Occult dating

You dont always know which random ppl have things which might be of benefit to you. Its a bit of a tightrope i guess… but also i guess with out enhanced skills we should all be ahead of the game :grin:

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Why dont we just expand a bit and make an occult dating site. Preferably with live chat. We are the crossroads of the surface occultists.


I am a web developer myself. I can help you developing a website.

I don’t use dating sites anymore, but I was on OKC for a few weeks and on there I just put my beliefs in my about section. I was vague, but i gave an idea of what I was doing at the time. I only downloaded it because it came up in the app store and I liked the logo. I realized that I shouldn’t have an account if I didn’t plan to meet anyone, so I deleted it.

Ironically, one of the main reasons why I went into the occult was for protection from men in real life. I have strong boundaries and I don’t sleep with men who don’t spend a certain amount of money on me. I am also very reserved and protective of my feminine enrgy, and I don’t approach men or give them attention for no reason. My behaviors drive men nuts because many seem used to just having sex and attention handed to them. I had a lot of stalkers/aggravated guys and attempted rape stuff ( I was followed home and a guy tried to force me to give him a bj, I was groped in broad daylight, I’ve had men get mad at me for not speaking to them first, etc.) A lot of women seem triggered by my behavior too, they try to “correct” me into being more accessible, which isn’t going to happen. Also, for some reason, they think that I want their man, and sometimes they physically confront me over it. I never do, but they persist in thinking that I am trying to wreck their lower-income home.

I also changed workplaces frequently and I have an ex coworker who is still on the lookout for me even though I stopped working there 2 years ago. I used to work at a university and I like going there for the library, and I didn’t want it to be off limits for fear of running into that person. I don’t have a problem finding a man to suck dry, literally, but I needed some help in dealing with the cheap ones because trying to avoid them wasn’t enough. I also couldn’t just tell them what my issue was because in my experience, they get butthurt way too easily.

To end my very long post, I think that Facebook is actually a good site for occultists. I don’t use the internet to date, but I was contacted by many interested parties on there. The Facebook occult community seems pretty cohesive. I also dropped Facebook (not because of the occult community), but if I were to try to use the internet to hookup, I’d use Facebook before a dating site.

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Put your hormone drive into building stuff , creating life etc… Or exercise to put those energy to use to help better health. Exercise builds more testosterone. I think what you meant to say is that you need female energy to balance. U don’t have to have sex to get female energy. Just be more close to them and around them and be a hugger or intimate, not necessarily sex with them. Energy vampire. lol

Well i’m never around any females so whatever man.

Are you a vampire when you have sex with females? That’s only when you have malicious intents right ? Like actually doing energy work while fucking in an attempt to steal her energy. That is really bad in my ethic visions.

No vampire here. I avoid them or train to block them. It’s all about sharing and being around females help balance your yang energy. That will get rid of your edginess to be needy of them sexually.

I guess u didn’t get that that was a joke. :man_shrugging: touchy touchy. Guess you not open to other ideas of dealing with testosterone. It’s your way or the highway.

And the need to have sex is selfish. Your using them. just saying. SAme can be applied to your behavior. you said it so yourself. i need to make sex to them to stay in check. That’s unethical too as it imply using them. :roll_eyes:

once in a blue moon u will find someone worthy. problem is that time is usually when our eyes are closed. lol. Or the universe or guardian angels keep sending that person to you over and over until you can’t not see that person. Then comes the roller coaster. :laughing:

Well you cannot argue with biology. It’s just the way it is. I think it’s stupid that male testosterone levels decline over time when you are sexually inactive and living a celibate life. But biology doesn’t care.

I think the best way to maintain good levels of testosterone is getting into the gym a few times per week to boost muscle growth and hormone levels.

I agree that it’s selfish to have sex with girls just to maintain testosterone levels. That shouldn’t be your main goal if you want to be together with a woman.

study have shown u keep up your testosteone by strength building exercise and don’t eat tofu or soybeans. that’s biology. science. I think you have little info on how testosterone works. even if u use sex. it raise during sex and drop to normal after sex. Celibate life actually increase testosterone cuz your not using it. IT builds up.

And it matters what kind of exercise. if u doing cardio or long marathon running. it kills testosterone. Only strength building type builds it.

All I can add is when they killed Craigslist personals, everything died…Seriously, for sexual hookups, it was the most convenient, and most of the women were what they posted…Most sites seem to inquire about the income of males. Males are statistically higher in number on dating sites than females, reducing the likelihood…there are those hookup apps though. (i think Tindr was one…not sure) Any one successfully get laid using those?

Other question, is it really a good idea for a practitioner to elope with another practitioner…If we check the baneful magick section, every other person wants to hex the shit out of an ex…I’d prefer just being fuckbuddies with a non practitioner than go at it heavy with a practitioner…For all the good sex and magick u can make, would it be worth it if u got hexed into ruin after 3 months and nasty break up wars???

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And most charge the guys fee and females are free.

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Because there’s way less women. Women are more likely to be approached … I haven’t known many women to approach a guy not matter how handsome he is…So it kinda makes sense theres less women…So a guy puts down his green, and for every 1 woman is a pool of maybe over 20 guys to select from…So then the question is, what is the male paying for if not to make a ceo wealthy somewhere…

Dunno how ppl do it these days, but some attribute a spike in stds to the phone apps…So is the pleasure worth the price one may pay for it down the line? This goes for both females and males who often take whoever they can get, rather than anything they really want, or perhaps the partner opens the 6th dimension sex wise but has a disease or wants kids (literally, the idea of impregnating someone who will carry it puts a fear of sex in me comparable to the fear of painfully dying)…

Of course as occultist u have an edge…and may be subject to that advantage if ones defenses against other magickians, sorcerors be not held in check…Ask any man or woman here, I bet some of u would agree that finding out the way you met someone your smitten with was that they casted a love spell on u…Literally seems in thought as bad as getting hexed…

Problem with dating is u lose so much time for 6 months of thinking ur in love…the infatuation phase when humans shouldn’t make life changing decisions…falling in love is like being chemically altered or coming out of anaesthesia, so legally u wont make smart decisions…^ months later, break up, maybe yall didn’t live together for a year first…Drama…maybe yall weren’t ready for kids…Drama…It’s a time sponge, not that u have to give up practice either with or without another occultist as a lover but U WONT GET THAT TIME BACK…

Damn dude, this is some dark ass territory…scary stuff

It also applies to clubs in physical world. Free for ladies and men have to pay for entrance fee and you can’t even talk in the noisy loud music environment. lol That means it’s all base on looks and body language and quick one nite stand.

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Only clubs I know are strip clubs…easier to pay for a sexual encounter although riskier…5 or 6 dates and chances are u payed more than a John or Jane getting a hooker…Diseases are no less the hazard dating are they?

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strip clubs would be harder as they see u as customer and not for dating so they out to milk you and they play the game. It’s still better route if someone is just into hookup rather than relationships.

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They’ll milk u yes, but if they really really like u, u may strike out…but yeah…i question the future of dating or hooking up in the atmosphere of a pandemic…makes one rethink whether one even wants offspring, or to love someone else who may just die or infect u…not worth the pleasure anymore.

Well man are absolutely right, the cards are indeed stacked against team XY in those regards. However, stacking the cards against the bottom makes it a million times easier for all near the top which is a place any man can get to if they want it

It’s dicey for sure which is why I take such a cautious approach to my dating life. 1 in 2 women have something… So I don’t fluid bond with one until I can trust her and only with one at a time. Gives the special ones something to aspire to earn as well in a world where dudes fall over backwards for the chance to take care of a sexy girl for a few months. It’ll be something with meaning. Extreme ownership of your life pays off

They all deeply appreciate it as well when you value yourself highly enough to draw boundaries without a question. Every dude in the world is going to say “well I’m not most guys lol” in response to a “most guys” statement. If you have to say it, it doesn’t apply. There’s a lot of ways to get them to mention it and it comes down to radical self respect, mutual respect, and having something bigger than the girl in your life at all times.

I’d set basic personal rules about the modern playing field (good ones to have anyway). I always make the girl say “please” before having sex (great interaction control, and it’s “enthusiastic verbal consent.” Priceless for both sides peace of mind.) Just an “all you have to do is say please” works wonders as you hold the tension breathing their neck in. Also, don’t date women from business/work, just don’t. There’s 3.5 - 4 Billion others to choose from…

I’d look at Blackdragon’s stuff, saves a ton of headache. Thing to remember is all relationships are temporary so emotionally plan on it ending at some point and be prepared to ensure it’s due to frusteration and not boredom (boredom guarrantees they’ll never be back. Worst thing you can do to a woman if you’re going off their behavior)

You can do a ton with cold approach. I’m always screening girls everywhere I go because I genuinely like having that magnetic interaction whenever possible. I love the tension. Small talk the girl at the front desk at the gym and see if she’s up for an adventure, she’s probably either bored out of her skull or has something cool to share. Teach sigil magick as a “law of attraction technique” and use the sexual gnosis as a way to talk about her vibrator.

All getting down proceeds from sex talk. They all want a high level guy who is exciting enough to care about yet with enough tact to not fuck them over. Most will risk getting hurt for excitement. The deck is stacked = there’s not a lot of competition out there…

By the way Zepar says “Hi”

Scroll up to my resources I left a while ago in this thread. They transformed me and few things feel better than knowing a woman you really care about is laying in bed texting you with a big giddy smile. I’m down to talk game logistics in PM if you’re not getting leads but I think an evocation and an intention will do quite a bit for you

Just think of it as giving these girls something amazing to smile about, you are the prize they’ll get stoked with their friends over. It sounds arrogant but when is that ever not the case when that happens?

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Zepar is very interesting…the idea of being barron, (as to never get a woman pregnant ever) is extremely alluring…Rather commit suicide than be a father.

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If you’re spending that much on 5 or 6 dates something is wrong… Unless she’s someone special I’m not shelling out for that haha

Dude, look into Blackdragon’s stuff. He’s worth paying for. My average date costs me $4 and whatever gas I used with her on the bike up the canyon

Your essence is enough. Your vibe is enough. It’s the who, not the what.

Dates are a way for people who are unsure of themselves to make up for value to offer. When you’re crazy about a girl do you think of all the stuff you’ve done together? Or is it the 2 am eating nachos in her apartment laughing about some thing that does it?

They’re looking for a vibe, and there’s ways to do that without spending more than coffee and a walk. So long as you really connect with her. That’s where your spirits come in.

After you’re just as into hers, that’s when I do all the planetarium, aquarium, mongolian grill stuff. It’s for women I’m already sleeping with who hit it off with me.

A lot of my girls are strippers and they’ll treat a dude with cash as something to exploit. I saw one pull $47,000 from one she wasn’t even sleeping with.

I’ve seen a dude who vibes well do stuff I’d curse them for and the same girl goes running back like he’s a drug, to the risk of self preservation, time and time again. Be strong, fun, non judgemental, a bit dangerous, and someone they can trust and you’re king of their jungle. That’s the candy and Asmodai and Belial are godlike in teaching it.

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