OAA Pathworking: The first flame

So, here’s a discussion page and a template. :wink:

If you’ve begun the pathworking, here is a good place to start talking about it.

In my practice so far, the first flame exercises seem pretty straightforward. I haven’t mastered them yet, but I like them so far. Any other experiences, tips, tricks?

The first flame discussion thread, and table of contents:

I will try to keep this section updated as a table of contents for the other flames, as well as related posts.

Answering the question - are the flames being maintained?

Original topic page:

The Second Flame discussion thread:

The Third Flame discussion thread:

I had an interesting experience while doing the first meditation. Once I got to the point where the darkness was present I kept seeing a large eye. The flesh around it was brown like an old penny but the eye itself was black and I could see the wetness and light glistening on it. I would push it out of my mind but it kept coming back.

The pendulum exercise is really difficult for me as I couldn’t keep it going in an arc but instead was all over the place. It is a whole lot harder than it sounds.

I haven’t progressed past the first two exercises yet as I’m more focused on the FWB project. Once it is done I’ll dive in.

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That is very interesting. I have also been seeing the same eye whenever I go very deep into this meditation. It is a dark presence but is by no means an uncomfortable one. I just took it as a sign that a certain dark presence was aware of my intentions. Although I have had the strong presence of Martal with me the last few weeks, the energy of the eye was distinctly different. The more, the merrier as I saturate myself with the perfume of dark ecstasy.

Do you guy’s think that this ‘eye’ might be Azazel? I saw the same large eye several weeks back in meditation just appear with a darkness that was pushed into my chest along with a message of sorts. Not uncomfortable, yet a definite dark presence taking an interest in what I was doing. I randomly mentioned this experience to another on the forum and he has also experienced Azazel in this manner. Just a thought.

I agree Bitterroot, I’ve been feeling it since I got the complete works but was unsure if it was the spirit bound to the book or being tuned in to the current of Azazel from the BOA which was the first section I read. As you said the presence is not uncomfortable but can be felt. Hopefully when I reach the initiation to the first flame some of these questions will be answered and hopefully many more questions will be presented.

Meeh. I suck at visualisation. I don’t get any vision of an eye. :frowning:
Interesting what you guys write about that phenomena though! Kind of jealous here. :-p

What I have gotten so far is that it feels really nice to have this darkness caress your body while visualising the whispers in an unknown language! It also came to me. I didn’t have to force the visualisation of the darkness entering. I don’t feel any fear or repulsion towards the darkness though. I attempt to fake or visualise a fear towards it, but no success with that yet. Still. The darkness gives me a great feeling. I have also gotten used to the new relaxation exercise. I am used to switching concentration to specific spots on my body and tell it to relaxe. It works really well for me, but I decided to use this new exercise suggested in the OAA material, and after a few tries it has started to work well with getting me relaxed.

One thing I have a problem with is the “mudra” hand gesture. When I do it, it is hard to be relaxed in the arms, since I twist my hands in an unnatural way. Is the fingers supposed to be pointing upwards, or horizontally? What do you guys do?

Anyway, I like this exercise. It feels great to do.

I haven’t specifically started the OAA stuff yet, however I’m chiming in to say that I too have been seeing this eye quite frequently during meditations recently. Interesting so many of us are experiencing this.

Maybe I’m cheating but the chair I use has arms so after a few minutes of letting my hands “levitate” so to speak I rest my elbows on the chair so my arms can stay in that position so I can fully relax. I have noticed that once I put my hands in the levitation position I feel an intense heat coming from my palms. I have felt it before when trying to push energy into something but never in meditation so I’m interested to see where that goes.

Continued practice of the aforementioned meditation results in a type of dark ecstasy, a frisson of excitement that will start from the bottom of my spine and unfold itself to the top of my head. Although it sounds similar to Kundalini, it is not.

This feeling is also often triggered in me when I listen to really dark music or look at artwork that is demonically inspired. Although I have never been involved in any BDSM practices, I imagine practitioners experience a similar euphoria as well.

I have been told by several Tibetan Monks who practice Bön and Chöd, that it is dangerous to induce this feeling, can become addicting, and opens you up to a darkness you cannot come back from. Sounds excellent. I’ll keep practicing. There is such a feeling of power inside that euphoria.

I am finding that even after only a few repititions the pendulem excercise is becoming increasingly easy. At the begining it was just all over the place, I was expecting to just “lose” the image but instead found that it behaved in a rather realistic way, flowing through circles, figure eights and everywhich way except the clean arc I wanted. I now find that even when it decides to move out of the assigned path my image splits with one image showing the new undesirable path and the other in the path that I want. I simply let go of the new path and return my focus to where it should be. Upon doing this I noticed intense stimulation of my brow.

The candle excercise is interesting, I worked the red candle yesterday and it opened up some unpleasentness in its passions. Although it seems to have brought out something that needed to get out which is good.

Finally, the vibration of god names, I’m not sure if anyone has experimented with Nitrous Oxide, often called “Nangs” because of the often experianced auditory experianced of repeating sound (nang-nang-nang-nang). I am experiacing this in the silence that follows the god names. I’ve done alot of vibration of god names before but never noticed this, the invocation of omnipotence performed beforehand seems to have a strong effect on them

Updated the table of contents / info section on the second post of this thread. I will try to keep it up-to-date as a table of contents and link to related discussion. I posted the next two flames in separate threads, to try to make a uniform feel to the threads. If people start pushing into and through them, I’ll build out the next several, and so on.

Epic, Redcircle!

I did notice tonight while doing the pendulum exercises that I had to stop my eyes from swaying back and forth as if I was literally watching the pendulum. When I finally got my eyes under control I started feeling a tapping or twitching on my third eye.

well i don’t know if this is any use but the only time i’ve been able to induce visions is when i go to bed, close my eyes, then roll them up in my head as though i’m trying to look at something above my field of vision without lifting my head.

basically, look up as far as you can until your eyes hurt (happens right away) then back off just a tiny bit so it’s comfortable-ish. then just meditate however you like. sooner rather than later (20 mins?) it’s like you’re looking through a small window into another world. sometimes i see things i don’t even know what, and other times it’s like a near-perfect scrying vision. if i relax my eyes and not strain to look up, the vision disappears entirely. a few seconds of looking up again, and it’s back.

when you get deeper into trance, it’s as though the “up” becomes your normal field of vision and you forget you’re doing something funny with your eyes at all. it feels kinda like looking back into your head, but your head’s filled with some awesome weird shit.

if anybody would like to try this and post back, i would be most interested. alternatively, if you all know about this already, put me on to some good resources cos i figured this out myself and i may be way behind the 8-ball with it.


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I forget where but I read about that before. It was described as trying to look through the third eye. I’ve gotten visual scenes while doing this in meditation. Once I saw a giant pyramid unfold itself into smaller pyramids, I’ve also seen strange landscapes similar to when I tried salvia a few times which I hate by the way.

never had salvia but unfolding pyramids is as good an explanation as anything i could come up with. i thought looking through the third eye was a metaphorical thing, like directing energy there and commanding it to open. if you need to physically try and look through the damned thing, that’s just retarded.

thanks for sharing, wandering fool. the third eye aspect never even occurred to me. if you ever happen to stumble upon whatever it is you read, maybe post for the rest of us?


They said putting the eyes in this position somehow opened the mind up psychically and allowed content to come in more freely. If I stumble across it again I’ll be sure to post it up. I thought it sounded odd but I’ll try nearly anything once just to see what types of results occur.

[quote=“tiberius_james, post:15, topic:972”]well i don’t know if this is any use but the only time i’ve been able to induce visions is when i go to bed, close my eyes, then roll them up in my head as though i’m trying to look at something above my field of vision without lifting my head.

basically, look up as far as you can until your eyes hurt (happens right away) then back off just a tiny bit so it’s comfortable-ish. then just meditate however you like. sooner rather than later (20 mins?) it’s like you’re looking through a small window into another world. sometimes i see things i don’t even know what, and other times it’s like a near-perfect scrying vision. if i relax my eyes and not strain to look up, the vision disappears entirely. a few seconds of looking up again, and it’s back.

when you get deeper into trance, it’s as though the “up” becomes your normal field of vision and you forget you’re doing something funny with your eyes at all. it feels kinda like looking back into your head, but your head’s filled with some awesome weird shit.

if anybody would like to try this and post back, i would be most interested. alternatively, if you all know about this already, put me on to some good resources cos i figured this out myself and i may be way behind the 8-ball with it.


I’ve learned two different techniques like this.

In one of them, you create a spinning vortex from elemental air (in my experience it had a white color), like a mini-tornado/twister and have it pierce your third-eye, going out both front and back. You can experiment with the directions of spin. It is hollow and spinning, and it draws energy through it. Once it is there, you can shift your whole perception up a few inches and peer out of the tube - like a peep hole for your astral body. The first time I did that, I was looking at the nothing on the back of my eyelids, slid up a little bit and bam! I was looking out of the tube. There are other uses for this technique as well, but I thought that was a neat side-effect.

In the other technique, you create in front of you another vortex of sorts - it is as if the space in front of you is twisting in on itself. Like if you were sitting inside a balloon, and something were pulling the wall in front of you toward you and warping all of reality as a result. Like pulling a sphere inside out from the inside, where the sphere is reality itself. I was taught that this technique will allow you to use your sight/vision inward rather than outward. I did a quick drawing on the computer to visualize what this one looks like, at least how it looked to me when I was shown, and posted it here.

Note: These aren’t just visualizations, they’re energy forms. If you can create them, play around with them. Should be an interesting experience for you.

Also, looking up with eyes closed does seem to help stimulate the third-eye in my experience. I would guess that it helps you draw your awareness to that point - our minds/bodies are interconnected in many ways, so this shouldn’t be too surprising.

Similarly, physically rubbing the third eye (brow) as well as the temples seems to be a good aide as well, especially if augmented with energetic stirring/stimulation of the area afterwards.