Need help, sort of urgent

Ohk, thank you :purple_heart:


Not sure, try evoking him

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You’ve got this. Don’t forget that the main power comes from you. The spirits are there to assist you in directing and unlocking it and to give a boost. You are more than ready for this❤


What happens if you just fail? How would your family handle if you “aren’t smart enough” for medical school?


I’ll be scolded for god knows how long, be hit with dialogues such as “your dad spent so much money on you, it’s all wasted now”, I’ll be in an isolated situation. I’ve been there before last year. Worst case scenario I’ll be pushed to do something else (because according to them there’s no “scope for money” in psycology and I don’t have what it takes to “bring in clients”, they don’t know me at all) and get a job, and after a year they’ll pester me to get married.


It’s you can’t get clients how would you get the momentum to be given patients? Your family is just underestimating you.


Exactly, they saw I had a good social circle in school and said I’m double faced because I didn’t talk much at home.


Wow maybe that’s because they are hard to talk to :see_no_evil:


honestly, they are :joy::sweat_smile:

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If you would like I can do some working tomorrow for you with the anxiety and try to help them bend for you to do as you desire.


I would appreciate it very much, thank you! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Almost like they’re projecting or something :thinking:

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Thank you!


Yeah i figured you had to be ethnic. This is a problem I see primarily with ethnic immigrant parents here in the west.

lol, same here. Whats funny is that I was probably one of the few kids that really really really enjoyed being at school, because it meant that I wasn’t at home where I was super quiet and to myself, because i never felt comfortable expressing myself. Of coarse you had a great social circle. So did I. With your social circle, it was the one place where you felt like you could express yourself freely and not be shot down. If your father actually allowed you to speak freely without dismissing your concerns, maybe you would talk more at home. Radical thought, i know! Vacations for me never felt the same way it did for my friends…because for me it meant being locked away at home with people who i didn’t identify with and who slapped down any form of self expression I may have. I’m willing to bet you’re the same way. You were probably really heavy into some sort of hobby too like sports or video games…because it was a form of escapism. I never realized until recently why i was so into RPG video games when i was younger, but looking back on it, I really see now that it was a form of escapism. Being able to live a fantasy life that was more interesting than the one I was being forced to live at home.

Jesus…this really is starting to feel like deja vu. When i told my parents that i wanted to go into coding instead, i was told there was no way to make any sort of money in that, and that I didn’t have what it took to keep up with coders or w/e. And i was just like…“bitch…if you don’t think im competent enough to keep up with the coding community, wtf makes you think im smart enough to be a damn doctor?” What you need to understand Onion is that its not so much about what they think you’d be best at, or even what will make the most money. Its primarily about the prestige for the family. I’m willing to bet that they’ve already told a lot of family friends and relatives already that you were going to be a doctor, and they use that as a way to flex superiority. If you became a doctor, it would make them look good. They don’t really give a shit if it makes you happy or not…and they will use a lot of emotional blackmail like “we spent so much money on you” to shame you back onto the road they want you on. My parents were the exact same way, which is why i can tell you exactly whats going on in your situation without me knowing you or your parents at all. Its a textbook case of ethnic parents looking for a way to gain prestige for the family name in a way that they never did when they were younger. Your happiness takes second/third place to that. And don’t even get me started about how they’ll pester you to get a partner/married. If it wasn’t bad enough that they micromanaged your career path…they’ve gotta micromanage your dating life too. Its insane, and i wish more parents would quit this helicopter parenting bullshit


This is just incredible :clap:


This is exactly the same situation I’m in! Yes!

Yes ! My escapism was anime. Every single detail matches up with mine :ok_hand:


Anime, of coarse! I should’ve guessed! Thats a popular venue for escapism too. I’m guessing you don’t have your friends over to your house much either huh? Because i stopped having friends come to my house as things got worse, because my mother would start trying to micromanage my friendship circle and judging them for shit. As for dating…im not sure if you’re a guy or a girl, but in my house, i refused to have any sort of convo about my dating life or girls i was into because i didn’t want them in my business like they did with my career path. So they ended up thinking that there was something wrong with me…accusing me of being gay and asking me very weird questions. If that hasn’t happened with you yet, trust me…it will :frowning_face: You’re quiet to them about all areas of your life, because you’re afraid of what other aspect in your life they will try to swoop in and micromanage next…but the cost of being quiet is them thinking that you’re always up to something, hiding things, and doing something they dont approve of. Its a negative feedback loop.


Never had friends around. I wasn’t allowed to go to their houses either. My mum and sis know I’m bi and they’re fine with it, they haven’t shown any objection. They really think all I do is study. They know my interest in astrology, art, psychology, but ig all you need is an interest in science :skull:

This hasn’t happened yet simply because I’m at home in front of them. There are some areas where my sister pitches in, like my mum not making a big deal out of me putting a fingerprint lock on my phone. But I haven’t given my sis the password either because she has admitted before (quite proudly) that she reads through my chats to “look out for me”. When I had complained about this to both her and mom my mum was pretty fine with it all, even encouraged it.

My father is very out of my life tbh. He’s not at home and doesn’t get involved, almost non-existent. It’s both good and bad.


Ahh very interesting. So in some ways my situation was better and worse than yours. For me, i was always allowed to bring friends home, and even go over to their house for sleepovers or whatever. So in that aspect I did have more freedom. But you being bi and your family being okay with it would NEVER have been permitted in my household. When my father thought i was gay, he told me straight up that if he ever found out I was gay (i’m not), he would disown me. That was his way of being a good Christian. But yeah, very interesting. It has me thinking now which is worse…being denied the ability to visit friends/bring them home…or your parents not accepting your sexual identity? i suppose your identity is a bit more important so I guess it could be worse :laughing:

I’ll just say this though…the one thing you’ve got working in your favor that i didn’t have is magick. If i had magick ten years ago to deal with this bullshit, things would’ve turned out WAY DIFFERENTLY. I would’ve had my parents eating out of the palm of my hands. You are wise to target your mother. Like in my household, my mother ran the show and my father and sister followed. So if you take down the tip of the spear, the whole rod will be yours to command. They may micromanage your life, but they aren’t with you 24/7…and in those times when they are not near you is the time you’ve gotta start doing magick to solve this problem.

Btw just out of curiosity, how old are you?