Need a reversal spell

Okay, so someone cursed me, and now I Need to reverse the curse they placed on me.
I need The Perfect Spell for this. :smile_cat:

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Black candle and reversal oil.

If you have the name of the person, write it on a paper and write reverse on the other side.

Then burn the paper on the candle flame. Take ashes along with wax and burry it in the cemetery.


Can I just throw it in the trash can? I don’t have the option of burying it in the cemetery…

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Perhaps you could get a plant pot, put some dirt in it, and throw in a good old slab of meat inside?

It would be earth filled with death energy… technically the same.

Just a suggestion though, never actually tried it. :smiley:


I don’t know lol. I love my plants :hearts:

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Would burying it a crossroad work too?


Oops I’m silly, I got it… lol :hear_no_evil:
Okay so just Bury the meat with the dirt…
@anon20147451 I love your name by the way :smiley_cat:

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I never tried it so who knows how it’s gonna work (I believe the death energy filled earth will absorb the curse), but if you don’t have access to a cemetery, it should be better than nothing.

You flirt :wink:


You give good suggestions :hearts:

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A crossroads should work fine as well. I would suggest a simple offering to the spirits of the cemetery or crossroads. Something as simple as a shot of rum or a small food offering will work.

Making offering at either regularly can get these spirits on your side an give a ritual and extra boost. Least this has been my experience.


I have read they really like coins? Idk maybe I’m wrong…?

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1 heart? I’m not that easy :smirk:

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I only have one heart to give :hearts: :kiss:
Lol I’m a bad flirt :joy_cat:

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Havent tried that one. Rum and eggs are my go to offerings easy to get, most of the time and they are well received.

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You have to Bury the eggs? Right?

There are other things to give, I’m sure we can figure it out. :kissing_heart:

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I just crack um on in the dirt so they sucked into the ground. Usually in one of the corners of said crossroads Or in an open plot at a grave yard.


You are too much :scream_cat:

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We’re all magickians here - I know you’re loving it. :smirk:

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