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Is there a way to get rid of prosperity bound by a higher power ? Is there a ritual for it ?

Can u also get rid of being bound by another person?

How did u find out u were bounded by a higher power?

The demon Belial told me.


Thanks for that answer

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These videos help me.

You are not alone i was also informed by a higher power that i had been held back in past lives including this one…

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How did u know u were held back ? How did u find out ?

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After u found out and u cleared it how did u feel after

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How u felt when u got rid of this?

Great question. There are many twists and turns to my story some parts sound like bad pulp fiction but it is what i was informed by two powerful spirits of the Goetia. It started recently with several unexplained illnesses and when i started hearing voices i knew i was in deep shit! Several fillings disappeared mysteriously as well small parts of my teeth.

Through my own rituals i discovered a curse had been placed on me by a collecting and business rival as well as an ancient curse by the demon Berith Grand Duke of hell.

However when i was younger before i started any magical practices. I had many strange experiences. Starting at age six after Halloween i had strange nightmares seeing a blackened witch. I woke up mystetiously for three nights in a row at 3 am. On the third night I saw the witch being burned at the stake. When i was ten i made a cheap paper voodoo doll and did a playful hex for illness on a teacher. The next day she called in sick.

The most bizarre of these occult experiencees was when I was 17. I read a book for self-motivation which had empowering phrases. I recited several of the phrases from the book adding my own goal’s of better grades and education and omg!! I started waking up st 3:21 am for no reason. On the 3rd night i woke up at 3:21 am with a huge white flash of light going off in my head. I heard a deep voice in my mind say hello. I was then thrown from my bed!

Fast forward to 20 months ago when i started having visions and hearing voices. I made contact with two deitys Berith and Marbas. According to Berith he is the demon who was holding me back and been watching me since childhood due to a past life going back to 1487 AD.

Berith claims in the 15th century I worked as cleric in an English Star Chamber. That i was on a Catholic Council that dealt with heresy and witchcraft. As a priest i was responsible for researching pagan religion’s. Ultimately however i was executed by the Crown for witchcraft because of my knowledge which was turned against me.

Berith hated me for my accusations and occult research as i turned it against His followers. Sounds like bad pulp fiction. Now is any of this true? I have my doubts but it is what i was told. I have not cleared this ancient curse i am still working on it…

Well it seems there is a demon holding me back but i got to find out , my magician does not see any demons around me , maybe something higher i need to find out . Btw thanks for your answer .

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Yes i wake up 3 Am everyday as well . And den go back to sleep always having bad dreams etc .

It sounds like someone has hexed you. In these dreams or visions the deity will usually leave signs as to their idenity. They employ various colors or take the form of an animal i.e. a lion or alligator sometimes they will speak after awhile you can pick up on these signs and determine who the deity is. Also as in my case the deity will usually identify who cast against you.

To break a curse which is a contract or pact between whoever cast it and the demon can be extremely difficult. There are many factors in play. Time will tell if you can beat the odds and win out over your opponents.

Well my magician is gonna find out from the demons if i am
Hexed or the high power had held me back , i also hope this can be broken i have been suffering from the day i was born i always felt like noting good happens to me , if something good happens to me it takes time to happen but with alot of stress, noting flows for me smooth. I hope my magician finds out this issue.

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I understand and know the feeling. Good luck.

Just had a weird dream i saw a demon is a girl and full of skull and skelton bones trying to catch me , i cant figure out which demon it is maybe u can help me out . Thanks

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Your vision has nothing to do with a demon but self development. The running girl with bones you are chasing many different things in life and you need more structure. Dreaming of random skeletons signifies that the opinions of others are important as well.