OAA Pathworking: The first flame

As I understand it looking “through” the 3rd eye- not to mean use your R&L eyes (the first and second I(s) :slight_smile: but see through the 3rd eye- a “pocket” area within the skull/brain

-ie like saying look out of just your Left eye, and one is used to seeing through Both eyes (Binocular), or just the Right eye… that could be interpreted as use the Right eye as if it is looking through the Left eye, rather than activate the Left Eye itself.

Now using what is "active" to activate another part works (the look up I've learned before, but rather than sustaining that position- sort of like "tapping" a part of your leg to enhance sensation and draw your Attn there, and then "close your eyes" and feel... then when that nerve-stim fades "tap" a bit more.. then listen and see what that activates..  (in the same way the seeing through that part- the Over-Vision in a sense... I see it as a distinctly different "Screen" so to speak.. ie like normal vision is one "TV Monitor screen" and imagination another, another memory... and then one up and a bit off to the side (hard to place in relation to the others, just requires a shift of 'mental-vision focus" to focus upon that other "screen" and see what is there..
mind keeps jumping back to the TV monitor-screens known- espec if speak-talk-think (which is associated with the other screens). etc.   

a bit of a shift from this (the Incants from the Third and Fourth Flame seem to trigger a strong awareness shift- only really is spoken as if to something-someone listening… if just reading or speaking out loud- just words, even if “intending” “spoken with feeling” etc. But if you sense some listener hearing as you say those words…
the Third is a nice four word unit: say be heard, and sense a shift? and then try and activate that other “TV screen” what visual is there, and not how the Mind tries to jump back and/or to re-illustrate it/translate it onto one of the other screens. etc…) *so not part of the first flame, but I find the First Flame receiving ritual is like a formula- each step sets the foundation for the next… so I practiced each in a different order or alone first (assuming that developing each unique step alone first, prior to any “Momentum” would be best, and then done in the OAA seq does provide a layering-stackup…

On a different note than the OAA, but related to the above- “how can I see” this is unique, but could help (and I sense could fit with this thread’s work)… the techniques in these 2 videos (part1&part2) can Look Like other stuff seen, but easy to misinterpret. (these are part of basic building blocks of a system I’ve worked for a number of yrs- if one has seen the posts on this forum about the “Tones” from this same teacher- fits into this also)

Eric Pepin :: Higher Balance Institute®: Energy Movements (Part 1)

Eric Pepin :: Higher Balance Institute®: Energy Movements (Part 2)

also on a different angle: this site has some interesting ideas (can be tested while reading, but builds up over time, but can feel immed affect- so tell if one is on it… but easy to misinterp)- Amygdali Tickle… click Fwd

on this page it starts with book ordering- but if you scroll down like 16 screens (pgdn) then there is a section that has excerpts and info of (or jump to/find “FUN-DA-MENTALS” )
the other pages from main site has stuff buried in there, have to click and scroll screens to find (avail free on site vs just getting/buying the books)

Warning the tone of the site and style is more artistically um loose (?) then BALG and espec other “dark” or even “light” esoteric sites… (that likely won’t make sense, but if you go there you’ll see it looks different and one might not dive into it if the style clashes). anyway- <I receive the First Flame, I burn with the First Flame> luck

I just got done doing the darkness meditation and got some interesting/uncomfortable results. While laying down doing trying to sleep (work nights) I began to do the darkness meditation. After a while I see a shadow of a person next to the corner of my bed by the head. The shadow moved forward and it’s face was mine but not at the same time. Then the face started shifting into different faces most were quite hideous and uncomfortable to look at, I tried to continue the meditation as instructed and then the shadow moved as if it was standing over me and then sitting beside me. Something came to mind that E.A. had said once while all this was going on about telling a spirit to take him. I opted not to give anything permissionto take me but instead struggled through the meditation and ended it when the shadow was not perceivable anymore. I’m excited about the experience because this was the most powerful result from these exercises so far but also shaken as that face in the shadow was one of those things I kind of wish I could unsee…now to try and get some sleep hahahaha.

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OK, I’m hoping there is no connection between what happened yesterday and how fucking sick I am today. I had to leave work last night as I got so sick it was all I could do to get to my car. I get home grab a quick shower and collapse in the bed. Not long after that I start seeing the entity from last night. He starts showing me these exercises while I’m laying there freezing to death before I start performing them. One exercise consisted of creating a solar halo around ones head, once there you start pulling the energy into you through your crown. As you do this the halo will get smaller and go from the color of sunlight to completely black. When I did this I would get a hot flash that ran through my head down my arms and through my whole body. It felt a lot like when your ears start getting hot when you start drinking alcohol after a long time without it. Then it started showing me these shapes that looked a lot like gold crop circles and he was telling me I would know what to do with them when they’re ready. I’ve made sure to rule out fever induced hallucinations or anything of that nature. I will keep updated.

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When doing the darkness meditation, I feel a drop in temperature. I haven’t seen any beings, although a form of my recent ex appeared in the room today. This was my second day of practice and I did it twice. When the darkness surrounds me, I haven’t felt any fear whatsoever. I think this may be due to past meditations over the years, and/or possibly due to the way I live which is honest and straightforward, also accepting and knowing what my strengths and weaknesses are…the past week I have felt like I have been hit by a mack truck…barely able to move from a lack of energy…I am concluding it is from the FWB project, as this had happened during my participation during the first one…Also, my fingernails started to grow rapidly which happened last time…I am thinking this is from the tremendous amounts of energy surrounding and working with all of those involved…I’m just speculating here though…If anyone else has any thoughts, feel free to share…

I have been hearing from a lot of people that are experiencing similar energy drains over the last week.

You know Wandering fool, people from some occultism groups here would say this book trapped you into attracting cheap vampires into your life, and now its teaching you to vampirize other people so it can get energy from you while you work for it like a poor servant since you dont have enough energy to offer.

Just saying lol what they say around.

[quote=“Divinator, post:26, topic:972”]You know Wandering fool, people from some occultism groups here would say this book trapped you into attracting cheap vampires into your life, and now its teaching you to vampirize other people so it can get energy from you while you work for it like a poor servant since you dont have enough energy to offer.

Just saying lol what they say around.[/quote]

Lol, cheap vampires my ass! I spent $400 to get taught that! I think I just had a nasty virus, lost 8lbs in 12hrs, still weak and feel dehydrated but nothing I can’t handle. I slept a good bit of the day away and had dreams about the circles. I was laying them out on the floor and would periodically wake up finding myself reaching out trying to put them in the correct space and felt a strong urge to build something with them. I only guessed at a connection since the entity and the virus both came so close together.

The only thing that got vampirized was my last sick day from work…fuck.

Glad you’re ok now man.

Yep, i started today with the lessons from OAA and I just got addicted to the precious exercises that it have and all those lessons.

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I have also been feeling drained, I had put this down to extremely high work schedule combined with some other life stresses but it did feel a bit disproportionate

I’ve seen entities while performing this as well, almost like drawing in the darkness turns the whole area into a big scrying mirror. No sense of feeling drained though, usually feel pretty refreshed after.

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I saw an eye or “the” eye as mentioned earlier but as I continue this exercise, I not only entities in the shadows or shadow people, it seems that characters in my dreams seem more real. In other words, it is like I can sense their consciousness.

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What you want to do when you feel a malevolent entity is to mimic his energy until he no longer feels malevolent, basically making yourself into it.

I’ve had three attempts at the darkness meditation now over a week or two and finally on the third attempt some “really” interesting things happened that I had not expected or anticipated.

The first two attempts were okay but nothing really groundbreaking happened for me, however on my third attempt I experienced all sorts of closed eye visuals and narrative dialogue.

As I began to breathe out releasing all the tension, I saw and sensed a green faced entity up on my top right hand side, I am sure that this was a demon. He stayed for quite a while and came rather spontaneously. Then began a dialogue in my mind as I began to try and sense the darkness. This dialogue seemed to be my own voice but not me and was either a spirit guiding me or my higher self guiding me, which one I cannot say for sure.

As I was guided through what the darkness is, does and means and what can be achieved through it and is being achieved through it by people in this world I began to see images of dark gods and goddesses as per their symbols such as Lilith’s statue and certain well known people in specific worldly industries just kind of becoming aware of my awakening to the darkness. I know this sounds strange but it’s like EA says that eternity becomes aware of you and I really sensed and saw other individuals who ‘know’ eternity from local to global. Images of people I would never have thought but now I know it makes total sense. At certain points in the ritual my legs had a kind of sudden pressure applied to them as if something changed in me right at that point. And when first entering the darkness I began to see images of the awful and depraved of humanity, this morphed into also the beauty of the darkness and that there are many, many facets to it’s power and influence.

Without going into too much more detail, I was under the realization that certain initiations take place through this exercise and an unspoken oath is expected of one who has awakened in the darkness so that’s about all I can say about it but I felt that I attained something of immense value through this exercise this time around.

Thanks for reading.

Since doing these exercises routinely especially the darkness meditation I have been feeling myself change. This could be coinciding with the Death of the Old Self ritual as well but I feel myself growing spiritually darker or at least spiritually heavier and its taking an adjustment period to deal with. It’s an interesting trip if nothing else.

Someone sent this to me earlier…

The best way to strengthen you visualization skills can be acquired through daily practice. Ritual requires laser guided focus (one pinned concentration) to focus the mind on one goal and one goal only… Nothing ruins a ritual more than debating what your going to have for breakfast/dinner right smack bang in the middle of a ritual.

In regards to your question, I’d personally start in a dark room, no light whatsoever. Keep your eyes open and visualize something simple, something like an apple or an orange. Hold this image for as long as possible. You should find this easy with your eyes open in a pitch black room as there will be no visual stimuli… As you progress start introducing light slowly until the room relatively lighted <---- This exercise is good for evocation and seeing with your eyes open! This will take some practice but once complete you will be able to perform the exercise without issue.

Another note: You could for a few weeks, a couple of hours a night blindfold yourself and try perform your normal tasks like make a sandwich, cup of tea (do not burn yourself) or whatever - this may sound ridicules but you’d be surprised how your internal senses you don’t normally rely on becomes sharper, you will feel spirits ten times more easily also…

Give them a try, you wont be disappointed.




Had a strange experience with the darkness meditation for the last few days. As I focus on the darkness and feel it surrounding me and filling me with it’s essence it begins to turn to flames. The last meditation ended with me being engulfed in a wave of flames, I kept seeing myself attempt to climb out of the flames but was pulled back in. I’ve noticed a more calm nature about myself since experiencing this. Thought I’d share and see if anyone else has had similar experiences.

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I smell a shit storm approaching lol

… Here we go again. gnihtemosilium, if you got the CW with all the books, then just work through those and ask an entity to teach you the stuff. You get what you want, and you aren’t recklessly asking for folks with happy trigger fingers to start blasting off at you.

If you honestly work through the material in EA’s books you have the OAA material just not in an outline method. Do the work and reap the benefits.

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