Offering 50 free readings Practicing Novice

I drew 4 cards: 7 of cups, the empress, 10 of cups, and the ace of swords. I do see that youve been searching for a spiritual connection or awakening recently, with the empress being present i think it is saying that you need to trust your gut. If you think youve made a connection with a spirit then go with what you feel. Doubt is the biggest hinderence when it comes to magick or anything we try to accomplish in life. Stop doubting yourself but if you think you need extra help achieving your goals, seek out someone with more experience and become their student.

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Well i dont know much about succubi, so i just focused on your other question about the girl. It doesnt look like good news. I drew 7 cards: the tower, 8 of coins reversed, 7 of coins, 9 of coins reversed, the chariot, 5 of swords, and the hermit. I feel like this person just isnt right for you at this time. You think about this girl a lot but you may be missing out on other options. Your rituals do seem to have effected her but its caused her a bit of confusion and shes fighting against your best efforts. The mind is in conflict with the heart and shes decided to not focus on you at all. If you do want to keep trying, then you may want to ask Orias for help.

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So overall not bad news; i drew 5 cards for you: 4 of swords, the empress, 4 of cups, 6 of swords, and 2 of cups. Theres a challenge ahead and like most relationships, youre both going to have to put in serious time ans effort to make this work. Someone maybe a little controling or bossy. Dont let new love blind you to serious issues this person may have. Some arguments may arise and there may be another person coming into the picture; not sure if theyre a love interest or just family/friend but it will cause some strife between you and your new love. Work through these issuse, keep open communication and a solid relationship can form. Hope this was relevant.

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I kept getting the word failure pop up in my mind. So they may not be able to stage a successful boycott but the cards i drew still say there will be some trouble ahead but nothing too serious. I got: 9 of cups reversed, 6 of coins, 10 of swords reversed, 8 of swords, king of cups, and king of staffs. I feel like somebody is preparing to take legal action, be it you or one of your clients. I dont see it going very far though and it could become costly for all parties involved. Theres been some emotional damage and you feel attacked on a personal level. Take a time out and rest. Think about the situation and see what you can do to restore relations with your clients.

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35 readings left. Spots are still open. I will get to as many people as possible the next couple of days so feel free to submit your questions until the number of 50 has been reached. 1 reading per person please.


it’ll be a love reading for me @curiousram

thank you :slight_smile:

I really could do with a reading so, yes I would like one if possible.

Many thanks

Oh, I didn’t realize I needed a question sorry, brain fart :yum: Anyhow, will I get successful in getting good at using my up coming pendulum?

Didn’t realise you needed a question either! I have messaged earlier…may I have a love reading please?

Questions arent necessary. If you put in a request before the limit, i’ll get to it. I’ve done five already today, so i’ll do five more tomorrow.

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May I have a reading as well?


I’d really wanted to have a reading from you, i want to know if i’'ll finally get the man i love

Would love one.

I appreciate your reading.

Let me know if I can ask another question. Love your intuition,

Be blessed and thank you again,

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My question is what do I need to do to get out of the rut I’m in

I want one please!

regarding my love life if you can

I have PM you

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Hey so i drew 4 cards for you: 10 of staffs reversed, ace of coins, 7 of staffs and 5 of staffs reversed. I feel like this person may like you but not in the same way that you like them. I get the feeling that this person has a lot on their plate right now so relationships are on the backburner. They may be seeing other people but i dont feel like anything serious or long term will.come from it at this time. I also get the sense that you need to get to know this person more want to be with them. They value friendships before romantic relationships. Hope this was accurate and relevant for you.

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Hey there! I pulled 5 cards for you: knight of swords reversed, 10 of coins, 9 of coins, 8 of coins, and the tower reversed. So this feels like a very positive message for you. Recently you have been struggling and you may have felt like you were fighting a losing battle. I feel like this period of stress is going to come to an end very soon and you’ll have stability in your life once more. Work hard and dont be afraid of change because i feel like you may have been resisting a change in your life, but it indicates a positive new beginning for you in the long run.

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