Mystical Words of Power method, but with demons?

I used to really appreciate the Mystical Words of Power (Part One) rituals.

While Part Two provides rituals that target specific outcomes, Part One involves performing undirected rituals that magickally enhance certain aspects of one’s life.

The seven rituals in Part One include “Perception, Knowledge, Imagination, Love, Healing, Transformation, and The Empowered Mind.”

Now with that said, I have been working exclusively with demons for a while now and I would like to keep it that way for the time being.

As such, I am wondering about any undirected magical approaches that exclusively involve daemonic entities.

Are there any systems like this?

Is this something I could attempt to improvise with Goetic entities or any other pantheon?

Please let me know your thoughts

Thank you

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By undirected, do you mean not ceremonial? So you want something that isn’t evocation, invocation, sigil work or anything where you have a conversation or use tools, is that what you mean?

You might like the work of Jareth tempest, in his Angels of Omnipotence (they aren’t biblical entities or related to any religion) and the Filthy Grimoire despite it’s odd name actually contains a lot of very positive self improvement techniques using servitors.

If it’s the more mystical approach that you like, then Corwin Hargrove’s pathworkings in his Goetia Pathworking book is like this - more like shamanic journeying, though there are sigils.


Sorry I definitely could have been more specific

By undirected, I mean that the rituals in Part One are not performed with any specific goal in mind. They are designed to target general areas of life, like Perception or Knowledge, but without a specific goal.

The author says that for Part One, “you don’t aim for results. You perform the magick for the sake of the experience, and the results come almost as a side-effect.”

He suggests that these Part One rituals can be performed periodically – whenever you feel like refreshing that energy – whether it’s weekly, monthly, or whenever.

Great call out – this is one of my favorite books. So far in my magickal journey though, I have generally stuck pretty close to the scripts of each respective system.

Do you think this could be a good book to improvise with? And maybe try a general “Perception” ritual with one of the Entities, for example?

I know that’s a bit vague, but unspecificity is pretty much the point of Part One in Mystical Words of Power haha. It’s actually a super interesting system that I would recommend to anyone who wants to work with Shem angels

Anyway, thank you for your suggestions :slight_smile:

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Yes I think you can do this with any entity for it’s domain of interest, or “office”.

For example, I have a pact with Lucifuge Rofocale to simply “be the best I can be”, and similarly with Ant’harratu from the Book of Azazel to “build my Empire”, and Clauneck to “preserve my wealth through difficult times”.

You could do this with general invocation of the entity’s power rather than a pact, an I think the effect would be the same, it’s almost more of a semantical difference than a practical one, and then you could use the entities name as a word of power, setting your intention that the name acts as a word of power would for whatever office you intend.


Makes sense :slight_smile: Thank you thank you

By the way, IIRC, your suggestions on this forum are what led me toward Hargrove’s Goetia Pathworking book a while back

Such a great system :slight_smile:

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I love it, never had a working go wrong, I think it connects very well with the authentic energy of those entities with little trouble from impostors. :smiley: Glad to have said something helpful!

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