My Relationship with Archangel Raphael

Good job.

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Get Over It

I actually just wanted to take a moment to address some things thrown out on this thread here which is now closed for 12 days making it so I can’t respond to anyone directly and in 12 days I probably won’t care too so yeah I’m addressing this now on my journal

  1. Wow it sure is getting hard to say anything here without people jumping down your throat which is also something I touched on in my last post

Again my experience will negate yours yours will negate mine because this entire process is subjective

If you want something more objective to lawfully lynch people by then you want a religion pick one be my guest! Go right ahead there’s plenty to choose from

Personally I got away from religion for a reason and it was this thought policing bs right here

  1. Never said anyone was jealous or that you should start summoning entities purely with the motive of having sex with them I’ve actually NEVER summoned an entity for sex…this is just something that happened and I shared my experience because it was a question I kept seeing posted over and over on the forum

Could it be dangerous? Possibly and again I never reccomended anyone do this.

But can magick itself be dangerous? Probably

But is going outside your house dangerous? Definetly!!

  1. If you buy into the idea its disrespectful to think an angel is sexy or handsome or to have experiences with them other people might not approve of then you’re buying into the thinking that

Sex is bad

Angels are too holy for sex

And monotheistic mentality

Go back to it feel free!

But I know my experiences don’t line up with it and so yeah I reject schools of thought that don’t answer my questions about what I experience in life whether it be the mundane or the other wordly

Because your world view whatever it is should actually answer those questions

  1. The geniune article vs a parasite vs a thought form

So on this note as someone who grounds their practice in Jungian psychology and archetypes out of the very real necessity the spirit world doesn’t drive me bonkers

I think everyone who encounters anything is facing at least to some degree a personal thoughtform better known as a psychological archetype which can be found literally everywhere

Don’t get me wrong I view the spirit world as very real but I see it as both a within and without type of deal not one or the other.

You can go within and meet a spirit guide aka archetype in your dreams meditations etc and it connects you to a very real energy that simultaneously exists outside yourself

I believe this is explained by the collective unconscious and its why we can heal people through our rituals/thoughts/prayers, it’s why we can download information with no previous way of knowing about it etc

And between that and quantum physics that’s the closest I can personally come to an objective answer on this matter.

But just as my personal opinion

I think if you believe in a version of Michael, Raphael or whoever that is so inaccessible only you and the select few people you approve can access it aka the geniune article then you believe in a very ego centric idea

And that’s cool that’s your opinion and truthfully we all need some way to inflate our egos to a healthy degree but don’t jump down other people’s throats now your ego is going unchecked

So check it

And on parasites

Its possible parasitic entities exist yes.

Vampirism is about feeding off other people’s energy on purpose and there’s alll kinds of way to do this and everyone does it to a degree

But I think they exist more as breaking off from other people and you’re probably in more danger of someone you know sending you ill will and feeding off you than you are jusy randomly encountering one

And when something does try to suck you dry or attack you you will know it You really don’t have to guess at it

But I do think if you’re of the mindset that you could encounter one at the drop of a hat then you probably will

I do whole heartedly agree though that any spirit you encounter should challenge your idea of them and thats a sign you’ve encountered something geniune

Because at the very least it means you’ve dug deeper into your subconscious and now you’re getting somewhere that will lead to growth

On the flip side if a spirit shows up exactly how you’ve always expected them to be then you’re only tapping into a surface level of your consciousness and should dig deeper because if you had all the answers on that bare minimum surface level you wouldn’t need magick you wouldn’t have to look inside yourself at all


I’m so sick of people behaving like that I could just gag. They even had the nerve to call those of us with angel partners low level, young fangirls!

You know what? If you look at my intro you will see I’m 32. You will also see I’ve been doing magic for 17 years.

Do I know everything? Certainly not. But I do know that what I’m experiencing is genuine. I’ve found too much historical evidence to back it up. That means that other people in history have experienced the exact same thing.

So yeah I’ve started being more private too. I had no idea how closed minded people are in the magic community. And that they still hold on to monotheism. If they want to do that, it’s fine, but don’t push your ideals on other people. The point of this place is to show your experience and provide assistance. And now?! It’s about who is better than the other and who is right, which is ridiculous. And completely discrediting anyone with genuine experience, just because it doesn’t match with monotheistic beliefs. We’re all different. Our experiences will be different yet similar.

Like it or not, we experience this. I fuck an angel. So drag me to the gallows, stone me, burn me at the stake. I agree with @anon2593031 get over it!

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A job well done .

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Good Bye Balg

Before my account gets wiped out because it will. I am taking a moment to thank everyone who made me feel welcome during my stay here

It has become obvious to me however it is time to leave and move on when I sign out I am not coming back.

I am not leaving because I did anything wrong it is not admission of guilt. I am not leaving because I am weak and intimidated by the bullies here.

I am leaving because my philosophy does not have room here at balg…because I can not talk about my research findings,techniques and experiences with people of an open mind. I’ve been here long enough to feel out where the vast majority of balg stands and I respect your views and your right to them but they are not mine. I have simply out grown coming here and there’s more for me away from here than there is if I stay.

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I’m sure it does and there are many people who would enjoy learning what you have discovered and hearing your experiences. Please think twice before you leave, but if this is truly the path you have chosen then I wish you all the best in future endeavours.

Sorry, I had to edit as I made some typos.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

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Hmmm, too bad, I have imagined what fun it would be to fuck Raphael, although, it would kind if be like fucking my doctor just to give him an extra thank you.