My Shadow(nomicon) journey begins (Completed)

Tonight’s evocation went well.We’ll see what tonight brings in the form of dreams. As tonight was the full moon, I did my monthly thanks ritual and spoke with Belial and Abaddon afterwards about the evocation with Legion. In the end, Belial basically told me I knew what I needed to do, but I was still on the fence a little.

I closed the standing portal, but didn’t completely seal it off or “repair” the rift.

I’ve not used a triangle in ritual before, but I placed the three incense holders together into one. I placed the sigil of Legion in the middle of the triangle. I lit the incense and lit a candle, which I placed a little outside the triangle.

I began the evocation. I drew an energy circle around the triangle and then pulled that into a sphere to contain that area. I then went through the entire portal opening ritual to open it inside of the sphere.

“Legion and Shadow Woman. Come forth to the portal. You will answer for this past day’s actions”.

They came to the edge of the portal and didn’t try to come out. I could tell they didn’t appreciate the candle being placed right outside the sphere, as blowing the candle out is the sign of trust. “We’ve done nothing to answer for.”

“Legion, you have control over the portal I had open. No one was allowed through without your approval. You allowed all of them through and said nothing as Shadow Woman and Colossal organized a mass gathering and attack in my living space. You see nothing wrong with attacking her while she was with me?”

Shadow Woman started giving impressions about being sorry, for misunderstanding the intent of the rules and other bullshit.

Legion said nothing.

“Is that it?”, I asked and waited for a response that didn’t come.

“Very well. I’m closing your portal. You’ll have to expend the energy to get here now. That will be all.”

I closed the ritual portal and fully repaired the area. I then did the same to the standing portal. When I finished, there were only a few shadow people waiting at the edges of my ritual space . Much easier than the numbers from last night.

Truth is, I can’t just dump my work in this area. I did agree to it and will see it through. That doesn’t mean I have to keep a portal open. It wasn’t in the agreement.


I slept so damn well last night… I woke up with the realization that while one facet of the Shadow Woman is called the “damsel in distress”, the role had been reversed. The damsel had been my succubus. I sat and thought about this for a bit, off and on, during the day, without coming to any sort of usable conclusion.

The house was quiet last night and continued through today.

When I was on my walk, I could feel the Shadow Woman draw up behind me. She had come alone. “You left rather abruptly last night.” she said, as if there hadn’t been any issues in the past few days.

“It seemed appropriate.”

“How’s your damsel-in-distress?”

“Haven’t seen you around today.”

“You locked the house up.”

I didn’t say anything, but kept walking.

“You’re wondering why you have to deal with some of them more than once.”

She was right. There are some shadow people that I remove and they come back immediately. Others, it only takes once. The situations had been moving fast enough that I didn’t have time to take everything in to identify any type of cause or solutions.

“You’re only doing it on one level.” She left without saying anything else.

I realized she was right as soon as she said it. And it wasn’t the first time I’d been told that. After my first encounter, I was trying to figure a similar thing out. I had only done the working on this plane/level, not in all of the levels/planes they were part of.

If I hadn’t identified her energy, I wouldn’t have thought it was the same entity. It was her, but without the physical manipulation. It was an hour before it dawned on me that she had been given an informational task and she carried it out directly. I briefly wondered who gave her the task and noted that whoever did, obviously told her no bullshit.


The above deleted post was a long way of saying that Abaddon intervened and asked me to open the portal again.


Tonight’s event (I don’t want to call it a ritual) has left me a little confused and some pieces I’d noticed in the past made a little more sense, while completely confusing me.

I wasn’t going to go into any kind of interaction tonight, as I’m quite tired. Although the nightmares haven’t resumed, the energies may be affecting my sleep. But, Abaddon and Legion were waiting on me and weren’t going to (lightly) take “no” for an answer. Since they were already here, I didn’t need to go into a full ritual to interact with them.

As I stepped into the area, Abaddon began speaking almost immediately. This time, he told me to write down what he was saying as he was saying it.

“You will call upon the Shadow Woman daily and giver her instructions or a target. This can be personal or not, popular or not, published or not.”

“You will direct her to take on the target. She will direct others” (shadow people). I got a brief mental flash that was the equivalent to some sort of grooming for command or some sort of test to see if she was ready, but not time to ask the question.

With that, he left.

The wording wasn’t the oddest thing. She came over, kissed my cheek, and left. No drama, no manipulation, no attitude.

The thing is, I felt it on some level, but not physically. It also didn’t feel like an energy transfer, as if she was trying to feed off of me.

The “You will apologize” night, one thing I left out was that she had sat down on my leg when she was directly to my left side and I thought I barely felt it. I second-guessed myself and left it out as unimportant. I assumed she was doing it to simply redo the same maneuver she had done the first night I met her, when she had to recover from my not feeling her sit on my leg (which “broke the spell”).

Well, she was doing it again - to check if she had the power to be felt, at least by those who are sensitive. Two days ago (above), I made note that I had noticed changes in her, besides the attitude. Tonight was the same, but she felt a little more solid.

Since most shadow people are experienced as if they’re 2d, when calling upon the shadow aspects of Legion (Colossal, Shadow Woman, etc), it’s apparent that they are more developed. She’s starting to feel more 3d and I don’t know what to make of it. I know you’re either 2d or 3d, but Shadow Woman is starting to feel more like she’s in between the regular 2d shadow person and, say, my succubus.

Now, I’m supposed to name targets (plenty of named pedos and serial rapists to choose from). I was told to do this under MY authority, while she issues orders under hers. Is this just some elaborate scene to get me to start acting more under my own authority? That would seem to make more sense than getting roped into some shadow person training pipeline…


This morning, I called upon the Shadow Woman and gave her the target. I did give it under my own authority, but wasn’t comfortable with it. I was definitely good with the target, but ordering others to hit a target isn’t the same as petitioning others to do so or hitting the target myself. I suppose it will get more natural over time, if this phase lasts long enough.

It wasn’t but an hour and a half later and my household was having conflict over our son going to school and what form that will take. I did keep my cool during the encounter (and the subsequent one an hour later). So, the stone got fed early today. I ended up keeping it in my pocket and fed it as negative emotions came up.

This calmed down over the afternoon, so I went outside to work on my shadow wand. While other there, I feel both Legion and Abaddon come into the area. Abaddon wanted me to go into the full shadow ritual that night. I could tell there was about to be a change in direction. Eventually, I got flashes of having to work with another shadow.

I protested a bit on this. I’ve only been working with the Shadow Woman for a week. I certainly hadn’t “graduated” from her challenges and lessons. I got the impression that my challenges with her are being put on hold, but nothing on why.

Who? The Tall Man. The shadow of perversions, mainly hidden, sometimes repressed. He’s also associated with sickness and greed. While I knew I would have to work with him, it wasn’t something I was going to look forward to.

Once the household had gone to bed, I went through the ritual and invocation to the Tall Man. I did my best to feel the words as I read them, but they didn’t resonate with me on a personal level. Earlier, in the hour I had to prepare, I couldn’t come up with a good equivalent.

As I finished the chant, I noticed that he wasn’t in the area yet. This seemed odd, since I was feeling his presence prior to the ritual starting. Then, I remembered that my ritual intro contained a banishment of the area, so I repeated the chant six more times (total of nine) and he came through a minute later.

He likely was ten feet tall, but stooped over. Whether this was because of the description I’d read or not, I can’t say. It was obvious that I was uncomfortable with his presence and some of this was due to not knowing where the conversation was going to go.

“Thank you for calling me.”, he said and kept making a sort of hand washing gesture. The voice I heard in my head was similar to that of a person that knew he could only keep his depravity contained for so long in normal interactions. I knew part of this was my projection of his description and the other part was him feeding into that projection to make me more uncomfortable.

“We both know I was told to.”

“You’re…apprehensive. That’s fine. We can work through this.” As he’s speaking to me, he showing me pictures of things. Different fetishes, some mundane, some absolutely disgusting. He was seeing what I “hit” on. I don’t know how long it lasted, but it was at least several minutes.

When he was finished, I said “Thank you for showing some restraint with that.” He didn’t show me anything truly vile, not anything dealing with my target from earlier. He could have, maybe he wanted to, but he didn’t.

“I don’t just cause these ____ (did he say ‘things’ or ‘delights’?), I can temper or cure them.” It was clear that he wasn’t interested in curing anything. People engaging in the, and feeling ashamed afterwards can feed him.

“We’re going to have some fun.” He gave off some sort of chuckle that seemed to just fade away, while also seeming to continue. “Once we get to know each other, maybe I’ll cause some of these in your enemies.”

I couldn’t think of anyone I’d want to turn him against. He knew what I was thinking and simply shrugged.

After a few more personal exchanges, it was time to end the ritual.

As I was cleaning up, Abaddon caught my attention. “He will be beneficial to you later on (in future workings). Learn what he has to teach you at this time. Confront what you must. You will continue with the Shadow Woman when I tell you to. Continue to provide her with targets.”

Everyone vacated the ritual area at this point. Legion even left the standing portal, which was odd. I’d gotten used to him looking at me as I wrote down the information into my grimoire.


Thankfully, not much to report. It’s been so quiet I had to make sure the portal was still open.

I honestly don’t know how much I’m going to speak about the Tall Man and his lessons. It’ll be interesting to see what he comes up with, since my home options aren’t conducive to the things he’s been pushing me towards. He’s going to have to work some serious magic to get those type of things going.

I was released from working with Colossal today. I guess I was expecting a Gold Star sticker or something.

Shadow Woman got her next target today. It definitely went smoother. Originally, I was to supply one a day. She came to me last night and the agreement was made that I supply one every few days. I’m going to have to expand my search for candidates outside of those that are already convicted.


Yesterday was relatively uneventful. Today was not.

I felt like I should go for a longer walk today and and knew I was going to get contacted, but I wasn’t sure if it was Legion or one of the specific aspects.

Turn our to be both Legion and the Tall Man. I started the conversation by essentially calling them out. I can tell they’re not just one-trick-ponies, yet I’ve not seen anything that suggested otherwise. I can feel it’s there, but they’re keeping the cards close to the vest.

Quick detour - one of my cats has been very ill all day long. Enough that I got an email about it and when I checked up on her when I got home, she was exceptionally ill and barely lifted her head. I gave her some energy and felt like she was going to be okay tomorrow. If she wasn’t, there was going to be a vet trip tomorrow.

Tall Man isn’t just known for perversions, but also for illness. So I called him out when he’s asking for more energy donations, yet for all of the offerings I’ve been giving, there seems to a whole lot of nothing tangible coming back to me that I couldn’t have figured out from another source that doesn’t ask for daily donations.

Tall Man’s getting irritated. Legion’s getting irritated (some, not all). I explained that if I had only been getting guidance for a month and not giving daily energy offerings, I wouldn’t expect anything.

I singled out Tall Man. “Unfortunately, I gave my cat energy to heal her and expect her to recover tomorrow”.

“I could kill her, if you want a display of power”.

He realized there was going to fight if that happened.

I spoke to both of them, “I’m saying you’re getting a lot more out of this and that should change.”

There was a lot of back and forth, but the jist was that they need to show me I’m not wasting my time in the daily offerings and interactions and asking for some indication that they have something worth teaching. The conversation was essentially done and they went their own way.

I made it back home a little over an hour later. My cat met me a few feet from the door, playing with a toy mouse. Her nose was cold and she wanted some food.

They’ll get an extra donation tonight.


Tonight’s entry started off with me making some observations related to the past few days. I didn’t plan on speaking with Legion, but was taking the time to reflect on some of the things I’ve noticed and try to make some sort of sense of them - or at least more sense than I had when they happened.

What ended up happening was that I was pondering these things and Legion came in and wanted me to copy down what he was saying. It’s mainly for me, but also gives clues to things that I’ve written about in this journal. After this paragraph, the rest is coming from my grimoire.

One thing I haven’t written yet is that I’ve been exchanging small amounts of energy with Shadow Woman, at the encouragement of Abaddon and Legion. It’s a small swap, though. Not a straight feeding. The darkness (energy) disperses into me and doesn’t settle in any particular area. I don’t know why I briefly thought it would. The point isn’t to become a shadow, but to become more like one. This has something to do with the Destruction path I’m on (not self-destructive) in the long run. I don’t really know why.

Another thing was that as Shadow Woman was getting her target this morning, both of them were there - the 2d and the 3d version. I haven’t had any alcohol in weeks and nothing else harder. I was fully awake. The 2d version looked like the picture in the book, the 3d like the shadow I interact with lately. Outside of the 2d - 3d difference, they had the same signature. This makes me more convinced that the Shadow Woman (or Colossal or Tall Man) is more of a mask or persona that members put on to perform that “duty”.

My confusion with this is partially because I can tell they aren’t simple parasite-like creatures, so how do they adopt the same signature (so uniformly)?

Legion just came in and said I can write as he speaks. (Side note - I got a slight dressing-down when I changed his words and the paragraph breaks are his/theirs). Parens notes are mine.

“They put on a Deific mask (equivalent of). As we all do when becoming Legion. It is part of the agreement for becoming one of us. All agree or they are cast out.”

“You will not take this mask (with intent of - provided it is offered), because of your prior agreements and by the decree of Abaddon. You would fail that test (to lost enough of the self to become one with Legion). You are partially doing this with your energy transfer. You are obtaining a more similar signature to us, to your family (?). For we are becoming Family as you move further along the current.”

“You are being coached in the healing from us (& in the causing of disease). This is no coincidence. As you move along with your commitments with Zagan, you will find this useful. Primary, even (?). We give you this.”

"You will not fall prey to Tall Man’s games, but others may at your behest. Use this wisely, as you may stir the pot, but not know where or how it will bubble over. Since you like cooking (He jests. This is a reference towards home issues this evening). "

“You deserve better. It will come. But not for a while (I know he was talking about when it would resolve, rather than when something would get messy or fall apart). Set us loose. Let us feed. You know what to do (this is a task of some sort, but what task?)”

“Make the call. Become the God in that moment (ritual work, really becoming it, not pretending in any way) and set yourself free - from us (Legion), from them (others, but who?), from your own pathetic fear. You are brave, very brave, have done brave things. But you fear too much. Not others, (as much as) yourself. Kick off your shackles and breathe. Your freedom awaits.”

He left immediately after that.

When Legion said I wouldn’t take the mask (if offered), he did so with some distaste in the words, some disgust that it wouldn’t be accepted regardless. I’m not entirely sure, but the Family remark came with a sort of hint that if I gave up my commitments, I could still join them. Like he was dangling a carrot or something.

The stuff is Zagan is a series of agreements (not pacts) I made with him to better myself. Maybe I’ll need some healing in support of that.

Since reading about him and knowing I was going down this path, part of me has been concerned about working with the Tall Man. Mainly about the depravity-heavy description and my own analytical mind that tried to think of all the possibilities at once. I’d come to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to fall down some abhorrent abyss with the Tall Man, but it was nice to get confirmation of sorts. It’s also a reference to my wondering and thinking about the type of instructions one would give one of the shadow aspects to better control the outcomes (to reduce inflicting things on others in the environment as the target falls apart).

The deserve better part came with flashes from different aspects of my current life - home and work, mainly. I got no indications of when any of this will happen (and what those changes will really be). I already know that my job will change in less than a year. Covid stuff should be somewhat calmed down in that time span. I really just saw indicators that it involved that categories of home and work, but nothing about the context.

The last paragraph was warranted. It’s also a sort of response to my calling him out the other day. He returned the favor and it’s accurate. I’ve been drawn to the things I fear, but as I go down this path, he knows I’m a little fearful of how I’ll turn out in the end. Yet, he also knows that this fear will prod me to keep going.

It’s late and I’m sure there are more layers of meaning in this that will take time to understand. He chose his words carefully. More carefully than I’ve known him to thus far.


Man, this is some pretty heavy material, my friend. Definitely does not look easy and I can see where one can easily tumble into some dangerous waters. Good luck on the rest of your pathworking, I will be continuing to read this.


Thanks, my friend. Not everything makes it in here (at least 90% does). It is heavy and there’s nothing for it but to dive right into the mud.


And find the nuggets of gold within the mud.


A much more sedate experience this evening, but something interesting happened earlier today at work that fed into it.

While at work and under a lot of immediate stress, I thought of how inconvenient it was that my corrupted stone was at home. Plenty to feed it with. I was thinking of the stone and thinking of how relative distance was when I realized it felt like I was almost right next to it. I stuck my hand out and sent the negativity into the stone. I could feel it leaving and feel it as it entered the stone. I called out to Legion, whose portal is a few feet from the stone and confirmed that I wasn’t on crack.

I was surprised at first, but more that it happened spontaneously, rather than after a controlled “journey”. I used to be heavy into astral projection when I was in high school, but that was back in the 90’s and I haven’t really picked it up much since. I also used to do my version of journeying, after I got my hands on Harner’s The Way of the Shaman. Evidently, this paid off, but not how I expected. I’ve also used it less spontaneously when I was channeling a curse on a deserving fellow with Pele, but this was more of an energy tracing representation, rather than feeling like I was actually at the location in some manner (more active than remote viewing. Much more, but not some bi-location thing. I think.).

While I was conversing with Legion today, he brought it up as a tool for good or for ill. He tied it into remote work on individuals, to balance or unbalance an individual towards one polarity or another. By polarity, I mean causing darkness or light to be stronger than the other. In his case, it was for causing darkness, coupled with intent to guide the low-key working towards corruption. In essence, it was the cat burglar approach, rather than the smash-and-grab of regular curse/baneful workings. It was an interesting concept. He agreed to let me share that, in case others wanted to experiment with it. He said to practice it on the “deserving”, so I’ll pick some (convicts, pedos or rapists) cases where I think that medical issues arising will make the news. Death isn’t the goal. Just enough to make the news to validate the findings.

One part of this I asked about was with Light side workers. I asked why they didn’t seem to suffer some of the same effects as, say, those who dwell too much with the darker forces. Apparently, it wasn’t a simple answer. His response to the Light-only workers was that they do, but are blinded by it. Instead of suffering physically, they suffer mentally and something that indicated that they lost part of themselves to what they were giving it to (impression that I clearly have trouble explaining). It wasn’t like it was just covered up, it’s like it was either replaced or over-written, similar to how data is overwritten on a drive. I could see what he was saying, but I don’t know how accurate it is, as I’m not a light side only worker. It made enough sense that I didn’t think he was completely full of shit, but I don’t know how much is truth.

Concerning those who work a lot in the darker aspects, he said it take time to acclimate, essentially. A little at a time. I asked for some sort of time table or span that was more “healthy” than others and was also thinking of my energy transfer with the Shadow Woman. He answered this in several ways.

One was an impression that the individual, if they were paying attention and had experience with energy work on both sides of the line, would start to feel that there was too large of an intake. As if the body or soul(?) started to rebel or protest.

Another was that, if there was a relationship with the entity that was getting swapped with (in my case), they should let the person know. I called him out on this, as the talk of this and the memories of having done it, caused Shadow Woman to come forth. I’d already swapped some today and she was looking for more. Legion indicated that it should be dialed back. So, I’m not sure how accurate this is and may be more towards higher level entities, rather than shadow people.

A third was to ask a trusted Deity to watch over the process. He didn’t give any more input than that about it.

Abaddon also spoke and seems to be really intent on my learning to command more. He gave me the name of an entity that’s to help with this. I wouldn’t say she’s a familiar or some low-level entity, but not a really high level one either. He called her a Void Mistress, but I assumed this was a generic title for my benefit, to allow my analytical side to categorize and “bucket” her in some manner. The thing is, she will do reasonable things, but only if she’s commanded.

I’ve told Abaddon that I’m not interested in bossing people around like some middling wannabe boss that thinks they’re hot shit. He indicated that it may take a little longer because I wasn’t willing to be overly aggressive about it (my words) and I made it known that I was fine with that. I get that it’s something I need to work on, but it’s not like I haven’t done it in the real world. I didn’t have to do that in Iraq, because I was respected and took on the same dangers they did. And this was in the Infantry.

This is one of those things (this area) that I wish had their insight, so I could understand why it’s such a big deal. If those things I work with obey when they should, what’s the difference? I’ll cap this here. It’s getting long.


I forgot to share something. It’s obvious to those who’ve noticed my profile pic that I have a very real affinity to the Praying Mantis. Along with the above post, where I was speaking with Legion, only to come across a female mantis laying an ootheca, her egg.

I cut my conversation with Legion at the time, took the picture, and wished her well, as well as her ootheca. She will perish in the next two weeks. It, in many ways, was indicative of the conversations I had with Legion - the Light coupled with the surety of the Dark.


No it’s not lol! I thought its grass! :joy:


Hehe, fair enough. I used to raise Ghost Many uses for fun. Currently, it’s a moss mantis. Haven’t seen one in real life.


I haven’t done much with Legion today, but I have been working on my shadow wand a bit. First pic is an overall shot, the length cut where I felt I should. Much longer thanks typical for me. I found the dropped branch while wondering when I should go down this path.

Second shot is the sanded version. Here, I’ve started from the base, which holds Legion’s sigil and have started populating the sigils and enn equivalent for each shadow. When I’ve completed the working, all 7 shadows entries will be on there.


Been reading some of your pathworking, too. Clear similarities and I don’t think I’m halfway through yours yet.

You mentioned the training program or a substitution potential for deities/entities. I’ll pm you about my experiences and observations. Doesn’t relate to this topic, but does to several of my personal deities.


This is my entry from 16AUG. I wasn’t sure if I was going to put it in here, as it’s not terribly exciting. The last few parts are likely going to be the most important and the rest of it was the progression of the conversation to get to that end point.

I was pulled into ritual at the urge of Legion. When I finally got outside and got ready for it, I called out to him.

“You will bleed on the stone.”

“Abaddon discouraged me from bleeding on the shadow wand when it comes time to oil it (after the pathworking). Why would I bleed onto a corrupted stone, but not my own tool?”

“Because I ____ (asked? told?) you to.”

“Not good enough for me. You get your offerings. Besides, your preferred offerings are negative emotions. You were almost disinterested in it in the past. Now, you want it. Is there something else behind this? Why?”

He didn’t say anything. He was almost projected a defiant attitude.

“Why?” I asked, as a command.

“Energy link.” he said. This clearly wasn’t the whole reason.

“You already have that.” There was some more back-and-forth and I realized I had reverted to asking, without the force/intent of a command behind it.

“To use it in a working.” It wasn’t just his working, I could feel.

“Why are you asking me? Why isn’t Abaddon?”

“Because I was sent.”

“Why your stone?”

“Personal choice.”

It was getting old, having to ask/demand every piece of information. “Go, if you want.”

He started pulling away from the portal’s edge.

“As long as you’ve given me the information I should know (about the offering and it’s use)”. He paused.

“Putting it on paper’s fine.”

“You haven’t said what it’s for.”

“A working on one of your targets.”

As a side note, when I was given the authority to call on some of Abaddon’s legion members, he explicitly told me to pay him and he would pay them. For some reason, this came back into my mind when Legion said it was for a working.

“I will pay Abaddon. Get it from him.” For whatever reason, Legion wasn’t happy about this and didn’t say anything else before leaving. It made me question who’s working it was, but I wasn’t sure that I would get an honest answer by demanding it from Legion and further.

I don’t typically deal with him that way, but the lessons of the past few days have been about acting with authority and command. The odd way he started going about things is the main reason I chose to enact those lessons. Not that it got me much more, but that wasn’t the point.

I could feel Abaddon in the area when speaking with Legion. I let him choose the finger and location for the lancet. He chose, I struck, and almost nothing came out, which was unusual for a fingertip draw. Not even enough for me to consider it a full drop of blood. He said it was enough.

As I burnt the offering, I asked him what the point of the exchange with Legion was.

“A year ago, you would’ve done it and would’ve been fearful of the repercussions for not doing it.”

He was right. To how me that was the majority reason for the encounter. Not the only, but he kept the rest to himself.


I was mulling over a conversation that I had with @Dralukmun about the darker paths and noticeable effects and decided to call out to Legion to try to get some answers.

“There have been a lot of negative aspects to this path thus far. There were a lot of offensive capabilities given that I’ve been told not to share. Is this all there is to this shadow work? I know there is healing and the challenge of facing and overcoming those darker aspects of the self. Is there anything else (of substance)?”

“There is, but not to you. Not yet. You need to understand how the Shadow works before you can do/learn/understand (he said all three, one after the other) anything else. You have not laid down the baneful groundwork to learn the rest yet.”

“I’ve done baneful workings. I’m not adverse to doing them. I don’t typically have a need for them.”

“Are you suggesting there aren’t others who will benefit from them? (I saw several instances going through my head.) Then you have a reason to do them. Keep practicing.”

He could tell I didn’t like his answer. “Could you, right now, use those offensive techniques to dismantle the cures of an individual I chose (choosing someone already cursed or negatively touched by the shadow) ?”

I saw an image of him pointing towards someone at a local supermarket. A random person, with an unknown ailment. I don’t know if this was a real person or not, as I am at my house. It felt real.

I didn’t know that I could or not (heal the person). But I definitely had enough doubt in reversing the techniques. “Not likely. Not with trying a reversal of the techniques you’ve shown.”

“Then you don’t fully understand them. You have to do them successfully to understand. You have to send them forward and watch as they take hold, without interfering, to understand how it goes about its work.”

“So, I just watch as this goes to work to get a better understanding over time. Do you have some suggestions for how often I should check at first?” I was also thinking of work and the time I had available.

“Did I say you had to do it?”

I didn’t say anything, but got a flash of the familiars I’d been told about & the void mistress. I hadn’t thought about delegating the responsibility. I got the impression that I wasn’t properly using the resources I have available. “Noted.”

I felt like the lesson was over. “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me why I’m doing all this?”

He left.

The encounter was a few hours ago at this point. I know he didn’t really answer my most pressing question(s) and I’m not satisfied with the answers I did get.

Do surgeons have to shoot someone in the stomach to practice treating bullet wounds? No, they study them and related disciplines, and let them occur on their own…

I’m not sure how much of Abaddon’s hand is in this. On a walk earlier, I asked Belial about similar things concerning this pathworking and he wasn’t terribly forthcoming, either. It seems like whatever I’m supposed to get out of this, giving much in the way of information would ruin the surprise.


Ive been thinking about this last night after I read it. Surgeons do not have to injure another to heal but your white blood cells have to destroy (and consume) new foreign material in order to advance their ability to rid the body of infectious diseases. Much of what we have build in our civilizations is based on ones in nature, medicine being one of them. Maybe by exposing yourself to this pathworking and practicing baneful magic you will learn how a person is broken down by it to where you can learn to identify and heal the inflections in others?