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Well So far im really interested In demonic magick and demonology overall. Also as I stated in the introduction and one of my posts I’m pretty new to magick overall and I’ve never heard about consecration rites to answer your question.

So can som1 advice me on what should I focus on and what kind of grimoires and exercises I should look for ?

It’s really whatever feels right to you. Is there a path that peaks your interest particularly?

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Idk if it’s a path really but demon magick and demonology overall seems really interesting.

So focus on infernal magick and the demonic side of things

Also if that’s not a path by itself, can you please tell me the actual paths.

Well you are definitely in the right place. LOL

That is not my area of expertise, but it is for plenty here.


Well what should I start with then

You just said you wanted to begin with demons, so begin with demons

If I only would know how to work with them I wouldn’t ask believe me

Well research and meditation never herts to start.

Well ty for the advice

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Any time.:+1:

I showed you where to begin…

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Oh I had to miss it then sorry :neutral_face:

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Scry with a wall mirror or, like me, hand mirror; although maybe it isn’t so effective (not as much as, say, an obsidian mirror). Close your eyes and concentrate for some minutes on what you want to see, then inspire deep, stop, expire deep, stop, continue for other minutes and tend to the mental void. Open eyes, try to not being reflected in the mirror and gaze at a location on it. Keep on until you’ve reach an altered state and came out by “going through it”.
Astral projection, again you may use a breathing to relax body and mind, to the point of altering consciousness. Emphasis is often put on the vibrations; there is an exercise where they must be directed towards the head. In particular, as an example, Robert Monroe’s technique looks scientific and is interesting.