New Here! Need Help from Fellow Members! Please!


I have been browsing the topics here since last few weeks, and got signed up today. I must say that people over here are very friendly, helpful and the contents posted are truly insightful.

I have been going through a bad marriage. Got a 10 month old toddler. Some people negatively influenced my wife and one thing led to another, and we are staying separately since last 6 months.

I miss her, love her. So does she. But she does not want to reconcile without me accepting to some of her illogical conditions. Those people who are eating her head are still around her.

I am extremely emotional person. Staying away from my wife and kid is not something that I can handle. Got admitted to hospital twice in the month of March for chest tremors and low blood pressure. I am feeling very down, emotionally and mentally.

Thing is that this whole scene needs a little push, may be magically. After going through several threads, I found Amon to be the best person to help me out.

But then, I am extremely nervous and fearful kind of guy. So I fear to call him Amon. Again, family members are around all the time. Although I need his very badly but is not being able to proceed with the ritual.

I wanted to request somebody who has done this earlier and have good rapport with Amon, can you please do a ritual and ask Amon to help me in this? Will this be as effective as if I do this?

I donā€™t have any other way to come out of trauma and sufferings that I am going through other than reconciling with my wife and baby. I need help.

Please let me know. Thanks a lot in advance.


Read this thread.


Hi Teddy,

Yeah, I have gone through each and every reply to that thread. In fact, I have searched for Amon and read every thread related to him.

Thing is that I am afraid to summon him. I am kinda fearful person, to be honest. I really wish if someone would be kind enough to take my details through PM and summon Amon to help me.

I understand that this is something I need to do. This is my problem, why would anyone bother to waste his time to help me. But then, I am hopeless. You canā€™t understand the level of pain I am going through. Mental pain is hundred times worse than physical pain.

You might as well leave this message there.

Nice suggestion. Doing it right away. Thanks :slight_smile:

Youā€™re welcome. I hope you will have your wife back. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you are scared of demons why not try archangels instead ?there are many books on angel Magick that doesnā€™t require summoning

Could you please refer to some effective books on working with Angles to gets wishes fulfilled?

Btw, I read somewhere that both angles and demons are same. They just vary with energies. Demons used to be angles but got punished by god sometime as they disobeyed him sometime. Not sure of this concept though.

Use the search button here (magnifying glass) and type in Archangel Chamuel.

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Amon Is a good choice for you to work with. The highlight of that statement is ā€œFor you to work withā€. In a situation like this, I feel that you should be the one to reach out to Amon. No one knows your situation better than you no one feels for the situation more than you, no one can put the desire for the result in to play more than you. Fear is such a stumbling block for human beings,

If your mind is already set up and working with Amon Then mentally youā€™ve already started the process. If youā€™ve read all the posts, like you claim you have then I think just speaking to him And reaching out for help and guidance would be a good start for you.

Maybe just drawing his sigil on a small piece of paper and carrying it with you Or lighting a candle in his name itā€™s all that youā€™ll need. At the very least you should work through your fears. Asking someone to do this for you is like asking someone to run a marathon in your name. How can you appreciate the win when you didnā€™t even enter the race.

I want you to take your fear and crush it, rise to the occasion, tell the universe what you want and how you want it, I have complete faith in you.


Thanks a lot for those positive words and encouragement. I highly appreciate this :slight_smile:

I come from Hinduism where working with demons/spirits is considered as a sin. Here itā€™s widely believed that spirits might help you to get things, but they can also snatch it away any moment. They are feared in my religion, Infact everything is feared which is anti-God.

I have heard that my grandfather from maternal side had a spirit. They would give incense and food to that spirit everyday. In return, that spirit made them richest family in their area. But with time, they could not keep up with dialy rituals (food, incense) and the spirit left their house angrily.

The day after his exit, a huge fire made all their rice stocks (from cultivation that was supposed to be sold for money) into ashes. They had cows (for milk) and bullocks (for farming) and they started dying. Things went so bad that they found it hard to survive. Although my grandparents have died, but their family is still struggling to recover from this.

I remember one incident - once there was no one at their home and one of their neighbours tried to enter the home and steal something. Once she picked up the thing and was heading towards the main door to get out quickly, something caught her, and she could not move at all. All she could move is her eyeballs, nothing else. She was there, standstill, for around 30 minutes till someone from the family came to home and saw her. She cried, admitted her guilty and was allowed to leave.

I mean, spirits are protective but can undo things or harm severely if they stop liking you. Now this is something that makes me fearful.

Fear is essentially born from lack of understanding, itā€™s natural and instinctual to be fearful of something especially when you have witnessed those types of events. But those people involved in your experiences are not you and your situation is also entirely different.

I highly doubt that not keeping up with a ritual caused their entire life to crumble, there are just so many unknown variables to that I would not know where to begin.

Your situation is a just and noble one, just asking to be with the one who you love who actually loves you back warms my heart and I am sure Amon would come to your aid in your situation.

I will definitely ask Amon to assist you and give you the strength you need to overcome this obstacle but I want you to be involved. You too need to speak with him and ask him yourself. If you have no privacy, do it in your head. Tell him how you feel, ask him to help you, guide you and be your champion in this struggle.

This is his symbol. If you can print it great! if not just remember it as a keyhole surrounded by clouds with 2 keys in the lock.


Say these words in the morning when you wake!

Avage secore Amon ninan

Here is a link to help you with pronunciation:


You might find this interesting :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Can I do the ritual at day time or only at night? Itā€™s 2.24 AM right now. Please tell me. I am awake for next one hour. If itā€™s mandatory to be done in night time, I will do it now or else will do it tomorrow day time which will give me less fear :slight_smile:

I think under the circumstances doing it in daytime is fine, I do magick all times of the day.


Thanks Eva. Your answer raises a question in my head. Isnā€™t it that demons are powerful during night only (when there is no sunlight) and day time belongs to God so demons go powerless?

Do you think Amon will come to visit someone and listen to his request even in day time?

Sorry for your situation, as Iā€™m generally speaking new in the magickal practice but have started to see the positive results, as for working with entities or spirits (I prefer those terms over a or d) can be what you put into it with your intentions. If you are doing this out of a strong intent of love for your wife, child, and of course yourself, then magick can and will help and spirits out there will hear you and help show you if not directly assist you in such endeavors. If you do it drastically and with doubt in your heart I cant say what the outcome will be. As well as others have said above, its best to do it yourself and will result in the best outcome for everybody, first step is to meditate and focus in on your love, the warmth, the feeling of closeness and support you gave each other with the intent of bringing it back together. Then after this if you need help from a being of a higher status amon or pagiel could both be of assistance depending on what is more comfortable in line with your beliefs. Hope this helps friend, much luck and love to you brother!


Amon to some is considered a day demon

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Hi all, this is what I managed to do.

No one was at home for sometime. So I took her pic and drew Amonā€™s sigil on her face. Althoug Amonā€™s sigil carries two circles it it, my circles were not round, (very bad with hand drawing) but I managed to do it anyhow.

Then I blew to the pic several times to charge it. Then I gazed at it, and after 15-20 seconds I could see the sigil coming out like a 3D version, like it gets merged with the pic and the face in the picture coming out of the sigil. I am not sure if this thing actually happened or my mind relayed that to me.

Then I talked to the person in this pic saying, Name come back to me, reconcile with me, talk to me. I said above lines 10-15 times.

Then I played the Amon chant video on YouTube and while it was playing I started feeling something like some energy flow inside the body. Believing that Amon is here, I said, Amon, Thanks for coming. I need your help. I want my wife back and I want her to stay with me. I want to lead a happy family. I know your are capable of doing it, so I request you to please get my wife back to me. In return, I would praise your mighty online."

I would have talked and engaged in conversation with him for much more time but someone rang the door bell and I had to say, ā€˜Thanks Amon for coming, you may please leave now and please get my request doneā€™.

My phone does not have a case, so I put the photo inside an envelop and kept it below some papers, beside the bed for now.

I am not too sure if my process was accurate and fruitful. I had to end the conversation in between as someone popped up at door. I am not even sure if Amon was here and if he agreed to help.

Could anyone help me with this please? Like asking Amon if he heard me and willing to help me. Pleaseā€¦

Just consider it done, he heard you. Forget about the ritual and go on with your life.

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