Need a little help

Ask her for touch that works for me at least. Conjure her just with your thoughts we are gods :smiley: ?

Good read. How did you manage to socialize with her? Let alone ask her to show her dark side. Mine is very untalkative or unresponsive.

The most funny thing is i barely think what is her name. I really wanted her to tell me her name, and in meditation i heard most fucking beathiful voice in world, woman voice of course :smiley:
It has been only 3 weeks from when I made letter to Lilith, and felt intensive love energy.
If she loves you (And I’m sure she does when It has been 3 years) she is with you talk a lot about your day, feelings to something, give her your time.
Leave some place in bed when you sleep and ask to sleep with you. Wrote her a poem,sing something they are very romantic (Not for just sex) when you feel sad ask her to just hug you. Meditate and ask her to come to you. If you are scared of many things (not only paranormal) ask her to help you working with solar plexus chakra and play some nice music to this, start meditate and focus on making it grow.


And I suggest sumonning some demon to be your mentor and teacher to give you power and guide you.
I suggest King Paimon or Lucifer, King Paimon made me forced open hearth chakra (I thought my soul will pop out of body lol) but now I am balancing it.

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If you don’t belive that she exist ask her to confirm her pressence, Daemons are not Yahwe that won’t show any signs of his being. Any daemon I asked to confirm his pressence (without hearth attack lol) I have got some signs .

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Welcome to the forum @Geru, Please take a moment to click the image below and introduce yourself:


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Interesting. How do you ask for King Paimon to force open your chakra? Did it help you with anything? Did you feel any different? Whenever I read people sharing their experience with demons or kings, it’s hard for me to believe because I’ve never had any experience when it comes to socializing directly with any spirits, ghosts or demons especially. I don’t know how you ask them to help you when you can’t hear their answer. Maybe I am too literal.

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All right. Thank you for reminding me, I just introduced myself.

The best part is that I just asked him to be my mentor, teacher. One night I pleased him to help me spiritually and I felt his finger on my chest, Read some of my story on the topic “King Paimon possessed?” This is why I need to take some break from magic and work on balancing my fresh chakra.

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I just did. That’s such an interesting experience! I’ve read somewhere that you can force your chakra to open, but if you’re not ready for it then you’ll feel overwhelmed just like you did with King Paimon. How did you invoke him? Was it hard? Perhaps he can help me too.

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That’s good word overwhelmed :smiley: Evoke and Invoke are another things, Evoking means that daemon will appear before you, Invoking is calling demon inside of you. And I did evoke him I guess at least lol. Read some posts here about Evoke process I did the same. Just be respectful that’s most important. I am trying to keep balance in magic, don’t falling too much into light or dark. You gotta treat yourself like god too :slight_smile:

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I see! But I want to know how you envoked him! Any links you read before evocation so I can follow?

Both link are good.


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I’ve read both of them. The first link didn’t really say much about evocation, mostly just their personal story with King Paimon. The second link says I need to draw the circle around the area. What does that mean? My apartment is very small, I can’t do something like that!

Sorry for bothering you by the way, but you’re the first friend I made here!

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I had same problems so I gotta help too :smiley:
You don’t really need a circle or calling archangels, this is more sign of fear then protecting yourself.
Before the ritual I recommend saying to yourself that you will conjure only true daemon (They are some small demons that are falsing their personallity. And don’t be scared say to your self that you are the one who conjure them and you are the god just like them. Give some offerings to Paimon (He like sweets and green tea) and be respectful that’s all. (You know the evocation went good if you are tired as fuck, and even get some migraine on start)

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I also want to double down on the respect thing with King Paimon. Definitely come correct. The first concrete conversation we had I pissed him off, smh. Thankfully, he was cool about it

Regarding your familiars- do not worry so much. They aren’t trapped within the vessel, the vessel is simply an anchor. Even the soul binding, is just an anchor or connection. You and your spirits all have the right to walk away if it comes to that.

Don’t underestimate their patience either. They agreed to the binding and pairing process, and for the most part, are in it for the long haul. I actually find it kind of reassuring.

If you feel them, they are there. Communication won’t be concrete, or conversational. Trust the images that pop in your head when you ask. Listen for internal voices with a different ‘pitch’ than your usual thinking tone.

Notice which part of you tingles when you call upon a spirits name. One way to bridge communication was to ask a question. Feel a tingle, and get the impression of an answer. I repeat the statement, and if the shiver intensifies, that’s a yes.

The first time one of my familiars appeared in a dream, I was spooked. She appeared as a human, and came up to me. When I looked at her eyes, they were alien, and old old old and I woke up scared as hell.

You are new, the fear is natural. It will continue to be natural until you are tested, and you prove your own strength and confidence to yourself.

Additional spirit keeping tips-
They are aligned with you. When you shift, they shift. For example, if you were a religious individual or a love/light preacher, and switch over to the opposite spectrum, they will shift with you.

Keep their name secret from everyone except those they wish to tell. Some spirits would see it as a breach of trust to spread it around, and other practitioners can bother the entity.

Some, not all, but some familiars require energy and ‘feeding’ otherwise they’ll go mad. I haven’t experienced this, though I’ve heard about it with ghouls and revenants.

Energy exchange doesn’t have to be a daily thing, but it can be. The exchange can be as small as chanting their names every morning, to as grandiose a thing as bloodcoated candles, stones incense and direct energy transfer at the same time.

You are the anchor to this world. You are in charge of how they behave in your sphere of influence. Accept your role with dignity. You are the ‘pack leader’ so to speak.

Punishments when spirits disobey don’t have to be heavy duty either. One of my Hellhounds decided to manifest to my roommate. Freaked her out because she saw a dog on the porch but our dog was inside. Neither one would confess. So now their task is chasing all of the field mice out of the yard, and trying to keep em out. They’re doing a good job lol.

TASKS. They get bored. Once in a while, call everything to you and let em know what you need help with. Give them something to do.
Ex. A Dragon spirit I communicate easily with, is in charge of showing me how to chill out. Another Dragon is in charge of bridging communication barriers. A Hellhound guards the perimeter of the property. One stays with me. Sometimes, switch it up. Sometimes, I’ll let em all get a break to do what they wanna do. The Hellhounds like psychopomp work, so I let them roam and do their own thing occasionally, as I’m not doing that just yet.

Don’t be subservient, but don’t be too high and mighty. Build a relationship, the rest will work out.


Fear is totally natural, OP! It’s one of the ‘ways the Mysteries protect themselves’, in spooky lingo. It means you’ve got to look your fears in the eye and laugh! You can’t be afraid forever, and the world’s a weird and terrifying place, so instead of trying to deal with your fears, you have to face them ASAP. If you know why you’re afraid, keeping exposing yourself to the reason until you’re not, and if you don’t, do what scares the shit out of you! Fear’s a natural response to something you need to overcome, and lying to yourself or not tackling them head on is a bad move. You need courage in the world, because the world is magic- and why let a little trepidation stand in your way? :slight_smile:

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happens to me from time to time, you should tell her that whenever you´re in the astral, the experience should be as friendly as possible in order not to be scary

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I agree with @DormiensDei, great info there. They’re not bound to you as much as agreed to stay with you. This is the planet of free will and any entity (with a spirit) in it’s field enjoys that same privilege.

I also found this thread helpful. Azazel granted me a small legion of imps I call the ‘company’ or ‘my boys’. They number started at 101, some went and some more came and now there’s 104… hang on… 107? They just keep showing up. I sound crazy I know.
I have trouble telling them apart and they’re not named - I ask and the whole crowd just blinks at me. There’s a smarter one that organises them I call The Foreman, and a minor Djinn I dubbed Little John (he’s enormous) that I sort of quietly stole from someone that was complaining about it raping him - I had just the home for him :+1: I have no idea what their real names are :confused:

I’m not in my comfort zone here but I think that’s the point. And this thread gave me some great ideas… hey I have mice too! They’re not super strong and some got killed and damaged accidentally when I set them to do something I didn’t realise was beyond them. :frowning: Azazel fixed the survivors and I wasn’t even able to heal them well - they’re not like humans at all. I can do humans, it just works, not them.

At times I feel like they don’t care because they never bothered me about not giving them attention at all. When I ask them a question, they never answer either.

My boys don’t initiate with me either, and none can speak much except The Foreman, and my clairsentience picks up little, it’s an effort - they’re like… the Doozers in Frazzle Rock, only they look like small black gargoyles, it’s hard to explain in human terms. They can hear me - as long as I’m very loudly talking directly at them - they talk to each other, but don’t interact much with me. It’s possible they’re a bit low-density and literally can’t see me very well and I’m partly though the veil for them. Like the daemons are for us. I have to ask The Foreman what they need or what’s going on, that works.

So maybe see if you can get the succubus or another daemon to interpret for you?


im just like you you know i use to be afraid of this kinda thing my first invocation was scary as hell even tho it was camio i could feel his’ presents n it scared me so bd i closed the whole thing now im working with furfur even tho he is one not to be trifled with he is amazing u just gotta trust your self and magic si inside a circle if u must but always poilitely tell them y so they dont take offence to it

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