Neo-Pagans/New Age/ Goody-Two Shoes Witches Misguiding Begginers

I have a list of Questions…

#1 Why The FUCK! Don’t Neo-Wiccans/Neo Wicca Books mention that you CANNOT perform any form of magick without being in a trance?

#2 Why the FUCK! Do Neo-Wiccans fucking fail to the Basics of real magick and the Astral Senses

#3 (This One Especially Pisses Me the MOTHER FUCK OFF💀) WHY the FUCK! is Sigil Magick /Chaos Sigil Magick Presented as if it were a FUCKING Begginer Spell?

#4 Out of all of these fucking shitloads and fucking shitloads of important ASS! Information, WHY THE FUCK! are these NECESSITIES of Witchcraft and Magick never fucking mentioned by Neo-Wiccans and Neo-Pagans?

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1: They do. However, it depends greatly on the particular author. Both Christopher Penczack and Silver Raven Wolf cover altered states of consciousness in their books, for example. However, altered states are not required for things like celebratory rituals or religious observances so if the book focuses on the religious aspect, it likely isn’t covered beyond the simple use of prayer.

2: Again, they don’t. However, Wiccans can vary greatly in what they do, and what they believe. Yes, there are some who call themselves witches for the mystique and who do nothing more than wear pentagram necklaces and read New Age books but any true practitioner of Wicca is generally well acquainted with those skills, especially if they have been initiated into a tradition. Self-study is generally not as arduous as the requirements for entry into an established coven. To join a coven, you are usually assigned a mentor who will train you in the basics for a year and a day before you can become a full initiate.

3: Um…because it is? Spare-style sigils are some of the simplest magick you can do. Candle magick is probably the only thing that is easier.

Again, they are. You just need to look. Christopher Penczak, for example, has two whole books on the inner and outer workings of Wicca (The Inner Temple of Witchcraft covers the magical foundations while the Outer Temple of Witchcraft covers things like religious observances, initiation and group workings)

However, you also have to realize that some books are written with the expectation that the reader is already familiar with the basics. A good example is the Goetia. If you pick up a copy of the Lesser Key of Solomon, you’ll notice that none of the foundational skills are ever mentioned and that is because at the time it was written, it was expected that the one reading it would already know them.


Why do you sound so frustrated, did something happen? :eyes:

I don’t think that this is actually correct, so there’s nothing wrong with those books imo.

Trance state allows certain kinds of perception to become more clear, but all you need to do magick is intention and directed energy. You do not perform sympathetic magick in a trance, or remote viewing, or taoist rituals… you DO do shamanic journeying and astral travel in a trance, and much ceremonial magick - wicca isn’t using ceremonial high magick, it’s considered low magick, and much of it is sympathetic (low, kitchen witchery etc) not ceremonial (high).

Define “real” magick? What makes magick work is the practitioner not the technique. Astral travel is it’s own discipline and not part of low magick, so it’s like asking why there are no … idk, no spells in gthe Matrix - different worldviews and different purposes.

Yeah it’s pretty easy and simple, I’d call it beginner, I don’t see why that’s an issue? :thinking: There’s advanced uses but you get out of that what you put in.

They don’t need to… It kinda just sounds like this isn’t the current that vibes for you and you’re trying to make it into something it’s not. Try something else that doesn’t frustrate you maybe?


Um Yes! You See I’ve been Studying Magick Since I was 15 but I’m just now learning about Astral Senses and how to entrr trancework and such

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Um Don’t you atleast need to be in Theta-Gamma Sync or Deeper for a Sigil/Chaos Sigil to Wotk?

You owe a lot of money to the swear jar.


Yes I do


Yeah, but these aren’t Wiccan techniques, so Wicca isn’t to blame for not telling you how to do non-Wiccan stuff? :thinking:

But if you follow the instructions for sigil gazing that gets you into trance automatically anyway. The flashing means you’re in a light altered state of mind. You’re in a light state like this doing repetitive things, like playing a phone game or driving anyway.

And, didn’t you say you’ve been getting results? No harm no foul.


Not through chaos Sigil magick…one the other hand…I’ve been gazing into demonic sigils, now I have not gazed into chaos Sigils…

@Azazel66613 Also some authors teach meditation & trance work in sections about scrying and candle flame gazing.


But you can’t scry as a begginer
…can you?

No. Chaos sigils work through your subconscious mind so you do not need a deep trance level like the Theta/Gamma Sync. To fire a Spare-style sigil, all you need is a simple alpha state for a few seconds. you fire the sigil and then you immediately banish through laughter.

As explained above, you do not gaze into chaos sigils. You create and “fire” or “charge” them through visualization.

Of course you can. How do you think beginners learn?


Wishing you light and love!!!

Also most new agers aren’t into witchcraft properly speaking, but psionics. And to speak from experience, you don’t HAVE to be in an altered state of consciousness to use magick. Or energy work. What does an altered state DO? It makes you more susceptible to belief and programming and also allows you to make changes to reality
More easily in accord with that state of belief. However, you CAN believe your way through techniques and they will work. However, you want the altered states for developing greater sensitivity. But when you recognize the state you can get to the point of putting yourself into it in seconds. In fact, many people don’t realize you can almost instantly enter alpha by placing your consciousness dead center of the soul star chakra and taking a few breaths. That’s the 8th chakra. Try it. Place your consciousness about a foot above your head, about 8 inches above the crown. You should feel a rapid alteration of consciousness.


In Regards of entering trance I like to gaze into sigils
Also I have luiled myself into Delta which was usually on accident
A few times I accidentally fell into Delta by trying to Astral Project, I was meditating and meditating and lost all awareness…I didn’t know what happened until I came back

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I’m sure there are books with that info in them. I remember learning meditation and trance work through flame gazing and water scrying. Beginners & intermediate books would cover this.

Scrying Pagan Portal Book

Guided Visualisation Pagan Portal Book

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I could attempt to Invoke an entity or Chaos itself before attempting to create/Cast a Chaos Sigil…
Just an idea

You do know chaos magick has nothing whatsoever to do with actual chaos, right? It’s name derives from chaos theory mathematics.

And as I said above, a Spare-style or “chaos” sigil is fueled by your subconscious mind. Why do you insist on making things more complicated than they need to be?

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Oh! Sorry! You did say that…I assumed that if I Invoke a spirit it can help/Empower me while making the Magick

A lot of the things you want Wiccans and Neopagans to discuss are tackled in Silver Ravenwolf’s books, especially in her ‘To…’ series (To Ride a Silver Broomstick, To Light a Sacred Flame, etc). Granted, Silver Ravenwolf gets a lot of flak because of her bubbly writing style and her tendency to simplify everything for her target readers—most of whom are baby witches and '90s kids----but they do cover the basics of magick in general.

But to be honest, Wicca doesn’t really make use of trance and astral work that much. It’s a different occult practice altogether from what you have in mind. Just like in the medical world, you shouldn’t really expect Western modalities to be holistic like Traditional Chinese Medicine because they’re two different practices rooted in two separate paradigms.

My suggestion is you should find a magickal system that aligns with your personal philosophy instead of trying to turn a practice into something that is isn’t.

And calm down.

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And because there can never be enough, I am wishing you Love and Light(bringer)… @Azazel66613

I feel you frustration…
Although not as much, but since I was an armchair occultist for many many years. I feel like I had been missing a very simple, but crucial point/ connection that has never really been properly explained through the scholarly route and only clicked when I started my practical journey.

As much as I like to s**t on the love and light community and the type of lightworkers and wiccans that are scared of their own shadow (yes… deeper pun very much intended)

I think it is something that is lacking on a broader scale. Since a lot of these things like meditation and altered states are seen as such an obvious and basic skill for magick. The more advanced practitioners tend to forget to mention their importance in their work.
As for explanation how to work with sigils. As stated in earlier posts on this thread, a lot of systems work with them differently.