Obsession Spell

Hello everyone. Do you know any strong spells for obsession? even to make a person become a stalker. Thank you in advance

Try the intranquil spirit spell found here: Intranquility Spirit spell - everything you need to know

You’ve tried it, everything I find about the Intraquil Spirit says that it always ends badly. Although I have always been tempted to do it.

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Yes the rumour is that you replace the spirit after your death rather than continuing your ascent.

It’s also alleged that the person who it’s cast upon can become dangerous due to their obsession

It didn’t work for me so I can’t comment. In any event the OP didn’t ask about consequences so I didn’t discuss them

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I would like someone to perform this ritual for me and do it correctly… someone who has done it many times, that would be nice

I understand, did you do this ritual yourself? or did someone do it for you? and if someone or you did this ritual, did you check the cards to see if it was done correctly?

You can post spell-begging in this thread and if someone wants to do it for free they can voluntarily pick it up:

Ok thank you

I did the ritual myself

Do you know what the reason was that the ritual failed? Did you make any divinations? Did you give up or came up with something new?

I didn’t bother with divination as I ultimately gave up on the target and moved on to bigger and better things and people.

It could be that my ancestors were trying to protect me. It could be that my higher self was or it could be that I never agreed to take the place of the intranquil spirit or it could be that sometimes magic fails without a reason.

Ultimately the target was a narc so take that for what it’s worth

I understand… maybe it was necessary to make him recover first… sometimes. mentally ill people and under the influence of stimulants have such a devastated mind that even magic doesn’t work on them

You are free to DM me for a spell to this ends.

Would you help me? Even if it’s with advice. I’m waiting for your private message, I don’t know how to send it, I can only receive it and respond.Thanks

Yes, I will after I perform divination about it. Some people are trying to use magic to dominate the life of others.

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Hi what do u mean by dominate the life of someone? I’m new to this and very intrigued

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Most obsession spells is a control conjures especially when you meet someone who really knows what he’s doing. When the target is fully obsessed with you, they are no longer themselves in the real sense because they will operate under the influence of a magic spells.

If that man is your brother would you allow it?

Work magic on yourself to radiate the best quality that can attract pleasure, beauty, get laid while you also work on your character if you are the type that likes every man to bow to you, if all male figure is a threat to your personality and you want to dominate them which has now have effect on the way you see a supposed partner.
And this has kept most men away from you but now you are seeking an obsession spells to keep a particular man in your control.

There is magic for that and I am not saying you shouldn’t do what you want but who wants to be a part of that anyway?


This conversation seems to be finished and the thread is now only attracting advertising spam and spell begging, so I will close it for now.

@Kirah as you are the OP, if you want to add content to it later just PM the @moderators group and we can unlock it.