Need help constructing my last love magick attempt and plan for self care

My plan that I want advice on is under the line, the paragraphs before are me explaining The situation & previous magic I’ve done.

So I haven’t given it my all yet. I haven’t completely fell back for months like they say to do when love magick is not working or going as planned.

I haven’t done THAT much though or anything to serious in my opinion. Lots of candle magick, seven day candles to cleanse away previous spells I did that backfired, tea light candles with the intention to nudge him towards a certain Direction , some petetions to demons both for good and bad, tho I havent done anything “bad” towards him in like a year, I have recently tried to negatively affect his love life by bringing mutual disinterest with him and other women. He doesn’t wanna talk to them because he mostly just wants to talk to me and they lose interest in him because they decide that he’s just not the right one for them.

I’ve done candle spells and petitions to demons but I haven’t yet tried to fully control the situation, just nudge it towards my direction and I feel like that could possibly be my downfall. I also still have some resentful feelings left from things he has done in the past that are probably negatively affecting my workings.

Probably also have personal issues And blockages within myself that aren’t helping the situation, same with him. That’s what my tarot cards say sometimes but lately the Tarot has been blatantly lying to me when I’ve been asking simple questions so I haven’t been able to really trust my readings. I have no idea why by the way.

Anyways the plan:

  1. Block him, shut him out completely, temporarily ignore him & any advances, and make him think and feel that I am actually done
  2. Spend the next 3 months focusing on cleansing myself, healing, glamour magick, money magick, clear stagnant qi, etc while continuing to ignore him through this whole process until he approaches me how I want and behaves how I want
  3. Dry fast for 3-7 days (maybe once a month for 3months idk yet)
  4. Exercise weekly, take more walks in nature, mediate daily
  5. MPR, Am/Pm sword banishings, Weekly LBRP and the parasite cleanse from Protection magick
    6.Do all the spells and rituals from Witchery that I’ve been putting off: Banish ghosts within bath - full moon, Healing letter, Reclaim power spell, Coming back to self bath spell, Recharge and reset foot soak, Deep reflection honey jar, Reflect healing energy mirror( not all at once over the course of the next 3 or more months)
    7.Protection spells

Then once I’ve got through all the spells and work for myself and have been consistent for 3 or more months do spells to make him chase me if he isn’t already due to me finally cutting him off and ignoring him which I haven done for more than 2weeks

By this time, I should be a little more well researched and have a better idea about what I want to do magic wise and how to go about/approach the situation.

The plan for him/us:

•Spells so we can both let go of the past and forgive each other completely

•We both need healing in different ways and I think I’ll have a better idea of what the specifics are and what specific things we need to heal so that our relationship can work later down the line so start there somewhere and do a spell to fix that

•Then a powerful layered love ritual (right now Im thinking of writing petitions to demons) with these intentions:
-Make him crave my attention, my energy, my body etc
-Make him have a strong desire to talk to me about and tell me everything
-Turn his lust into love
-ignite/instill feelings of love & passion
-desire sex only with me
-not have the desire to entertain other women because he’s always thinking about me

What’s do you guys think of these plans?
What do you guys think of the intentions I have for when I’m done focusing on myself to get what I want from him?

Personally, I would remove that last negative, as it will make you think in ritual of him with other women and you don’t want to attract that - stay on the affirmative and rely on like attracts like to bring you what you envision. Maybe visualise him rejecting or ignoring other women, and seeing them as not even sexual beings.

I would add “if it be his will” somewhere as a sort of pressure valve. Love spells can go really wrong and send the target insane when it’s really not their will and they have no way to release it. You probably won’t want what he turns into if that happens. You want him whole-heartedly yours.

I’ve already tried to do a jar spell for mutual disinterest, and this is probably why it’s not working. I was focusing on him not having certain desires versus focusing on what I do want.

Now that I think about it, a lot of the work that I’ve been trying to do has been focused on what I don’t want him to do. And although during the spell, I may envision him doing and be behaving exactly as I want, I’ll also be focused on him “not” doing xyz.
That’s what I did for the mutual disinterest jar spell I envisioned him looking at his phone and being disinterested in Texts from other women and being around other women and feeling like she’s cool, but she’s not me. But at the same time I still was thinking about and speaking to my herbs and such about him “not” doing & feelings things. Gotta completely remove the negatives I’m sure?

My foundation within myself is faulty. Our foundation is faulty. My tarot card keeps saying there are blockages. I’m still holding resentment, I’m too focused to what I don’t want to happen, “like attracts like” so I have to BE in the loving energy that I’m trying to get from this man right?

Seems like it’s in his will, but I’ve been scared to add that to anything that I’m doing because what if it’s not, and I’ve went through all of this and been putting in all of this work for nothing, Other than learning about magic, but in regards to the relationship it’ll be for nothing.

It does seem like it’s in His will because little stuff that I do has worked. Sometimes super quickly and easily, it seems like the little things I do work because there’s real love here in this relationship.
But I’ve read a lot of different stories in regards to people doing love, magic, and sometimes things will go great for a while and then still completely fall apart.
I’m scared I’m nervous. I’m tired. I’m drained. I’m resentful, I only think this plan may work I don’t know it will, not because I’m doubtful in myself but because I’m doubtful that maybe this relationship is just not for me.

But IDK it could be all of the factors that I mentioned above negatively affecting things.

I think the main way for me to be able to tell if this relationship simply was just not for me or if there are other factors affecting why things aren’t working out still is for me to finally completely fall back.

Yes, visualise happy dates and nights, him saying lovely things and meaning it, bring up the feelings of joy and attachment and see him feeling those, see the smiles, smell the roses, hear the chink of glasses filled, everything you associate with a great date and even longer term, what that looks like when he eaves his toothbrush at yours, if you move in together, where your stuff goes together in the same rooms, make him your hubby in your mind and design the perfect relationship. All that good stuff.

So, maybe stay focused on this fact and use “as it is his will too” - you’ll get the effect without the anxiety.

This is what happens when it’s not really his will, and it sometimes at least let you see why it wouldn’t have worked and sets you free, and sometimes it just hurts worse. That sort of depends on the situations and personalities, I guess.

That sounds unhelpful :slight_smile: Maybe think of it as, it’s for you given the expectations you have for the outcome. Which you can act out in your mind in detail to attract that into reality.
If at some later point you find out there’s some major factor you didn’t know that changes everything, then you probably won’t feel the same way anyway and it can be “oh well that would have been good but because of that thing never mind.”

That works too. And sometimes with these thigs the minute you relax is the minute it starts coming to you. But this can take time anyway - like a year and you wanted it to happen in 2 weeks. So in this case I’d mention avoiding doing anything that would really harm any possible relationship to stay on the safe side. And yet - if it’s “meant to be” - meaning your magick is actually working, albeit slowly, you’ll be protected from that too, like, you see another guy but he somehow just never hears about it, kind of thing.

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@Mulberry You really don’t understand how much your responses and advice mean to me.
I am literally in tears right now filled with gratitude because you often respond to my confusing, chaotic overly long paragraphs when no one else does.
We had a talk a while back so I haven’t been taking it personal when a post of mine doesn’t get any responses. But you just truly do not understand how grateful I feel to be advised by you because I perceive you to be very knowledgeable and it seem like you genuinely enjoy helping and advising us newbies in regards to magick.

I can’t afford readings or spiritual guidance right now so BALG is the only place that I can turn for questions, help, opinions, advice, reliable information, etc.

I am so deeply ready to truly step into my power, my divine feminine energy, my truest most authentic self etc!

Thank you @Mulberry once again :blue_heart:

Going to try to do better with keeping up with journal entries on here so that other people can see my journey and how everything plays out. I know seeing my situation, how I’m feeling, what actions I’m taking etc etc all can help someone else. Love magick can be hard.

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One more thing :sweat_smile::pray:t4:
I’ve seen things about letting go of getting a specific outcome. But the advice your giving is to envision, feel etc the specific outcome I’m trying to achieve.

Should I be taking your advice Simultaneously as I’m falling back and doing things For myself, meaning Meditate exercise pray do the spells for myself and basically keeping a positive attitude while envisioning what I want with him
should I take your advice and channel my specific desires and intentions into spellwork and then once the work is complete, completely let it go and let go of getting a specific outcome?

I’m going to follow through with the plan fall back then come back strong but my question I guess is while I’m doing the work for myself should I be also visualizing and envisioning what I want from him or should I try to force myself to completely not think about him not checking his social media, etc., and then channel all of the desires and such into my spell work later down the line?

You’re welcome! I’m happy I can help even just a little bit. :smiley:

I think it would be natural for thoughts to come up about him, and then just let them turn to the positive, that this is on the way and will be for the best, then carry on easily and happily about your day.

If you try to force yourself not to do a think it often has the opposite effect, you know like those ‘do not laugh’ challenges that make you focus on laughing. If you focus on something it gives it energy, so give that energy towards manifesting the outcome you really want. Be kind to yourself :slight_smile:

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