request related to that same group or individual.

Tell me what you want scanned and from what entity below. If you want to pm me, write it down here first that you want to pm me so I can see all the requests.

Other than that, there is no max, but if there is a lot I will cut it off after some time. First come, first served.


I would like any message from my ancestors or spirit guides regarding my spiritual path. Whoever comes in first.


" You have to recognize the dualities within you and find peace in your mind. You are splitting yourself off by not realizing what to focus on. Your ancestors want you to find peace first before you do anything else."

That’s all I get.


Thank you.

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I’ll go with the same question as Virago :slightly_smiling_face:

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I get the feeling that there are more spirit guides wanting different things, but I will channel the most appropriate messages.

" I want you to feel as though there is nothing before you, that you in yourself have everything you want. Remember, there is no person that has control over what you have for yourself. Don’t look outside for someone to give you what you need. What you need you obtain from yourself. Wants are fine, if you don’t need them. But what you need you need to get from yourself first. That is all."

That’s Lucifer.

I get the impression that different beings have different plans for you, but the most important thing is defining that for yourself. It’s normal, but if they ever try to force you down a path that doesn’t seem right. Trust yourself.


@Epsilon_The_Imperial this is so nice of you to do!
If I may; I’ve been (trying) to work with the Goetia, specifically Sallos, Dantalion and Gremory. Im quite curious to know if you coul get a message from one of those. Much thanks in advance!

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Would like to ask the same question as Virago, much appreciated.

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Thank you, seems accurate as I’ve been getting different directional pulls recently and trying to assess for myself what to do and not what other guides are trying to get me to do :slight_smile:

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" I feel that you are very important in determining what must lie within the world and in the world beyond. You must determine that for yourself, but you can also teach others in your own time. Ultimately, it’s this. You have one goal. That goal is up for you to decide, but be careful. Don’t be discouraged if it’s hard. It’s not your fault for wanting that goal. That’s all."

I get from the others in the goetia that a good first step is to do a small pathworking for them and get a feel for how that would work for you.

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I feel that you are surrounded by very cthonic, watery (?) entities. Seems dark as though there’s something related to the deep unconscious.

" Hahaha. Epsilon is braver than he thinks he is. So many people have limits on what they call on, but no spirit is really interested in destroying a person who just wants to talk.

I give you the same advice. Just work with whatever you want without worrying about right or wrong, danger or safety. The others will be mad at me, but you are always safe! You just have to trust yourself. That’s all."

Zagafan (channeled that name):

" All spirits come from the collective unconscious and beyond of spirituality itself. Beyond and beneath the outer appearance of truth lies the substructure of what constitutes subjectivity and reality. Do not believe in the limits that define this as being real or that. No laws. No one set all of this in place. The most important thing is to just be free and live as yourself. That’s all."

That’s all I get.


This was extremely accurate and on point, I’ve been working with dark water spirits recently and astrological magic, I’ve been getting closer and closer to Leviathan too. Much appreciated.

Also very accurate on the message from Leviathan too, I’ve been working with all types of highly dangerous spirits ever since I started, where other people thought I must be insane to call on such dangerous spirits early on, that’s something I’ve never thought about much until now.


Thank you! This was just the movitation I needed.

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I know you just did a soul read, but I was hoping I could test your patience in reaching out to the spirit that WANTS to say something about me, whoever that is, in order to know what the path is to put the internal debates to rest.



Yes, you do seem to have a good handle on these things.
I have been working with a multitude of spirits and things have gotten hazy and blurry regarding my clairaudience lately. I am currently working with Marbas and Raphael for physical healing. I am wondering if there is anything pertinent they are wanting to say to me or if there is anything they want me doing differently? If you could ask Marbas first that would be great. I have his sigil beside me now. :slight_smile: Thank You

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I feel like it’s a fusion of Lucifer-Lilith-Source.

It’s true, as weird as that may sound.

I get the feeling that you resonate with light, and that it’s that aspect of cognition that you’re working a lot with.

The message I get is that you have to balance the known with the unknown. Light or dark. It has nothing to do with who you personally are, but it’s the alchemy of energy.

When you dissolve and come back together, you are not sacrificing who you are, but you are a higher form that still resonates with the essential core of you.

Alchemy is a process of equilibrium, the shifting of poles and the synthesis of opposing principles to embody all power. It’s all a matter of perspective but at the same time not.

Feel within yourself the balance of worlds, and you will attain posture, true poise.

I feel as though the last aspect of the message is to look into paths that lie beyond source, RHP/LHP, and the concepts of man. Truly develop your own understanding and you will shine. That’s all.

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" Healing is mental more than it is physical. Balance your mind, and you will see that a lot of somatic symptoms are clearing up because the energy flows easily. There is a diet and physical aspect of it, but that can be remedied by walking and doing activity throughout the day that stimulates your metabolism. That’s all."

Raphael wants to tell you that when it comes to health, you should build within yourself a routine that’s going to maintain your health. Learn the value of animal foods and the deeper aspects of nutrition. Do not trust the supposed authorities. You just have to do your research and find something where you are properly nourished.

Other than that, he wants to tell you that health is a matter of balancing energies within yourself. It’s the physical and the magickal, but also natural. Find nature’s balance in how you feel mentally and also harmonize with a routine that will help you.

That is all.

The rest is just clarification. Health is a matter of good food, activity, and mental balance both spiritual and mental. When all of these things come together, it will be easy to be healthy. You don’t need intense exercise or rabbit food that is pushed by so many.

That is all.



That’s epic and feels right. Whatever you are doing for yourself works. Nice job!

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So, Jason Miller and the magick of Cyprian the Mage?

I never read anything from those two.