Negative experiences/ My experience with a demon

But this isn’t spirits, it sounds more like scitzophrenia, which is not the same thing.
Anyone with rational thinking who hears this goes “That’s rubbish” and gets help or banishes and isn’t bothered, they don’t just go “Yeah that sounds right I’ll believe that and act on it.”

Mental illness also exists and can’t be wished away as magickal attack. That requires real help and it not what this forum is about.

I did not notice that part, if so I certainly didn’t mean to diminish there negative experience and I was speaking generally not about them personally. Learning is learning, that is undeniable, I never said it was auswärts enjoyable, or necessary or helpful, but it’s still learning.

I realize you’re reacting from a place of angst but this thread is not about you or your experience personally, I simply stated my opinion and I stand by it from a philosophical perspective.

Once a person dies and is in spirit the experiences of being human are no longer so immediate and dramatic, or particularly important, it was an energy and now it’s gone, that is the birds eye view I’m looking at it all from. It’s part of how I deal with my own traumas. I step away from them I don’t play victim and I don’t wallow in them, I get out of that energy as fast as possible.

And again, I’m talking about myself and my approach, whether you think my stategies are “bullshit” or not they work for me, and I can’t do more than that.

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Hey @Mulberry and @A_Pariah not my intention to highjack the thread but my preoccupation I think is within the theme.

I worked with some spirits theses past weeks and I start noticing some stuff like car doesn’t want to start, problem with tv signals, plumbing issues out of nowhere especially right after doing the ritual. So I am wondering what it could be


E.A. among others also report spirit activity when they do more magick. E.A. mentioned this in a livestream more than once… he counters this by upping his wards and protections. In particular he uses bowls of water as spirit traps.

When I notice unwanted spirit activity I do the same, but those horseshoes I mentioned, I actually have 4, 1 for every exit of the house as well as on my temple room. I also have full grounds circle protection including where my car is parked, inside protections like spirit houses, astral set ups (shields and thoughtforms)… a few things, and then I don’t have issues.

If I get an issue I immediately contact the entity and deal with it. There’s one ghost that’s allowed to stay because she’s one of the original owners that built it, but we don’t get on and the deal is she stays out of my sight and doesn’t cause problems.


Oh yeah these past weeks I increased my magickal activities. I stopped for some days, I was getting tired.

So if I get your answers they are not probably not good spirits around my house.

I’m astrology you just fill a bottle water, sent the intention and that’s it. Should I do the same or there’s another way to cope with those unwanted spirits ?

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It probably isn’t malicious as much as trying to get your attention to talk to you. Ghosts can’t usually be senses and so when they find someone they think can sense them, they do their best to get noticed. They often want help.

I personally haven’t tried the water bowl method, but yes I think it’s a matter of enchanting it, and it goes outside at the door to stop entry or something

… I have spirit bottles, which are like 1 gallon mason jar sized glass jars filled with interesting junk like toys and puzzles meant to trap spirts. (This is different than the witch bottles though they’re sometimes called this too but witch bottles generally mean something more akin to voodoo sour jars)
I believe this is valid as it’s taking advantage of the subconsciousness inclination to get distracted by interesting things. The old lore is that the spirit gets trapped inside the bottle and can’t find it’s way out.
Having a lot of interesting stuff helps too, so that you are not the most attractive thing to look at in the house. A spot of clutter doesn’t hurt.

Here’s an image of the exhibited bottles at Boscastle Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall where I first saw and learned of the idea:


I also use water among other things if I detect unusual activity when there shouldn’t be such thing @mth_yesco :slight_smile: No filled bowls or bottles though, I lightly sprinkle selfmade banishing water onto the walls of the rooms with the activity, if the problems are limited to the house :see_no_evil:

When I started out with working with a specific form of entities they set off all the fire alarms at the same time (four fire alarms) and I had trouble with disabling them. There was no malicious intent in setting them off, it was their way to convey a message of urgency and emergency to me that I wasn’t able to perceive otherwise yet. As Mulberry stated here

Otherwise I would also suggest to set up wards, to make clear that you don’t appreciate crossed boundaries. I have made little protection bags for both of my cars and for other outside stuff that isn’t in the scope of my house wards.


Thank you so much for your explanation

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I will do that, thank you :blush: @A_Pariah

:joy::joy: oh they can be troublesome.
I will work on my divination method to catch what they are trying to tell me


I know it’s easy to just write this off as mental illness, but my family has no history of schizophrenia and everything started after I began working with the book Goetia Pathworking and a parasite attached itself to me pretending to be Asmoday. Like I said, I was driven into psychosis by these parasites because negs literally can drive you insane. They did so by attacking me through my clairaudience and at the time I trusted that they were who they said they were. There was even a point when I wished that spirits weren’t real and my problem would easily be fixed if I just went to the doctor and got on medication, but it took months after being medicated before I could stop hearing the parasites through my clairaudience.

My point in relating my experience to the OP was to confirm that Goetic spirits do have a tendency of doing fuck all when a lesser spirit is impersonating them. Whether you like it or not, they have a responsibility to punish the parasites who are committing atrocities in their name, whether during or after the fact, but they don’t do it. Everything anyone has said after that has just been bootlicking.

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