Need social skills advice

just imagine yourself selling your art once you are settled with everything.

You mean see it in my head?

yup. Then imagine energy being sent for that purpose

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@anon48079295 has experience with this type of stuff i think. Maybe he can give you some input if he comes online

I have aphantasia so I can’t see mental images in my head. Every time I close my eyes all I see is black. I also can’t feel much of anything emotionally either. Sort of, but not enough for it to be anything significant to help. I think my anxiety and dysthymia are holding me back from these kinds of things. Could Velenos help with that too?

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not sure

Try calling spirits. I will give you a guide

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Read through this and try it once you establish your art business

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I already tried that site years ago and I didn’t feel like it was a right fit. I think setting up a site with that well known blogging application might be better? A lot of people seem to use that since that other site seems really crowded. Where could I learn how to use it?

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what site? What is it called

@Lady_Eva guide requires imagining, so when she comes maybe she can guide you to another way

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For a start, go to a museum, look at something and start chatting about the piece of art with everyone who comes along. Sure, you probably won’t find friends like this (but who knows) cause you will be the random weirdo, but it will definitely help you loosen up around people and give you a lot of opportunity to observe how other people communicate, without any pressure.

And maybe, just maybe you will get into contact with someone who can help you with putting your own art on the market, but that should not be the goal. Goal is just practice.

When you feel confident enough, I’d go by this advice:

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Oh and I wanted to add:
You have nothing to lose. There’s millions of weirdos out there, so just stop caring about what strangers might think of you.


A good place to start is the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Despite it’s old fashioned tone the book is full of timeless and practical advice. Purchase or download a copy today.


My heart goes out to you so much. Life begins outside of your comfort zone. If you do the same thing everyday, you get the same thoughts. So do something you don’t normally do. Complimenting strangers for starters. You may see wild hair color everyday and it means nothing to you, but some people were raised in very strict households and having pink hair is a huge step for them. “I like your hair.” goes a long way with those sorts. I only compliment someone if they have “odd” colored hair, are wearing black, if they have tattoos I actually like or if theyre wearing something stylish I admire. If they dont meet any of those guidelines Ill compiment their smile or just tell them “you look great.” (The last one is for people staring me down and judging me for lookin weird)

People take a lot of pride in these personal choices. Their hairstyle, the boots they wear. Compliment their handwriting if you ever get a chance to see it. That one is super personal and they eat it up with a spoon. Be genuine. Dont say anything you dont mean. Youll notice a lot of people cant take compliments well, some of em shoot a compliment right back.

Also, watch your body launguage. Orient your heart outward, towards a group of people. Arms at your side… Go to a concert! Thats perfect! You have something in common with everyone there, you like that band. Bring weed to a concert, compliment people- you’re a shoe in.

Focus on opening and stimulating your solar plexus and even root and sacral chakras, meditation and you don’t have to know what to say just be present and let the conversation flow,

I used to suffer from social anxiety as a teenager. I would often run into the same problem as not knowing what to say, being afraid of making a mistake and not being liked. The issue I had was I was too focused on other peoples needs instead of my own. I was focused on being liked rather than who I liked. I was focused on what I should say instead of what I would like to say. I guess it probably comes from too much reactionary thinking.

The Ellipsis Manual: analysis and engineering of human behavior

by Chase Hughes

THis will teach you all u need for body language and communication with people.

Not surprised someone living in poverty is having social issues. Hierarchy of needs… concentrate on relieving yourself if poverty and you mind will relax enough to begin to tackle other issues in your life.

I didn’t read all of the responses but this is what I did to improve. I put myself out there. I talked to everyone no matter how much I didn’t want to. Start small by asking people for the time and work your way up making conversations about anything.

Obviously this is a lot easier when you’re talking to an extrovert, so you will have to do nite of the talking if it is an introvert. I forced myself to laugh and be over the top to the point that it’s kind of now just become my personality.

Not everyone will like this as some think you’re being overly nice/fake but in some cases you just have to fake it until you make it. There are also a ton of YouTube channels that talk about socializing and flirting (the basics of which come from normal conversation and charisma) like Alpha M, Based Zeus, Marnie Your Personal Wing Girl, and Charisma in Command. A common theme in all of these channels is confidence btw.

In summary: the best advice I can give is put yourself out there until it just becomes somewhat natural and do it with confidence. Good luck!

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