Need Reinforcement

I have been fighting a evil spirit for almost a year now , i was getting good results the spirit stopped bothering me but It didnt stop bringing obstacles in my workings and in my career.
I tried everything possible to get rid of her but I dont think its working , I tried Tantra , I tried Goetia , I tried banishing , set up wards but after a while she is coming back.

As I mentioned I have been fighting her for almost a year , last night I had a dream that I was doing a banishing ritual and a girl (16-22 age) was staring at me from the terrace, as soon as I finished the banishing i said " Get the fuck out of this place you motherfucker "

I didnt see but i felt her running towards me and possess my body she was shouting in anger , my hands couldn’t move nor my legs I started chanting “Bhairav Mantra” to get her out and my parents woke me up and told that i was screaming in my dream , when I told them about the girl they said long time ago (10+) years a girl of that age commitment su*ide in our area I dont know if she is her as I never saw her.

Its been a long time I tried to get rid of her on my own but Its getting out of hand I need help from you guys who have experience of killing parasites and punishing spirits who crossed the line.

Any help is appreciated , thankyou.

Have you tried attacking it and attempting to kill it? I visualise them burning up from the inside with fire then cage them and send them through the sun, which is a portal to the black hole in eh center of the universe, which destroys their pattern enough that it’s can’t reform and the spark but start all over again as a different being. (Spirit is immortal, but the shells are not and it’s the shells that pick up all this ego stuff baggage that makes them weird)

In the case of an attack using humanoid avatars, use the concept of the “soul sword”. You will see this in fiction buy I got the ideas from E.A.'s work. You keep it in your heart - reach in and produce a flaming sword that is made of your own inner strength, convictions and sovereignty, can cut through things like a lightsaber - kill it with that by stabbing it then cutting it up into pieces, yeet the pieces into the black hole via the sun. Reflect it’s own anger back at it - it deserves it not you.

This here is why you are justified to kill it. It’s been warned and told it’s not to do this and attacked you anyway. You now have the high ground and the spiritual right to defend yourself. This is a powerful rule in the universe, I found, that once attacked there’s no protection for the attacker, you are sovereign and the victory is already yours to take.


Thanks I will try that.

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Flauros is your guy my dude. And initial evocation and continuous meditation with him until that spirit is not only gone from you but assure they never return. That’s my go to demon for dealing with unwanted spirits