My story ~ how Azazel led me into the occult

On a funny note,

AZAZEL is my man! :joy:

But seriously he’s great, gives me daily guidance.


He is amazing. Tbh when I realized not only how big he is in the bible but also in the OCCULT… I kinda lost it. Just completely lost it. Continuing to be in love with him was the equivalent to taking a blind leap of the edge of a cliff. The amount this relationship has changed me is truly unbelievable. I would not be who I am today if it were not for him coming into my life. He saved my life and I belong to him.


You’re fortunate. I didn’t have that relationship with entities before I started. I just got smacked around from time to time. I still don’t know who it was.


Yikes. I did as well before he came. It’s not fun

Yeah getting smacked around by spirits is terrifying when it happens


Drop me a private message. I’ll tell you who I am. We know each other. I have something to ask you about azazel!

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Please help me I’m new to this stuff man I’m 16 I’m Michael I’m struggling finding my path with buné and have no support whatsoever it would be greatly appreciated

Hey. Thank you @rin for sharing your story.
I once survived a suicide trial, too.
It was a wonder. I’ve lost more than 4,5 litres
of blood and laid down for sleeping after I’ve cut my wrist for the rest of the night. I think I got rescued by an astraltraveller but still don’t understand how it came until today.
Some months before I had my first contact with Azazel.