No Fear of Demons (anymore) But

So, I am in my journey of discovery and learning and, as I mentioned in my intro post, I am very drawn to Daemons and want to learn more about them and, hopefully work with them. The fear that I have now is about attracting imposters/tricksters/parasites and it’s what’s stopping me from doing an official evocation/ritual.

So far, I have only been meditating and trying to connect to Lucifer using his Enn, and I think I have been seeing and (maybe) hearing some things. But I am so hesitant about doing an actual ritual.

The other problem is that I don’t live alone, and in my current living situation, the only place I could ever do a ritual is my bedroom. I am extremely sensitive to energy in general, and I don’t want to have that energy where I sleep. Any thoughts on this?

How do I get over the fear of attracting unwanted entities without even knowing?

Any advice is appreciated :hearts:

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Perform regular banishings and set up some simple wards.

Banish after rituals to clear the energy out.


@DarkestKnight thank you. I’m sorry if this sounds stupid, but could you recommend any simple banishing or warding exercise that I could use?

Thank you.

Nevermind :smiley: I did a little search and found some stuff. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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Absolutely, have a browse through these and pick what sounds good…

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@Mulberry thank you :slight_smile:

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You can’t overcome fear until you become strong yourself. To put it very simply, demons only respect strength, that’s their world. I won’t go into detail about the fact that not everyone is like that and some demon kings have really good hearts. But overall it’s about strength. Everyone must respect power because it is the highest law. There may be a situation in the future where demons will be afraid of you. It’s not nice at all to be alone.