Need guidance to this new path

Heya and welcome!

If it is difficult to let go of preconceptions or fears due to a previous spiritual path, look into Blasphemy Rites. They come in many different forms, but overall they are meant as a symbolic act to let go of past influences step into your own power and stop leaning on the wisdom of others. In my opinion the most important thing is that you make this ritual personal and emphasize that you do it with your own power and authority.

If it is mainly difficult just to sense something look into energy work and self hypnosis, especially self hypnosis is valuable in terms of learning to get into trance states. Energy work is valuable to become more sensitive to energy changes and eventually manipulating energy.

A very valuable link might be this course one the BALG writers posted on this forum a while ago. You are sure to find some great exercises and rituals in there to help you along: