Necronomicon Yig Serpent Saturn

anyone work with Yig of the necronomicon the Serpent God of Saturn… just asking because I have been seeing a winged Serpent in meditation and Yig fits that figure also he works with Saturn along with Azazel who is another Saturn based spirit… just thought I should do some work with this Yig book says he is the life creator a winged serpent of knowledge and this is what I have been sensing…


Winged serpent of knowledge…


yeah I thought it was him at first but this Yig figure seems more likely

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Pretty cool. Keep us updated :slight_smile:

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I’ve seen ppl work with cthullu on here so I am not disregarding the necronomicon as fictional

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That’s the sigil from Donald Tyson’s Grimoire of the Necronomicon. His system kind of shoe horns the Mythos entities into a sort of elemental pathworking based on the Tree of Life, and it isn’t an easy fit, so I don’t know what version of Yig it will lead to, but all you can do is find out.

I have no experience with Tyson’s Necronomicon system but it is quite different, and very RHP compared to others, like that of Asenath Mason, Kenneth Grant or S. Ben Qayin. However, I think his is the only one that incorporates Yig.


yeah that’s the one I have bought it from a book store that has an occult wicca section

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Tyson’s a good writer and I have read a lot of his work, including his Necronomicon stuff, but I’ve never practiced it. His version incorporates typical New Age RHP mythology like Atlantis, and, as interesting as it is, it just didn’t strike me as very true to the Lovecraftian current.

I’d be interested in reading any experience you have with his sigil of Yig.


yeah I saw that but I have interest in Atlantis also and truly think it was a real place destroyed by an ancient flood… I’ll post whatever experience I have with this Yig if any

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So if you wanna get the most out of working with the old ones disconnect from the idea they are associated with our own solar system and its planets. Tyson and a handful of other try to latch them onto the tree of life and its planetary associations. Personally this doesn’t compute for me as the old ones do express alot of polaties but they are not dualistic like the kaballah. These forces are very alien to the energies of our system and dimension as they exist between planes.

I have gone through tysons necronomicon and am about halfway through “the wanderings of alhazred” the books themselves can provide gate to connect to the various entites in the lovecrqft current but the way he tries to tie each of them makes my brain it.

Its the same with how the author of the simon necronomicon tried to latch the old ones onto Sumerian magick.

Lovecraft’s works are a good place to start with submerging into the current. Alot of them work as focal points for meditation and can yield interesting insights.


Dunno about that.

I do agree with @Dinmiatus. They can’t be boxed. Also if you have questions I’ve initiated into that current so I can answer questions, depending on what they are.


If you read the story about Yig he doesn’t sound very much like a serpent of knowledge but hey, maybe I’m wrong.


None of them sound like pagan God’s.

That’s why I said you can’t box them. I don’t even try it at this point. Finding the pagan equivalent is very difficult for me.


There are other winged serpents in other systems. From my understanding the necronomican was an intentionally fictional work, but that doesnt really mean you cant use entities from it in your work. Experiment and see how it goes.

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So here is an example of how trying to box these entites within kaballah fails.

Cthulu is associated in the mythos with war,magick, the mind, the water, the astral and the high priest of the old ones.

If you try to associate this with planets alone you have Jupiter,mars,mercury and the moon.

This is why trying to lump them together with the gods and forces of other traditions doesn’t work in application.



I like this version of him from Instagram, it just seems to fit more than others.

Ya, trying to box the Old Ones is insanity which they would probably like lol.


Edit: Wrong link, sorry.
This is a better Amazon link.

so no one has worked with Yig? also is there a good version of the necronomicon to read into since there are vast rewrites of it…

I have and no there isn’t.

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