My victory over a Christian about Lord Lucifer

oh dear oh dear.

so i had my 1 month review at work.
all went fantastic.

however someone over heard me mention the word ‘demon’
and everyone at work have been spreading saying ‘he worships the devil’

so i can’t wait to go oh my gods you worship Jesus. and make a fuss lol

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oh and demon was brought up because I have Aphrodite tattooed on my arm and they said
didn’t she become Venus??? and I said yes then Astarte and then demonized by Christianity to Astaroth. lol

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Hi Frater_Dark_Matter

I am curious in which denomination were you a priest, Episcopal, Catholic, Orthodox?

Was that a masonic lodge? I always though they were more open minded. On the other hand you did say Tennessee. I’ve got relatives in Tennessee and they drive me crazy with their nutty beliefs and constant “witnessing.”

yes, masonic lodge. in tennesee it has gone fundementalist christian and are under the “Dominion” of the Dominionist 7 mountains rule now. they have been cut off by more Real masonic GL’s

Mormon- as well as some lesser known and “evil” side sects…

First off, kudos for your personal victory. It is an important first step in your progress.

But, the idea that one can win a victory of thought over a fundie Xian only displays one’s lack of understanding. Most Xian’s have the slave mentality as exhibited in Key 15 of the Tarot. They are the unthinking zombies held in loose chains by their thought patterns.

It is like winning an argument with a small child.

The arguments we must win, the victories we must celebrate are those of our own conditioning. Removing those chains that we do not yet see around our necks. The yokes that pull us along with the crowd. These are mighty victories conquered through the pain, over time and only under perpetual self examination.

So, once again. Congratulations and press on.


He is still an Archangel. And like the OP said a “Fallen” Angel. At least that’s what dogma calls it. One of my first evocations with Lord Lucifer he showed me his Angel side.

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Well I was baptized Catholic and I got a lot of doubt when the child abuse cases came to light. For example I cannot support the celibate because it’s simple not in the Bible. A priest can have one woman. Maybe if a priest would have a woman or a man, we wouldn’t have that crazy shit abuse cases going on everywhere.

I must say that my experiences with our church where very liberal. They accepted lgbtq and our deacon had a liberal stand in what is evil and what is not. Not a dogmatic stance. So I’m not judging every priest here. A good friend of mine became a priest.

Coming back to the subject. Not all Christians stick with dogma and say, ‘I don’t want to hear his side’. I defend Lucifer in my community and tell the story and tell a little about what I’m doing in Magick. And yes some people stay dogmatic. But I try to give everybody a chance.

He still for a part is, ‘Lucifer the most Holy Angel’

Take care!


I get this all the time in Christian chat and forums. As soon as you talk steadfastly against them no matter the medium they clam up and ban you from forums or close chat. They don’t want to question their sheepiness.

Doesn’t help when I state their narcissistic megalomaniac crybaby trinity that is supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent alpha omega shuts down and has a hissy fit every time it’s confronted. And Christians are like wolves to the slaughter looking for hurt, weak willed, damaged individuals to spill their lies into.

They also won’t talk of the countless Puritan / Catholic slaughters on tribals and cultures across the globe.

Without their playbook doctrine penned and authored by weak minded men that couldn’t fight nor have a way of hard living… they just flounder and repeat crap.

I have no respect for preachers sitting on their golden chair arses dictating crap and NOT paying taxes while the rest of us pay our dues and tax and fee.

And what’s with pussy Christians only putting a stance of some false bravado in their paper armor of god and infinite warrior angels and trinity in front of them. Some balls to have others fight their battles while they hide in their “entitled” paradise like a bunch of loafers.

Me… I’ll stand before anything since my belief is existence period by anything is the greatest sin. Nothing should exist as it clutters up the void.


I like to ask the Christ’tards, “What is Witchcraft?”
And they usually respond that witchcraft is the worship of Satan. I retort by saying that when the serpent was on the tree in Eden he told Adam and Eve that the Tree of Knowledge would enlighten them and it did. That Satan’s sole purpose is to make us godlike. Satan wants us to become our own gods and to do as gods do, the powers of gods. He never asked or demanded to be worshipped.

Christians lie all the time, it’s always an assumption rooted in ignorance, fear, and superstition.

How would Christians know about Satanism, Hell, witchcraft, and sorcery when they don’t even study the stuff? Because they lie.

Another question I ask is, “How do you recognize what is Witchcraft or Gifts of the Spirit? Is there a test that y’all do?” And they say, “well you have to have faith, then you’ll know”.

BULLSHIT, Jesus said in Matthew 17:20
Faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will be done. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Then i ask them to move the mustard seed. They cannot because they do not have the Faith that Jesus is referring to. Their interpretation of what faith is, is from Hebrews 11:1 which I totally disagree with.

“But the Bible is the Word of God”.

No it isn’t, nowhere in the bible does it say that it is. That’s an assumption. They’ll usually quote John 1:1,
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

I’m like, “Where does it say that the Word is the Bible?”

Christians confuse the word Faith with the word Belief all the time, thinking they are the same thing. They are not.

And since Jesus was constantly on his disciples asses all the time for their lack of faith, for their little faith, we cannot rely on the disciple’s interpretation of what they think Faith is. They are unworthy.
One disciple betrayed him, another denied him, they are unworthy.

The New Testament is entirely the interpretations of the disciples. Therefore complete bullshit. We cannot rely upon the New Testament for evidence of Jesus’ divinity.

My interpretation of what Faith is.
(Copied from some of my notes, so sme stuff may be repetitive.)

Psalms 82:6
Ye are all gods, you are children of the most high.

In all Magickal Traditions, visualization is a core practice. It is with Visualization that mastery of Faith is achieved.

The true test of any Christian’s Faith is if they can do miracles, if they can’t then they have no faith.

For Jesus says in Matthew 17:20,

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Faith according to the Bible,

Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

The Author of Hebrews is unknown, but is a friend of Timothy. So this not even from the disciples, it’s from someone else. But this is what Christians use to understand faith.

It’s complete Bullshit, the Bible is not the word of God, and therefore is not infallible, it’s a waste of valuable time.

Luther’s definition of faith:

“Faith is that which brings the Holy Spirit through the merits of Christ”. Thus faith, for Luther, is a gift from God, and “. . .a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.” This is the definition that Protestant Christianity uses.

Both definitions are wrong.

Jesus was constantly on the ignorant and faithless disciple’s asses about their lack of faith.

And what we have today is a slap in the face to what Jesus taught about Faith.

There’s what Jesus taught and there’s what the Church teaches,

the Church bases the Bible on it’s interpretations of Faith from the faithless and misguided disciples of Jesus. Christianity is based on the teachings of the Church, from whom they interpreted from the disciples, the disciples interpreted what they got from Jesus.

And we are to accept the teachings of the Church?

That is the Blind leading the blind. It makes better sense to apply what Jesus taught, not by what other’s think happened.

The Faith Christians talk about is Trust. Every Christian interprets it this way, but that’s not what Jesus was teaching.

What I’m talking about, Faith has to be generated. I have a specific Meditation that I do that generates faith. It’s not an easy Meditation either. Doubt, distraction, temptation, and fear are the main obstacles.

Holding the Faith long enough without the obstacles interfering is the hard part.

But it can be done, and miracles like walking on water, water to wine, feeding the 5000, healing, levitation, it’s all real.

Trusting it won’t make it happen, only strengthening your faith thru the Techniques of my meditation will allow it to happen.

This is what I have derived from what Jesus was trying to convey to his stupid disciples.

My meditation for Faith:

Mind, Darkness, and Light:
In a dark room, light a candle. stare at it, try to see it picture perfect behind your closed eyelids. It will take about a month of strong effort to see it. But the moment you see it, it will be like a fleeting dream that quickly vanishes.

Next stage do the same visualization in a dark room with eyelids open with no visual aid. After a month you will see it manifesting before you illuminating the room.

But the moment you see it you will doubt it and at that moment it will vanish. It will take you a while to get it back.

But each time you see it, try to hold the image a little longer. This is the concentration of Faith that overcomes doubt.

From this you can include the other senses and then manipulate the image, see it grow, get small, multiply it, change it into something else.

It just like a Lucid Dream except that you are awake.

Stages of advancement:

It is first practiced during Dreaming, then during Lucid Dreaming, it can be applied in an Astral Projection should you get lucky enough to experience that (more on that later), then it is practiced during the awake state behind closed eyelids, then open eyelids in complete darkness, then with a little light, then more light, and finally in broad daylight.

Concerning Astral Projection:

Because visualization practice is a generation stage practice that induces Sleep Paralysis which tricks the body into thinking it’s asleep and from that moment you’ll have access to the subtle body and be able to access the powers of it as well.

Manipulation of the (Subtle) Body can induce Astral Projection??? Or is it Physical?

The Chakras and their channels are the Anatomy of the Subtle Body.

Reminds me of what Jesus did when he feed the 5000 with two loaves of bread and two fish and changed water to wine. Your dreams become reality.

I’ve done miracles, I know how they’re done, so when I see certain Bible​ passages that reference it I will use it. But remember the disciples, Jesus was constantly getting onto them for their​ lack of faith, so their testimony of everything in the gospels is Bullshit.

So when the Church says things about Faith, I can tell when they are lying. It’s not that they lie, it’s that they just don’t know and spread their inaccurate interpretations to others. They simply do not know.

People are always asking, what do you believe? I ask you, what do you even know? You don’t know, so you believe whatever people tell you. You have to learn to think for yourself.

The old woman who believes just the 10 commandments, that’s her interpretation of what she thinks is right, what she believes.

But the 10 Commandments is Jewish law. Jesus came to get rid of the old Jewish customs and teach people how to do miracles.

And now the church hides Jesus teachings because it is a threat to their establishment. If people could do their own miracles, what would they need the church for?

The church is lazy, they would rather pray all day and try to further elucidate their many interpretations but never train their own faith.

And yet they have the audacity to condemn the actual practice of Meditation and then make up nonsense about demons entering you to scare into not discovering this inherent power. What garbage.

My parable of the devil (the devil being the 4 obstacles to Faith: doubt, distraction, temptation, and fear.)

If you are in a crowded room, and many people are there and the devil enters, how will you know that he is there?

You won’t, cause he will blend in with the rest of the crowd, you won’t see him when he comes for you.

However if the room is empty and the devil tries to enter, he will be easily identified, he will be noticed.

The same is with meditation, you will see the doubt, the distraction, the fear, and you will be better prepared for it.

The church wants to keep your mind fully occupied so you will sin, so you will be forced to be forgiven. They have created a demand for themselves and prosper off of it.

Jesus was a witch, teaching his Witchcraft to others, that’s why he was crucified for. That is the truth.

The greatest lie ever told, was that he died for your sins.

