Need help with cards interpretation


I am really struggling with my course. To the point that I am considering dropping out. I drew 3 cards for myself concerning my future participation in the said course: the Knight of Swords, the Death, the Knight of Cups. How would you interpret it? What complicates the matter at hand a bit is that I have a friend from my past who wants to have a conversation with me, but I am yet oblivious regarding the precise purpose of him reaching out to me, so my interpretation would be that I may receive an important offer from him, but I am not certain. I am asking since this question is obviously emotionally tied to me and I don’t want to perpetuate my wishful thinking.

Thank you in advance

Is this two separate issues or do you think your friend is reaching out about the course?

The Knight of Swords is you in your current position: on a mission to charge forward to do this course with pure intentions. Death looks like immanent change. The Knight of Cups is also on track with the course, but in a more strategic way, less hammer to crack a nut and more calm and calculated.

My guess would be the cards are telling you to switch up your approach to studying.


I like your explanation a lot. My usual way of studying is basically grinding, but on a longer basis it’s unsustainable, just after few weeks of learning in a grinding mode I am both mentally and physically exhausted. The death can symbolize my first exam which is approaching very fast. According to the lecturers themselves the learning curve should flatten slightly once we are done with it and things become slightly more comprehensible. My friend reaching out is an altogether different issue, but since I am a male I thought that the cards could symbolize us as well. Sometimes my wishful thinking when reading for myself becomes so strong that it’s better to ask somebody else for guidance. Thank you for helping.

Hello kingofswords,

I am not a big fan of interpreting other people’s cards because I think you get the cards in the way you read them.

I interpret this reading as follows:
You have to get your passion back. As you said you are struggeling a lot, you have to remember the heart you once put into your course and the goals you wanted to archive. Huge chance is needed. You have to let go of the things from the past that block your way or hold you back. After that, you can have a fresh start - find out, what you really want and how you can archive it.
It seems many things are on your mind and they don’t let you see clearly. They keep you from having a free, open mind and block you from feeling what you really want.
Leave behind what’s in your way and have a new beginning with slow steps - take care of your emotions, listen to yourself to learn what you really want - what’s good for you and what’s not. You have to find out more about yourself first - then you can step into action.

If you didn’t ask about that person in your reading, I think the reading is not about them.
If you want to find out more about that, you could do specific relationship spreads which could give you some insight.

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It’s really funny how your interpretations got in line with my personal one or maybe made me come to one, because since posting this question I’ve analyzed this combo over and over and I’ve realized that I had a major negative habit from my past that I wanted to get rid of for a long time now and which stood in a way of utilizing my skills and abilities to the fullest, which was excessive time I devoted to playing computer games. It’s not a rant against computer games per se, in fact in my case it was the habit that got me through my darkest moments and I had it under control for quite some time now, but just few days after performing this reading I’ve decided that I needed to make the full cut (cold turkey style) in order to thank myself in the future for it. It was not and is not easy to keep my resolution, but I am utterly convinced that I need to keep my determination. It came to me that in order to get really good in what I’ve started recently I need to devote all my time, passion and energy towards it, that’s how I’ve always succeeded in the past (no half-ways ever worked for me, it was either 100 or 0). When starting this course I promised myself an all-out transformation to finally reach for the things, which were denied to me for so long and letting the Death take my outworn habits can be a part of that painful, but needed process. Thank you for your interpretation.