NEW Members should not read this!

Just Kidding.

Welcome to our forum. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

  1. Give us “The forum members” an introduction. It doesn’t have to be your life history but we do like to know a little bit about the people we talk to. Tell us things like what brought you here, how long you have practiced and what you practice. Your age would be helpful as it helps us craft appropriate responses.
  2. At the top right of the screen is a “Search Function”. A lot of the information you seek can be found there. Please use it. If you can’t find the answer there then feel free to ask questions or create a topic.
  3. If you create a topic and your not getting responses as quick as you would like, DON’T create another topic, you may need to just re-work what you already written. It could just be as simple as a catchy title to fix the problem or just give it time. This forum is worldwide so you may have to wait a bit.
  4. Please be courteous. There are many views and opinions expressed here. Some may fit your point of view and some may not. Respect is key to having a long and happy relationship with the forum members.

I hope you found this information helpful and look forward to hearing what you have to share.



Thank you for your guidance, I have taken note for better compliance with the forum rules

Sorry to be a mood killer, but what beginners HAVE to read is the BALG rules. :joy::joy: Your points 1,2,4 are included in the rules.

And in my experience maybe one in 30 people actually read the rules, or post a complete introduction. A lot of newcomers also post multiple threads for the same topic so I figured this would help. Thanks for your input :slight_smile:


Dats some good clickbait lol - got me to look even though I was expecting exactly what I got