Nauseous after spending time with demons

Does anyone ever feel physically ill after working with demons? I don’t mind recouping for a couple of days. The knowledge is worth it, but what’s the consensus and opinions of others.

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I felt nauseous when I first started working with demons. You get attuned to it the more you work with them. For me, Lucifer introduced me to demonic energies bit by bit with Azazel.


I developed pretty bad vertigo after connected with a couple of demons. The dizziness lasted for months, even though medically doctors weren’t seeing much to explain what I felt. It pretty much made it impossible at that time, for me to continue building a relationship. I guess it takes time getting used to their energies.


Not nausea but when I worked with them I would get anxious with some of them

It’s the energy and with time you might get used to it

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When I first started I had extreme mood swings, getting very angry over small things and even having bad luck. I think it’s some kind of purging.


Some of this could also be not so much “demons”, but the adjustment of your body to working with magick.

It can be quite hard on the body, and as you do heavier magical workings feeling tired, headachey, nauseous and so on can come back.

The mage Josepine McCarthy talks about this more than other mages I’ve seen and covers out in her free apprentice training at Quaeria.

You’ll adapt and it should go away.

I never had this as I came to western occult magick after years doing energy working and various other systems, but as I get into heavy workings I still might get a headache today.


Yes, when I first evoke a demon for nasties. It’s a 3 day working and every day I feel nauseous during and a bit after. But now not anymore.

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