[quote=“tiberius_james, post:15, topic:972”]well i don’t know if this is any use but the only time i’ve been able to induce visions is when i go to bed, close my eyes, then roll them up in my head as though i’m trying to look at something above my field of vision without lifting my head.
basically, look up as far as you can until your eyes hurt (happens right away) then back off just a tiny bit so it’s comfortable-ish. then just meditate however you like. sooner rather than later (20 mins?) it’s like you’re looking through a small window into another world. sometimes i see things i don’t even know what, and other times it’s like a near-perfect scrying vision. if i relax my eyes and not strain to look up, the vision disappears entirely. a few seconds of looking up again, and it’s back.
when you get deeper into trance, it’s as though the “up” becomes your normal field of vision and you forget you’re doing something funny with your eyes at all. it feels kinda like looking back into your head, but your head’s filled with some awesome weird shit.
if anybody would like to try this and post back, i would be most interested. alternatively, if you all know about this already, put me on to some good resources cos i figured this out myself and i may be way behind the 8-ball with it.
I’ve learned two different techniques like this.
In one of them, you create a spinning vortex from elemental air (in my experience it had a white color), like a mini-tornado/twister and have it pierce your third-eye, going out both front and back. You can experiment with the directions of spin. It is hollow and spinning, and it draws energy through it. Once it is there, you can shift your whole perception up a few inches and peer out of the tube - like a peep hole for your astral body. The first time I did that, I was looking at the nothing on the back of my eyelids, slid up a little bit and bam! I was looking out of the tube. There are other uses for this technique as well, but I thought that was a neat side-effect.
In the other technique, you create in front of you another vortex of sorts - it is as if the space in front of you is twisting in on itself. Like if you were sitting inside a balloon, and something were pulling the wall in front of you toward you and warping all of reality as a result. Like pulling a sphere inside out from the inside, where the sphere is reality itself. I was taught that this technique will allow you to use your sight/vision inward rather than outward. I did a quick drawing on the computer to visualize what this one looks like, at least how it looked to me when I was shown, and posted it here.
Note: These aren’t just visualizations, they’re energy forms. If you can create them, play around with them. Should be an interesting experience for you.