Necronomicon Yig Serpent Saturn

any experiences with Yig you can share

Such as

just any insight on him what he can do etc

got some bad news for u buddy

He’s not around anymore but in what way is there Bad News? Mild curiosity. :slight_smile:

Yig is snake god in necronomicon gnosis of asenath mason
it is a god honored by Amerindians of America
god and father of snakes

I associate all of this with Muladhara Chakra.
I’ve worked with Tyson’s Cthulu and it was all about Muladhara and an alchemical point between sulphur and Mercury. Plus strong Kundalini experiences.

I’ve never worked with Mason’s book but I think I understand when it’s said that the entities are hard to box. They seem to bring new (but very old) associations with them. And although Yig for me can perfectly be Hadit, it’s a new dimension of the God.

Definitely a powerful pantheon.

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I am currently looking to work with Azathoth (an Old One from H. P. Lovecraft) and was wondering if you had any suggestions/advice?

My advice is DO NOT START WITH AZATHOTH. Good chance if you actually manage to perceive him your brain will shatter.

Now if you are serious about making organic contact with the old one. Start with cthulu. He Is known as the priest of the old ones for a reason.

Read the call o cthulu and meditate on it with the honest intent of making contact with them and i promise you.

You will make contact. Depending on your own personal resonance to their vibrations it may start out VERY subtle such as uneasy emotions weird dreams on one hand or it could go the other way and you experience fear while in meditation or a bout of nightmares for a short duration.

The reason for this is because the way the human brain react to gates of true power is fear. SLOWLY work through the emotions. If it becomes to intense let cthulu know and they will back paddle their energies on you.

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