Need help

A of late I’m not quite sure what’s happening. Its like now all of the spirits want to work with me all at the same time. Its making me feel anxious and overwhelming.

I have started to get Back into meditation to calm me down and be able to learn to relax and focus. What I’m finding is that I feel to conflicting power sources in collision fighting with teach other. This tends to happen when i get frustrated with something or dealing with the regular bullshit at my job.

I don’t know if this is part of the black sun daily ritual or a combination of other things along with Ahriman.

I’d feel the desperation to need to Ascend and perform all of my goals personal goals.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I don’t knew if this is part of the process or other influences and forces creating Kaos!

Noe that I think of it mabey it’s Adzam Aruha him self!!! (That bastrard)


It is the Ignition of the Black Sun. Your CORE essence, what we call the Blackened Fire of Zohak (the Kunda Force) is igniting in a way which opposes the un-natural natural order. I would start integrating the practice of Kunda Yoga to better move the excessive energy. Also USE the Blackened Fire through application of the Three Evil Principles.

In the beginning this current is a ROUGH adjustment. It is unlike anything else in existence. You need to understand that practical application of power is most important upon the Path of Smoke. We have to take our efforts way beyond the temple to ensure success. Keep me posted as issues arise and let me know if you have any other questions I can help with. This fire of desire to achieve is your God self waking up to the extreme nature of the limitations imposed upon self. This is POWERFUL… definitely not easy, but worth it in the end. Put yourself through hell. Do fucking hard things. ACHIEVE! AT ALL COSTS ACHIEVE! Your mind will not be able to focus on anxiety when you yourself become the source of transmutation through practical action in the world of Adzam Aruha. :wink:


Thanks!!! It’s not easy!!! But never in my life had i ever had the “I must continue to evolve and ascend by any means” before!!!

This shit is crazy!!!


Good morning Kurtis!i just would like to say Belial helps me when i feel “out of sorts”?sometimes just having the sigil of this demon present has immediate powerful effects for protection for me.i can only share what works for me.a beautiful piece of artwork?an oil painting in your atmosphere too helps calm these erratic energies?i have a picture of id like to Azazel respectively on my West altar.a white glass candle too has calming effects &beautiful transcendant Magickal energies.I appreciate your interviews you have done so far with Erich Koetting.theyre wonderful as are you.youre always in command of your sacred space!infernal Hailsz!Raquel

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Insanity is the source of spiritual intelligence. It is Akomanah. It IS evil mind. Do not fear it as it is where all questions and solutions are found… beyond the limitations of Vohuman or “good thought”. “Good”. Pfffffft!


I need to ask when i receive the black magic of Ahriman should i leave it at home or carry it around with me into public places.

Leave it home. Unless your going to work with it outside.

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Yes no reason to tote it around and bring attention to yourself. Christians do that with their Bibles. We show power through actions in the world. That is found within… it is not in any book.


Holy Homosexual batman – help ?


Thanks Brother

Say in the book go to a place of power soil being stucked by Lightning there’s no place like that in Adelaide Its all housing estate its a load of bullshit what go on Ebay to purchase $50,000 Fulgurites how expensive, im sorry Fulgurites don’t exist in Adelaide if it did national parks and wildlife would put a stop to it im sorry kurtis i can’t use the book Its all fantasy oh buy a large black urn oh i need to fill it up with Fulgurites how much a zillion dollars, who knows where to get that from oh there it is ferry land next cops turn up, end up in jail, oh what did i miss circle of counter - creation talisman where did i had to buy that balg catalogue $199 us dollars oh i can’t afford it until about November oh how many are there all together who knows i dont know must be big secret oh hope there one for sale in November November came i go and order one oh sorry all run out i thought there was one to every copy well just fucking perfect well i will have to counter fit one on paper then what next keep your cool summon megalon to fill my large black urn up with fulgerites.:grin:

Dude… If you are going to use fulgarites you don’t need to fill the entire fucking urn. Use dowsing rods which you can make out of shirt hangers and dig up dirt from a power spot. Put in a few pieces of fulgarite. You are constantly over complicating things buddy.


“Its all fantasy”… There are MANY people doing this work. I tutor 30 of them. There are MANY more than that. Your over complication of EVERYTHING is a fantasy. I think you either… 1. Have no initiative, or … 2. are scared.


Since you want to offend me by calling five years of work, research, and application “fantasy” I am forced to be blunt. Stop being a pussy and figure it out. I am way to kind and willing to guide people through this work to listen to little girls whine and complain.


I don’t know who in the flying fuck you are talking to but magickal work is WORK. In other words it takes initiative/effort and the integration of personal will in your daily life. Lightning strikes throughout the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. Why don’t you drive yourself out of town and go for a god damned walk in the woods somewhere? Here is a suggestion. Buy fucking potting soil, throw in some gemstone chips to MAKE empowered soil! Wow! That’s a thought! You should have more of those.


The Altar urn is WAY EASY DUDE! If you can’t get past that this work will destroy you.





I am HONESTLY saying ALL OF THIS out of love. The limits you impose upon YOURSELF are absolutely disgusting. That is exactly what this work seeks to oppose. Get over it.

See that talismanic pendant above? $150.00. I make them to order. Not a limited piece. You build your fucking altar and post a picture of it and I will fucking GIVE YOU ONE. I takes about a week to make. All you will pay for is shipping. Now stop whining and make it fucking happen… or go to church.


Get shitty and offend ME out of all the asshole fraudulent copy and paste occult authors in the multiverse? Pfffft! Fucking unbelievable!!! Rotflmao! :’)