My thoughts, theories , findings and knowledge

I’m just gonna leave whatever I find useful , simplifyIt and post it here so ya :upside_down_face:


Bookmarking. Thank you for the encouraging words.


The worst thing you can do is worry about what others have , because 98% of time people are chasing something like a dog chasing it’s tale to fulfill a void inside them . It’s kind of funny , just be content and realize your ego is a little trickster , you don’t need anything external to arise feelings inside you , you can do it yourself


Bookmarking as well. I wanna rub your belly and make a wish :slight_smile: So prophetic :slight_smile:


that’s why I don’t recommend excision rites. it’s harder to manifest anything in your reality or another’s if there are some feelings of negativity. that’s also why curses can be hard to manifest as well.


You have helpful advices dude,your way of manifesting things are very similar to mine if not same at all.I will be following this thread I think.


Thanks for supporting my dissolving ego , but seriously must ascend this incarnation , sorry but too many people are caught up in illusions called reality and their illusions give them support and that gives me a headache , so I can’t wait to go back with my pleadian friends lol


I’ve made some communication with extra terrestrials on two occasions , one is confirmed for sure , the one recently I need to strengthen my astral senses and intuition to know forsure but I’m 19 and getting there


I will pm you about it if its fine for you

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Fine with me

What is reality ? Destiny expressed through the free will, you are destine with certain gifts and abilities , certain paths you will cross , aNd people will give you knowledge , somethings you are handed from source , with those things are the tools which you will construct your destiny through your free will as a human to utilize your mind body and spirit to forge what you want in the physical plane


Why is the element of fire associated with passion and destiny? Because As you chase your passion you are purified in the flames of all that is unnecessary and not meant for your path . Fire is correlated with passion ambition and energy , my favorite element :sunglasses:. You more you give to the fire the more it grows, it’s awesome it can be expanded and grown quicker symbolically than any of the other elements since it compounds like the term “raging fire “ the more given to it the quicker it spreads

Cringe anime photo go with edgy caption and semi applicable advice :heavy_check_mark:


It’s funny when you feel an emotional state , the whole world reflects it to you no matter what, everything in the universe shifts to match your energetic output. It’s very important to make sure to take care of any bad memories or they will linger in your auric field , be reflected in your physical reality , and be a repeating nightmare . This is why addicts always go back to their old habits , they may have consciously overcome it but subconsciously in their other bodies that vibration is still strong. Once I control everything in my aura it’s over zzzz


bro is that David Laid in your profile photo, lmao…

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Yea , the goat :crown:


Bookmarked, great info


i manifest in a way that i acknowlege at first that i am the Bornless One. (i have the potential of all the possible currents). i see myself manifesting through my body… my body is a vessel, into which i can put any wanted current. (like that the body is somekind of a lense or a magnifying glass, and im the light going through)so when i try to manifest something, i just adjust the current and go forth from the core of my body. using the power of mind for visualising the shape of the current into moore specific form and then finnaly adding emotion through heart… then i repeat that specific state for short periods of time ( about 10min at once) through the day, if necessary i extend the practice to a few days… this practice never failed me and it works really fast for me… but again… this is my personalised system and i dont know, how it works for other people… i think that it is best to experiment and build your own system. otherwise, an awesome post :smiley: !


I see it similar , like a power generator, of your chosen current

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Failure is the fuel to vehicle traveling to the destination of success

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7 chakras , 7 bodies 7 deadly sins , 7 hermetic principles, 7 must be the key to something , I know 3,6,9 are the numbers of balance and harmony throughout the universe