Nauthiz, reversed?

So I bought a necromancy rune set not too long ago and I was surprised when it came with 33 total runes, some I’ve never seen before but the seller explained where the few unknown came from… anyway, I was somewhat upset when I realized the Nauthiz rune was more of a lowercase “t” than a “+” like I was used to, but looking into it further I realized that some people do indeed consider it a “t” and as such has a reverse side. I was just curious about anyone’s preferences and ideas about this rune. What is considered the original?

I personally do not use “reversed meanings”. The runes are not tarot, this is a modern insertion translated onto them by viewing them like “divination cards”, but this isn’t necessary:

The runes are connected in a deliberate order, they have a sequence of meanings that take the reader on a journey through life, and as such all aspects of life are already represented… in this case, Nauthiz means “not this” or “need”, the meaning reversed would be abundance, but this is already represented in Fehu, or Weath. So reversing them is redundant and possibly misleading.

Some of this could be chalked up to stylistic and aesthetic purposes and preferences.

Nauthiz could be viewed as a troubled gebo.

Where as gebo represents an even exchange of energy and is thus two equal intersecting lines, nauthiz is more like a bottleneck of energy that constrains flow and creates friction. A line crossed by another one at an angle or incline. Two sticks rubbing together to create needed fire, or a sword parrying the attack of an assailant…strife, and/or constraint.

But, that same friction is needed to bring a release or resolution to the stagnation that’s occuring. “Something’s got to give”, as it were…

I’m with mulberry on the inversion thing.

The meaning of a rune is enhanced by the circumstances and influences around it.

Nauthiz can represent the tension just before release, as much as it can current or coming constraint.

The pull before the cord is let go and rings out it tune


@Mulberry Interesting, never thought about it like that but does make total sense when you put it that way. @crookedpathfinder That is a well put comparison. As for aesthetics it is possible, I personally try to keep things as accurate as the original but I do suppose what really matters is the association the mind has with the rune.