New update and question

For communication, i find using a pendulum for spirits like succubi and incubi to work pretty well.

is there a more natural way …or maybe you already told , which is meditation but what kind. And how can I invite then to meditate with me

Guide to meditation (made to help mostly beginners).

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You can work on kundalini too, they will respond more to you and might even help you out when your working with your chakras and sexual energy ( kundalini)

okay thank you.

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Yw. When you invite them into your space, make sure its quite and your alone. Than just call out to them and give them permission to join you in meditation. Just work on your receptivity.

the addition from the site source you gave me or the kundalini meditation

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What is your main goal with your incubi?

to better and more communications and sight of him and the kids

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Ok take a look at this. Ultimate Psychic Senses Guide / Ultimate Astral Senses Guide / Ultimate Spiritual Senses Guide

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Hope it helps you.:grinning:

thanks a lot

could i ask ubi for help ? instead of lilth and them. since hes a cloaer source and quckee to contact with. sorry if I’m asking a lot

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That all depends on how you would like to do things with your incubi. You could contact Lilith and write up a petition to her to make communication with you and your ubi easier. But you could just ask your ubi yourself. Lilith is a just a higher power. Whatever your preference is.

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What is her incantation or sigil

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You can google her sigil. Her enn:RENICH VIASA AVAGE LILITH LIRACH

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and the incubus enn chant is Reaha becana lyan quimu .? at least a royal ubi enn chant. making sure the person had given the right info. last question sorry. just wanna get this right so I’ll have less mistakes like if it’s true or reply saying no

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The chant reayha bacana lyan reme quim (spirit) is a universal chant used to replace a (traditional) enn, and to invoke a spirit you dont have an enn for. Its not a royal ubi chant. Or specifically for incubi. Its a universal enn used for the purpose of invocation.

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great! that will be all thanks love.

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Yw! Goodluck with your ubi!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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