Not just money, but gold and a gateway to true wealth

In November I did a spell for wealth that I learned through a member of the Golden Dawn. I was unconvinced that it had any effect until now. I was introduced through strange circumstances to a network marketing company and now business is starting to roll in. I have two people signed under me without ever doing anything.

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Is the NetWork Called KaratBar?


Post the spell man.

Needed: Milk, Thirteen white candles, seven green and one gold.

Anoint the candles with Milk

Set them up as follows.

The white candles on the outside circle, inside that the green and in the center, the gold candle.

Starting in the east, light the candles clockwise starting with the white. The gold candle should be the last one you light. The. Simply let them burn out on their own.


not to argue,but it seems like a version of a south America,wishing spell,but tere u burn like 70-100,small candles or matches,all on once,or everyday,until u wish come true,

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A big congrats. And thanks for sharing the ritual.


Needed: Milk, Thirteen white candles, seven green and one gold.

Anoint the candles with Milk

Set them up as follows.

The white candles on the outside circle, inside that the green and in the center, the gold candle.

Starting in the east, light the candles clockwise starting with the white. The gold candle should be the last one you light. The. Simply let them burn out on their own.[/quote]

Thank you very much Rygill -85 for sharing with us this instructive insight .I appreciate a lot your unselfish heart .
Wish you many good happy returns .


Are you rich?

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I don’t mean any disrespect but you’ve asked this quite a bit. So, how about it? Are you?

I don’t mean any disrespect but you’ve asked this quite a bit. So, how about it? Are you?[/quote]
not going to say. im curious because the title of this post is about to true wealth? wondering if the person achieved wealth in any form. coming to a website liek become a living god i would expect people who are in power and attained great things. not 50 bucks on the ground

For me Wealth is not having Much Money, for me Truth Wealth is to be able to Generate all the Money you need to Live your Life comfortably, I learned as i progressed in my Magickal Path, that when you can Manifest nearly anythings you want(I dont say i can) You feel less and less the need to accumulate, to store things, money etc…

For me the Desire to accumulate, to stock etc… Show a fear of Lacking etc… and so, as a Magician, that have manifested so far pretty much all what i needed(I have still a lot, a LOT of work to do, but so far my Life is Perfect and as i intend it to be, due to my Magickal Practice), I dont feel the need to accumulate riches, etc…

Just my UPG


[quote=“Mephistor, post:12, topic:7968”]For me Wealth is not having Much Money, for me Truth Wealth is to be able to Generate all the Money you need to Live your Life comfortably, I learned as i progressed in my Magickal Path, that when you can Manifest nearly anythings you want(I dont say i can) You feel less and less the need to accumulate, to store things, money etc…

For me the Desire to accumulate, to stock etc… Show a fear of Lacking etc… and so, as a Magician, that have manifested so far pretty much all what i needed(I have still a lot, a LOT of work to do, but so far my Life is Perfect and as i intend it to be, due to my Magickal Practice), I dont feel the need to accumulate riches, etc…

Just my UPG[/quote]
enjoy that lifestyle not my problem

I don’t get what you’re saying here?

If you expected this forum to be full of Gods who float round on clouds and zap thunderbolts from their fingers, then you’re kind of missing the word “BECOME” in the url, and are likely to be very disappointed.

But if you want to find a place to learn to work as living humans to improve circumstances that currently exist, then this is the right place for that, as the entire thread on effective money magick, and the lived experience of many of us on here (myself very much included) will attest. :slight_smile:


[quote=“TheBaphomet666, post:13, topic:7968”][quote=“Mephistor, post:12, topic:7968”]For me Wealth is not having Much Money, for me Truth Wealth is to be able to Generate all the Money you need to Live your Life comfortably, I learned as i progressed in my Magickal Path, that when you can Manifest nearly anythings you want(I dont say i can) You feel less and less the need to accumulate, to store things, money etc…

For me the Desire to accumulate, to stock etc… Show a fear of Lacking etc… and so, as a Magician, that have manifested so far pretty much all what i needed(I have still a lot, a LOT of work to do, but so far my Life is Perfect and as i intend it to be, due to my Magickal Practice), I dont feel the need to accumulate riches, etc…

Just my UPG[/quote]
enjoy that lifestyle not my problem[/quote]

I actually do, Thanks, and just to let you know it’s not a problem for me since it is what I want so it’s only normal that’s it’s not a problem for you either haha

Very true Lady Eva. I’ve said this before, that gaining of “wealth”, is not an overnight process. Ok, someone can cast a spell and win a power-ball lotto, but how many of us have heard the tales of lotto winners going broke in a year or two. True wealth is that which can be passed down from generation to generation. Its building something, a legacy, land, business, or such.
Spirits open pathways to do this which allows the observant magick user to make life choices which will bring them to their goal.

Some prefer to sarcastically deride people for using the advantages of magick, saying “where is the proof…where is the proof right now? You cast a spell last night why aren’t you rich?”. But that shows a clear childish lack of understanding and ignorance in both how life works and spirits work.

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Needed: Milk, Thirteen white candles, seven green and one gold.

Anoint the candles with Milk

Set them up as follows.

The white candles on the outside circle, inside that the green and in the center, the gold candle.

Starting in the east, light the candles clockwise starting with the white. The gold candle should be the last one you light. The. Simply let them burn out on their own.[/quote]

Cool! What is the significance/symbolizing of the milk ?

[quote=“vonPfaff, post:16, topic:7968”]Very true Lady Eva. I’ve said this before, that gaining of “wealth”, is not an overnight process. Ok, someone can cast a spell and win a power-ball lotto, but how many of us have heard the tales of lotto winners going broke in a year or two. True wealth is that which can be passed down from generation to generation. Its building something, a legacy, land, business, or such.
Spirits open pathways to do this which allows the observant magick user to make life choices which will bring them to their goal.

Some prefer to sarcastically deride people for using the advantages of magick, saying “where is the proof…where is the proof right now? You cast a spell last night why aren’t you rich?”. But that shows a clear childish lack of understanding and ignorance in both how life works and spirits work.[/quote]
Results is what your aiming to get. if magick was done not for results than thats a complete waste of time… if you want pathways open to allow you attain your goal your RAS or reticular activation system does that for you. so either the spirit your talking to is tricking you or your talking to yourself.
not trying to be mean take it with love.

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I covered that:

It can be difficult to convey tone through text - the thing is, IF for example you were to post some stuff, and I reply “yeah well that’s all very good but if you can’t even stop yourself pissing the bed then it’s meaningless” then that’s open to 3 interpretations:

  1. I believe that you’re pissing the bed and that you’re being dishonest to cover up for a grave shortcoming;

  2. I honestly misunderstood you, and think you have some kind of issue you do not have;

  3. I’m trolling you by throwing up a strawman to imply you’re inadequate, which has the added advantage that you then have to address it (“I don’t piss the bed”) which a troll, or dishonest debater anyway, can then spin as “Yeah, okay whatever!” or “I think you’re being too defensive” etc., and then use to push you outside your preferred level of disclosure on your night-time peeing habits.

Now, I’m using an extreme (and rather silly) example there to make my point, but the core ideas are applicable to everything you’ve posted so far in this thread.

So, going to magick and what people are capable of, I for one have NO desire nor intention to start bragging, honestly by now I’m beyond trying to “show my work to the class” for approval or validation,. so you can either think I know what I’m talking about, or now, it’s all the same to me personally, “suck it and see” is the only thing I can suggest when you find someone posting a new method or sharing about a piece of work they’ve done. :slight_smile:

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@TheBaphomet666. Keep in mind that everyone have different point of view on every single thing that exist and you just can’t “throw” your points of view regard wealth (in this case) at every single person who comment on your post. You said it once and there is no reason to repeat things over and over again. Also, do not get affected when someone say something different that what you expect to hear.

You don’t need to cover your eyes behind the truth when it comes to this. Manifesting wealth is not simple thing, period. So asking someone if he’s wealthy/rich just because he posted a ritual and wrote its purpose doesn’t make any sense. I’m just waiting for moment when you’ll ask: “How much money he/she generate per month/year?”… I guess you got my point, if not it is okay again.

You can not manifest wealth within few days, months nor even one year. It require around few years just to build entire system and plans for it then to start “building your empire”. Well, at least that sort of wealth which you have in your eyes. Is it possible? Hell yes.

Basically you have to build small towers which are connected with eachother and then to build big one that will be connected with small towers. So that they can handle big tower without problems. If one small tower fall, it is easier to repair it because other small towers will still handle it. If you build one, big tower without small towers (its structure) it can be very risky and if it falls, you will lose a lot. Building small towers and then big one, requires more time than building one, big tower and it is way safer for you if you’re planing for stable long-term wealth.

By the way, since you seem interested about that sort of wealth, I was planing to write few huge articles about this in future and keep it updated for very long time, literally tracking progress but still … I didn’t fully decided.

P.S: (I usually speak a lot in metaphors for some reasons but I assume you’ll understand that)

~ Flame

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