Hi Eva… thank you for your answer!!!
I never said I was asking anyone to do it for free!! I understand that ppl put material, time and effort into such jobs.
Unfortunately, I have never done any spells before not because of a lack of faith, but because I don’t have the time or space.
Luckily, you don’t need a Temple, or hours to prepare, you can begin doing all kinds of magick reasonably simply, by opening sigils, and I just sent you a PM full of useful links - the member resources page has some great links in.
People on here are prohibited under the rules from contacting you to offer paid work, this is because otherwise, the forum would fill up with people trying to hawk their wares, and it would get very dramatic and annoying.
Thank you so much!! However, I’m a toddler in this field I don’t know the first thing about sigils or the basics I go need… and tbh I’m really worried that the more time I spend learning before I cast a spell, the more difficult the situation will become… can you or anyone kindly guide me step by step on what exactly I need to do?
Draw a sigil of any giving entity you wish to make a request from and write your wish.
Put your thought and intion into said sigil and place it under a candle.
Light the candle and camly and relaxed stare into the flame. Focus on your wish and command said spirit to do your bidding. In exchange offer said spirit an offering you yourself would have appreciated as a gift. This can be anything from a beer to flowers or even mentioning said spirit to some people.
Next, release. Put your trust into that you wish is underway and forget about it. The quicker you don’t concern yourself over if the speed was cast correctly the sooner the results shall come.