My thoughts, theories , findings and knowledge

Interesting. Those cannot be a coincidence.

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Every human is innately born with lower impulses and higher virtues . 7 vices of lust, greed, envy, wrath, pride , sloth , gluttony.
7 virtues of chastity, charity , diligence , kindness , humility , patience , temperance . 7 dimensions above this one - the 3rd dimension . To assert spirit over matter is to enter the higher realms and heavens , to let matter rule over spirit is to fall into the lower realms , hell, into the emptiness , the abyss, nothingness , the heavens , pure love and light , infinity , no matter what path you prescribe too , chasing the satisifcstion of the ego always innately leads to suffering in the end , because it always comes to an end . It feels better to be Intune with infinite source of existence , unconditional love , disregard for the ego

7 angels , 7 princes of hell , perhaps god is within the middle of duality encompassing all of it , the good and the bad , the light and darkness , the center point , encompassing it all , the darkness serves to refine the light , to shape it , what would one thing be without its opposite , nothing

Let’s see how far I can expand these ideas until they make complete sense


In the 11th dimension it’s possible there is a nexus of some sorts , I would assume


I still have plenty of years left to crack the code to this existence to make sense of it , I’m gonna find the answers

Great post and lots of good ideas here keep at it.

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We will see where the water flows

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Troll ass universe , from nothingness comes the manifest , the universe is one string of paradoxes


Holy shit what tf is going on with my minds eye , all those years of visualization for sometimes hours a day are making it so i cannot sleep. Literally I’ll think of something and I can see it as if it’s infront of me almost tangible and it’s not easy to control especially trying to sleep


Basically we are just surrounded by unmanifested potential (darkness) to create the shadows around us , that give form to us ,(Light) , how does the moon take shape? Because it is a figure of light surrounded by darkness , there is unlimited energy surrounding us , and we should learn to harness this , turning the unmanifested pure potentiality into the form / matter of our choice,

Being stuck in 3D consciousness is to be very limited and separated from everything , basically victim mindset , you must look at consciousness awakening as peeling back layers of an onion , the illusions must be peeled back , to get to the ascension , the knowledge of awakening , to move to 5D is to see everything is connected , you are an expression of the divine and can create what you want , by letting it consume your consciousness with positive emotions attached ,


The light is symbolic , the light of being is what makes the surroundings around us become conscious and alive , Matter goes from a wave to a particle state when observed consciously , meaning matter is unformed until it comes into contact with an observer



Some random useful shit from the emerald tablets: The only thing one should strive for is wisdom and to be a vessel of the light , to strive to be one with the sun again .

Fear is the main obstacle on the journey from the earth to the sun and fear is conquered only by knowing

3 are the qualities of the gods : wisdom , power , and love ,

Matter is fluid , flowing like a stream ,

Darkness is a veil and light is all , wisdom conquers darkness of the night

To live without striving for wisdom and light is to live life within death


This incarnation is a choice to balance the aspects of your soul onto higher densities of realiTy. You incarnate in the third density to balance aspects of yourself out so your soul can move and evolve through higher densities and consciousness. For example you might incarnate and face abuse problems and self love issues to transmutate that darkness into self love and create a balance between love (feminine ) and light or wisdom (masculine) , so your soul can evolve and easily pass it through higher densities of reality


Being bound to a body is definitely bondage , and the only thing that counts when you die is what has advanced your soul, don’t be distracted by the things of the ego my friends , just straight seek more knowledge everyday


Everything stems from the all , it’s one big thought here , the universe is one big dream , you know when you dream and conjure up all these things , palm trees anD a beach maybe some people , that’s how god did it , he literally just dreamed it up , spoke it into existence , and manifested it with charging it with love , and that became how he created reality , just some stuff that could lead you to manifesting you’re reality better , matter is not a solid at all but just something thought into existence , and materialized , we have the same blueprint within us to manifest


I don’t know what heavens like but earth is hell


Pearls of wisdom my friend. I appreciate this deeply. Thank you for sharing. I needed this one.

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Man is a star bound to an earth born body