Need help with new business

Hello, I am thinking of starting a new business related to jewelry. I am a person who has a talent for craftsmanship and I want to come to good places in jewelry. First of all, if you have ideas to help me with this, I would love to listen to you and I would love to give a gift to everyone who helps me when I open a company. Secondly, besides this jewelry business I want to open a bar in my city and I need 300k dollars in 1.5 years. Can this amount of money be found in this amount of time? I really want to move forward in these two businesses and I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions (when I open the bar, the first drink for everyone who is a member of this forum is on me)

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While you’re waiting for responses, try the Search for the key words “buiness help”. Thais has been asked many times before and there’s quite a lot of good stuff in older posts.

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Thanks @Mulberry i opened this topic not only for work, but maybe to find people to chat with, not only ritualistically, but I would like to talk about idea.

300k dollars can be got in 1 year. It all depends on how many customers u can get in the shortest amount of time and not only that but regular customers. Skills in customer services, marketing and strategy would be good to develop to ensure customers come and stay. But this being said, opening a bar doesnt have to be done quickly. Im sure there are many bars in your town and if you are about to be making 300k a year (hopefully) then you could even buy land and build your own bar if there are none available. This could be done in around 3 or 4 years, maybe even less depending on building costs and land costs and how much u can make in the shortest amount of time.

Now, however, a jewelry business is gonna have to be THE BEST around with THE BEST designs, THE BEST metals, THE BEST customer service and THE BEST strategy and have THE BEST range of options to become a big earner in my opinion. When your the best, you control the market. I advise going into multiple different areas of the jewelry market, like; cosmetic rings, necklaces, and bracelets, etc and also into marriage jewelry, etc etc. So that you have a broad range of options for every customer at THE BEST quality.

That would ensure everyone goes to you and only you for what they want, and it would suck dry the customers of other jewelry places around you which would leave all the profit in your hands and not theirs.

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I agree with everything you say .What I definitely want is prestige. Of course I will use the best of the materials and I have very good ideas, but first of all I think about how to attract people, I want to stand out from the market and become a real brand.The things I touch and make will be works of art, but first of all, as I said, I need to impress people and as you said, regular customers are very important, and this is where I get confused.Also thank you for your answer

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From my experience while Mammon and Clauneck are amazing, Asmodeus and Belial (later on also including Azazel) are who I chose for a long-term business working with very good success.

Asmodeus can help make your products more appealing and play on people’s unconscious desires and needs more (lust isn’t only sexual).
Belial can help you get the foundations strongly in place and ensure you stay dedicated and motivated and also prevent against mishaps.
Azazel and especially his nether Suhn’tal’ock can help you grow your project into a bigger empire and get greater success.

These guys can be intense but if you want such major progress in a year, expect some intensity.


That is coming from a place a lack, sure the magician have free will to proceed however they see fit. I personally would suggest tapping into the abundant flow of the universe, after all, you would want to attract more abundance into your life, right?

It really depends on your approach to gain that money, the quickest route is lottery, there are entities who can bring quick money, I am not sure it would be that much. Now combine them within your business activities, that is another story

For businesses, If you are serious and ready to invest your all in the chosen venture, you should start considering working with Lord Clauneck, Bune, and Jupiter to aid with creating a profitable and successful venture. Ophiel can come pretty handy too as he can give you ideas and he is not difficult to work with

Though having a goal that is measurable is important when working to achieve anything in life, when working with entities however, I found it is best to keep whatever time span we have somewhat vague, if it is urgent, make sure to address the urgency, however keep it vague. Time does not exist in the spirit world, also we might want something to be done at particular time but that time is not at all realistic to achieve such goal. It also depends on the type of business/products you are offering. Some businesses, 300k might be feasible with a few clients 3 to 5 clients, in that case then sure, it might come even sooner. You really need to realistic and evaluate your offerings to the market, price point, products, services, what are your clientele like? Do you have the resources necessary to take on high volume demands? Suppose all of a sudden, you start receiving crazy number of demands so you can hit that 300k in a timely manner, can you fulfill them on time, as they came to keep your customers satisfy? etc…

One more thing, the universe is abundant, wealth is an energy, it be best to seek to connect yourself to the source of that abundant flow of energy yourself and have it manifested all around you at by your will, rather than blocking someone else’s abundance. You don’t need to dry someone else’s customer flow, you can create a brand new line of clientele - Like this, everybody eats


Its not lack its strategy. If you are running a business, you should aim to be the best at your craft so you can provide the best services. The natural consequence is that you get all the custom. Im a strategist.

Knowing and believing you are the best at your craft and that you DESERVE all the custom is what will create that in your life along with what methods you use and what methods you use are simply the means to the end.

Simply believing you are abundant without taking action with a chosen method will leave u with no abundance at all.

No ones going to buy some dogshit gold ring if you make it that way, doesnt matter how abundant you feel you are.

The Law of Attraction doesnt work for most people because thats not how things really work. Believing you abundant may give you more ideas as to how to push your business forward but if you dont take action then nothings going to happen. The ideas i have on how to push my own business forward (along with this fine gentleman) is simply strategy which is required for business.

Rich people dont use the “Law of Attraction”, they embed certain beliefs in their subconscious mind which then open up ideas to them and then they act on said ideas with a strategy on how to get the most money out of the idea.

First of all, I am grateful for your valuable words and advice. If I continue, I have to say that I agree with you that there is no need to dry someone else’s customer flow, I would like my company to have a more caring spirit, not like a parasite.

I don’t think I will work with the great kings right away, I tried to work with Asmodeus and he is really very majestic and I admire him, but I decided not to work with him until I develop my spiritualism, it is purely by my choice, but I like him very much. I might consider working with Lady, Bune, and Jupiter. thank you for your words and your writing

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Dont forget there are also angels. Archangel Sachiel is one who gave me the idea i have for my own business. And trust me when i say he was absolutely outstanding in his delivery.

I also believe Asmodeous would respect your desire to hold back a little from contacting him until you are ready. It shows you want to be at your best and as a Great Demon he deserves that.


oh very well said. while you’re at it, working with both angels and demons is not a problem, is it?

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No, working with angels and demons is not a problem at all infact angels can be very helpful.

Angels do focus on more long-term manifestations though, in my experience demons focus more so on short-term and internal changes rather than long-term and external changes. Of course there is nuance to this.

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I have read many posts and I can say that I share the same feelings on this point. I feel like angels are for longer term and demons are for quick results, of course there are exceptions and different points but in general I think it would not be wrong to say that.

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Yeah. Precisely.

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Not quite. Daemons can work for long term results, that last throughout lifetimes and ages

The main difference between Angels and Daemons is that one operated within the bound of what is viewed as divine will (ANGELS) while the other aid the operator to manifest his own free will (DAEMONS) which may not be aligned with the so called divine will

Daemons in my opinion is the ascension of the self through self-realization while Angels are for granting divine assistance. With Angels, it my be difficult or impossible to manifest something, not that the desire in question is necessarily hard or impossible to manifest but rather because it may not be in divine accordance whereas the demonic has no regard for what is considered or viewed as divine. The Daemons focus on aiding those who dare to ask to attain self-realization, while Angels assist those who seek to walk the path of ascent in divine alignment

If in your work, you judge it to be imperative to involve both, I’d suggest do so, tho it may not always be the case

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I disagree, angels dont work within divine will of an external God. You are THE One and Only GOD in your reality as am i in mine. Whatever we experience is entirely of our own making through what we believe in our subconscious. We are the one true creator and so everything in our realities serves us one way or the other for our benefit, even if that thing we experience is chaotic or negative.

The difference between angels and demons is that angels use their negative and positive charge to serve others more than themselves and demons use the negative and positive charge to serve themselves more than others.

Angels take longer to manifest things or will take you through a longer process to get what you want BUT with better results in the end but demons will be quicker however without the quality of result.

For example: Archangel Sachiel has given me an idea for a business but it will take a few months to get up and running with it completely and even longer to be making the amount of money i want to make through gradual progress, however i COULD shorten the amount of time for it to become reality by calling on a demon for extra temporary money to put into the business to get the ball rolling faster. Demons and Angels work in tandem with eachother, but in different ways with different results.

Working with demons long-term to improve yourself and help you in shadow work works phenomenally and thats absolutely great and that eventually manifests what you want in life because of the shadow work deprogramming your subconscious from all the trauma that was running your life. However, thats not the demon manifesting what you want in your reality, they are simply helping you internally to help you help yourself get what you want.


thank you very much for your explanation and comment