OBE Exit Phenomena

Just curious if anyone has experienced the sound of fingers scratching down a wall while in deep trance or in the hypnogogic state?

I was meditating last night when I changed positions from half lotus to lying down and I sank down possibly close to delta when a massive buzzing began in my body with the onset of paralysis, yet I remained conscious enough to notice the sound of the walls being scratched for a little while.I assume this was an astral noise as I was right on the threshold yet my physical eyes were open but lids very heavy, as I was already in a 2 hour long meditation session. I have experienced conscious paralysis and the buzzing many times but have never noticed a sound like that before which made me think I was close to an exit.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

I havent heard scratching noises. Apart from the buzzing of the vibrations, I have heard screaming, sirens, whistling, my name being called, and the sound of electrical sparks. I usually only get one sound per exit, except once where I got the screaming and the sirens together when I was partially out.

The sounds you can hear are endless, and in my experience always vanish when full exit is achieved. Its kind of like they only exist while you are in the process of transferring your consciousness from your physical self to your finer vibratory body.

Thanks, Brutus. Your explanation of your experience makes me want to go through the threshold and complete the transfer. It’ll be a huge breakthrough if I can get to that point again and complete the exit. Good to know it vanishes on full exit as not knowing what the noises are can freak a person out and snap them back in to the physical. I kind of kicked myself after the fact realizing that I could have gotten out, but in all honesty I wasn’t trying to get out, I was just doing candle meditations of the OAA flames. lol.

I know what you mean by wanting to kick yourself. My first time I was partially out and had the vibrations flowing through me and I heard a high pitched shrieking that rose and fell to the sound of some kind of loud siren. I have never been so afraid because I didn’t know about any of this. This was a decade ago and put me off meditation for years. Anyway, I willed myself back into sync with my body and when I opened my eyes I saw a young girl looking at me with perfect clarity. I reached out and put my hand through her then I really freaked out. She wasn’t aggressive or scary looking, in fact she looked calm and completely non threatening… but I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on.

My biggest regret was not keeping a level head and attempting some kind of communication with her. Fast forward 10 years, a spiritual healer told me there was a young girl following me.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a dark figure standing at the foot of my bed and I remember raising out and moving towards it… I blacked out after that and have no recollection of what happened. The only thing I remember as I was going towards it was a complete lack of fear. (Yes I know, don’t fear the demon but be terrified by the human child)! It could have been Amaymon as I have been calling on him, or it could have been anything… I really have no idea who or what it was.

That’s a really cool and interesting personal story, Brutus. This spiritual healer sounds quite gifted. I’m intrigued. Any more you can share about this healer as I wouldn’t mind a session sometime with someone with this gift. Interestingly, I had a vision with the darkness meditation a couple of weeks ago where I sensed and saw in my vision a green faced demon, old and haggard looking with balding, straggly, longish, greasy white hair(aka a skullet)up to my top right but this began an internal dialogue about the darkness, it’s power, what it can accomplish,etc. The name Amaymon flashed the instant I saw the entity. Another friend said it may have been Belial, but I can’t say for sure. Maybe there were more than one with me that night.

Does the young girl still follow you? Have you found any resolution to this? That kind of stuff makes me wonder if I have a similar thing going on which is why meeting a gifted clairvoyant in the flesh might be a good idea.

This woman I saw is more of a healer, who just happens to pick up on things. I know of another clairvoyant who is really accurate, I’ll get her number for you in the next few days, have to get it off a friend who has seen her. I haven’t seen her yet as everyone I know who has seen her, says she is dead accurate. I’ll PM you with her number when I get it.

Yeah awesome man. Thanks heaps.

This seems to be a fairly common one for a lot of people, as well as hearing people you know in the house that aren’t actually there.

A challenge is being able to differentiate between astral sounds and phenomena manifesting out of your own subconscious. Where does the lucid dream end and the astral begin?

Concerning strange noises heard during exit, I’ve always had the theory that it is a safety mechanism of the brain. Sort of a “Hey Dont Do That! Scary Things Out There” kind of thing haha

This seems to be a fairly common one for a lot of people, as well as hearing people you know in the house that aren’t actually there.

A challenge is being able to differentiate between astral sounds and phenomena manifesting out of your own subconscious. Where does the lucid dream end and the astral begin?[/quote]

This is actually a problem of mine right now. I have yet to obtain a full exit, but a multidimensional existence coupled with the human mind and the unconscious makes me ponder a bit more than liked about what is real and what isn’t.

That and the whole self and not self concepts of oneness with “God.”

These things make progression difficult for me.

On a side note, recent meditations (Full paralysis…I think close to OBE…I am always close…) have spawned a vision of hooded figures encircling me and vivid noise along the lines of “We are watching you.”

I don’t know if that is my subconscious fucking with me or I actually experienced something astral and I am being observed.

Excuse any attempt to hijack the thread. Was not my intent.

In response to noises, this is what I have experienced:

-Spaceship like noises…very odd and terrifying
-Completely unrelated strings of conversation
-Standard buzzing and such related to OBE

This seems to be a fairly common one for a lot of people, as well as hearing people you know in the house that aren’t actually there.

A challenge is being able to differentiate between astral sounds and phenomena manifesting out of your own subconscious. Where does the lucid dream end and the astral begin?[/quote]

This is actually a problem of mine right now. I have yet to obtain a full exit, but a multidimensional existence coupled with the human mind and the unconscious makes me ponder a bit more than liked about what is real and what isn’t.

That and the whole self and not self concepts of oneness with “God.”

These things make progression difficult for me.

On a side note, recent meditations (Full paralysis…I think close to OBE…I am always close…) have spawned a vision of hooded figures encircling me and vivid noise along the lines of “We are watching you.”

I don’t know if that is my subconscious fucking with me or I actually experienced something astral and I am being observed.[/quote]

it’s been my experience that sleep paralysis is actually a good condition for hearing what entities have to say. So my guess would be the hooded figures may actually be real.

Dreadvegas, very interesting. I can certainly relate to some of those experiences. The other night I was performing some of the exercises Bitterroot has written of in another thread and I had my girlfriends voice whisper in my left ear, “baby” in a sort of terrified and pleading manner to come as she was in the next room sleeping. When I went in a few minutes later she told me a half hour earlier that she was awoken by nightmares. This isn’t uncommon for her, however, the whisper in my ear while in a deep trance was as clear as day and no way it was her there physically. I nearly jumped out of my skin it was so real. So either it was telepathy as I had lost track of time being in a timeless state or it was a spirit impersonating her voice.

defectron - I appreciate your wisdom. I am not really surprised by hearing this. The last female to stay at my house swore up and down that there are very dark things around me.

I don’t get too much into constellations but I am a Leo and my ruling planet is the Sun, with Saturn being it’s second (Or in it’s influence? I am not a nut on this). I understand these are intelligent forces and Saturn isn’t exactly the most beneficial entity. (I have seen plenty of reasons to think this…paintings, mythology, saturnalia cult, etc)

Also my name equals 18. Or 666 if you have an imagination.

But never have I once been harmed or threatened physically…so maybe they are just observing my progression. If they wanted me done it would of happened already.

NO FEAR. Lmfao.

Virdon - I know what you mean by the vividness of the sound. Like they are inside your eardrum. Honestly it could be a multitude of things. Subconscious feeding you noises you have heared (but didn’t hear consciously…like you end up hearing it later), spirits fucking with you or just a hallucination. I know normal sleep paralysis causes hallucinations in most people (and are often terrifying.) But as defectron suggests, we go into a state that is very good for communication through the planes of existence.

If you’re hearing songs that are coming from thin air, grinding or humming you’re on the right path. Spirits can and do communicate with you in this state. I’ve heard voices and even seen fully materialized spirits while experiencing sleep paralysis. This can be very terrifying, especially when a malicious spirit is harassing you for energy! Then you wake up sick as fuck, altough you went to bed feeling great. Nightmares equal fear which is food for vampiric entities.

Once in this state of paralysis try moving your arm or turning your head. You should see an astral double move. You’ll know it because you can see your arm still laying there but it feels like you’re moving. Continue to focus yet still sinking towards unconsciousness. If you’re waving your arm you’re close to an exit. Now roll over on to the floor. Lead with your hand followed by your head. Once out try a few exercises; look into your reflection in the mirror, switch consciousness between yourself and the reflection. You can also try jumping through a mirrors or window. This will lead you wherever you want to go. Shape shifting is a fun exercise, so is taking your cat for a spin through the trees out back. There are many lessons to learn about being outside of your body, but remaining nearby. It’s like you’re the ghost in the hall your roommate is terrified of. Don’t think astral travel ends here, thats just the beginning!

Zecharyah, what does it mean when you see a reflection other than your own in a mirror? Twice another face looked back at me… I felt it was me, but just another body.

I think you’ve answered your own question. But, for insurance, determine if the reflection is behaving under its own direction like a spirit or is acting under your control. If it’s you jump into the mirror and take a new body. I think that’ll work.

Brutus, I’ve had various experiences on this subject.

My partner occasionally sees an older version of herself in the mirror, sometimes it laughs and goes away.

However, I have interesting experiences lookings in mirrors after practicing a lot of magick.

Sometimes the image is of me, sometimes I can see what I’ve invoked, sometimes I see something different. It really depends on what magick I’m doing, what I get in the mirror.

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

I wondered if the image was what my mind would like to look like, or if it was a past or future version of me. I can’t do it on demand, so Im waiting for the next time to try and experiment with it.

I talked to a friend of my father this weekend, he and my father both project frequently. My father only does it while dreaming but his friend can do it more easily. My fathers friend was telling me about how he didn’t recognize his own body when he first started projecting.

The way he explained it to me was that when we are consciously in our physical body we tend to look at ourselves through rose colored glasses, we see what makes us feel better (think of the 350lbs toothless waitress at the Waffle House who swears she’s a 10). When our consciousness is not with that body we see it as we would a stranger walking by. The analogy he told me was it was like looking at a photograph of yourself, you don’t think you look like that but know its you.

I can’t achieve an exit yet so I have no clue how valid this thought is. Maybe the more experienced can chime in.