My path with Satan

I dont know. He said hes part of the nameless but he ain’t the nameless.


Has anyone here been possessed by any of these entities before? How was the experience? Did you will it to happen or did it happen against your will?

@anon55584740 @Moonlight154


I plan to let Satan possess me one day tho


Thanks a lot

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You are welcome. I did a live invocation of lucifer a year back on the channel.

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I shall check your channel out :slight_smile:

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I stopped uploading since almost nobody was watching it and I needed a break.

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Well that’s interested. I had a conversation with him about the one we call “God” and the universe. He told me he isn’t God, but he contributed to the creation of the universe. I sensed he was not at ease talking about this subject


Ofcourse. Our gnosis seemed to have similarity


Where’s the live video you mentioned. It’s not letting me see all your videos I think. I can only see 5 videos.

Search on youtube Morpheus Darkson Lucifer.

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Oki thanks. I don’t know why YouTube is so weird. How is it that some people’s channels are featured and others never get seen. :thinking:

Yeah ik. I am changing a few settings it should be good in few mins.

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I think its complete.

You can check it now.

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Have you heard of the YouTuber Teala? She as worked with Satan also in 1 of her vids she actually mentions God and Satan are close friends.

1 interesting thing she also mentioned is that you can talk through God, through Satan and the other way around too. She also did a channeling session with God I recommend you check that out also

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Which God? There are so many gods.

God from the Bible… If that makes sense.

Which I have talked to her about that if Belial, Satan, and other deities are considered ancient Gods then why is God…just God? :thinking: