My Name is Kitty and I am in alot of pain

I’ve spoken in my own name,
not in the name of balg,
if you’re concerned about the implications.

quite frankly…

I’ve suggested her to talk to her Doctor herself,
but sorry,
yes the topic of physical pain,
can somehow have to do with health and healthcare.

After all,
i’ve already pointed out,
that i wasn’t really happy to be asked for advice there.

But since i had been asked:

  • should i not answer the request?


i haven’t spoken about her medication,
or anything,
i only suggested her a method,
of overcoming a limitation of her senses.

using a specific light bulb,
is different then meditating on a candle flame.

But we’re not living in 12th century anymore either.




As an adult you should be responsible of bad advice that you can potentially give, or mislead.


Welcome to BALG @ambercatgoddess.

I’ve been off the forum for a bit. My hypnosis teacher is teaching me Magnetism and Energy Healing. It’s interesting stuff. He says with practice and understanding, i will be able to put people into deep trances where they can often heal themselves of psychosomatic issues, including some things that are thought to be incurable. Time will tell where this leads, but i’m learning a lot.

Thoughts are things. In energy medicine, there’s the idea that imbalances lodge into the body and aura, causing mental disturbances and eventual sickness. When these imbalances are discovered and removed, the body and mind naturally begin to heal themselves. Sometimes a psychosomatic problem can be partially healed or put into remission in this way. Sometimes it can be fully healed. It all depends on the condition and how stubbornly the imbalances are implanted.

The imbalance categories are

  1. Thoughtfields (the vibrational atmosphere and mentality in your town/city)
  2. Energy imbalances (trapped emotions, internalized traumas, and afflictions to energy storehouses)
  3. Nutrition & Lifestyle
  4. 11 Organ systems
  5. Pathogens (fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, and parasites)
  6. Heavy metals & environmental toxicity (metals, free radicals, chemicals, radiation, pollution, etc)

I’m not a doctor and i’m not going to play one on the internet. What i can say though, is this: sometimes a problem persists because it exists on multiple categories, but is only being addressed on one.

Going to begin with what you can control and work from there.

To strengthen your magick, i suggest you do 1st chakra work related to grounding and centering yourself in your sacred space, with Pentagram & Hexagram rituals. Sacred space is the creation of energetic Brain & Heart fields in which magickal intent can be properly sent.

Pentagram & Hexagram rituals are very versatile and underrated for creating these magnetic fields; quantum psychology and neuroscience are proving that setting up Brain & Heart fields are the key to insight and manifestation in both metaphysics circles and the Law Of Attraction. So put your time and energy into doing this for now, it’s fundamental work to doing magick.

To explain, the Pentagram rituals set up your Brain field, and the Hexagram rituals set up your Heart field. Banishing rituals send energies away from you, and Invoking rituals bring them to you. This gives you 4 types of Pentagram & Hexagram rituals to set up 4 different Brain & Heart fields:

a. A repellant Brain & Heart field (Banishing Pentagram and Banishing Hexagram), to protect your mind and personal space from negativity and intrusion. Invisibility spells are an extension of this type of work.
b. A possession Brain & Heart field (Banishing Pentagram, then Invoking Pentagram and Invoking Hexagram), to inspire and possess you with a spiritual energy. Finish this with Banishing Pentagram and Banishing Hexagram when your ritual is complete.
c. A grounding and centering Brain field (Banishing Pentagram, then Invoking Pentagram and Banishing Hexagram), to drive the outside world away before you do meditations. Finish this with Banishing Pentagram when you’re done.
d. A manifestation Heart field (Banishing Pentagram and Invoking Hexagram), to clear your mind and connect you to reality for magickal manifestation. Finish this with Banishing Hexagram when you’ve manifested what you want.

Because of your issues with overactive psi, i suggest taking a month to do repellant magnetic fields in your home, to keep intrusive energies and thoughts out of your space. Combine this with smudging to keep your home space peaceful and quiet. If you have an active meditation practice, i suggest doing grounding and centering brain fields before you meditate, to clear the air of intruding thoughts, and ending with banishing Pentagrams when you’re done. I know, this is a LOT of banishing, but this world is very meddlesome. Clearing your space gives you room to make changes in your mind and in your life.

When you’re ready, i again suggest using possession fields to call in the spirits you want to work with, so they can heal your psychosomatic issues from the inside. Possession can be beneficial for healing on many levels. I recommend you work with Buer for healing in general. The spirits you’ve already called on may have a unique message for you, so invoke them as well.

In line with these possessions, i suggest you get a copy of The Emotion Code by Dr. Brad Nelson, and Quantum Touch, by Richard Gordon.

The Emotion Code is an applied kinesiology system for uncovering emotional blocks tied to your organs and energy systems. These emotional blocks may underlie your illnesses and afflictions. Also, Dr. Nelson has a process called the Heart Wall Release, which is about removing blocks to you setting up a powerful Heart Wall. I am now of the belief that many people can’t do magick because they have a Heart Wall around them, which prevents their manifestations from taking place. Until that Heart Wall is taken down, their magick will fizzle out. Dr. Nelson gives you all the instruction to do kinesiology, which you can practice with your girlfriend for uncovering deeply held traumas. It’s useful self-work which your spirits can guide you through.

Quantum Touch is hands-based energy healing you use to guide magickal energy through your meridians/nadis, chakras, and into your auras/fields for your energetic healing. Invoke Buer or your other spirits to possess you while you move energy through your system and do your healing hand passes, and they may uncover causes to the different things afflicting you for their removal.

Ask Buer or your other spirits to expose any hidden emotions that may be holding you back in life, including prenatal and preconception emotions your parents held while you were being conceived. Let me explain: a lot of people have traumas in their minds and bodies that they can’t seem to shake, because those traumas were implanted by their parents or environment when they were in the womb (or before they were born, when their parents were still getting together). Those people and have no idea that’s where their current problems came from, and don’t look in those areas for solutions, so the problems persist. With spiritual insight and some hypnotic age regression, you can guide your mind back to the starting point of the problem and revisit it. With the proper training, you may be able to heal psychosomatic problems and traumas at that point.

If this training material proves to be too hard for you to get a handle on, ask Buer or your other spirits to bring someone to your life who can do the healing for you. You don’t have to do everything yourself. There are many energy healers in the world who can release trapped emotions and fix psychosomatic issues for you, you just have to connect with them. The UK is full of experienced occultists and psychologists. Look around, you may be surprised at who you find.

This may or may not be the core of your issues with sciatica, migraines, etc, but it’s something you can look into for psychosomatic issues. Neuropsychology has come down to earth in a way that everyday people can now learn and use these practices for well-being, and they come highly recommended, so i pass them onto you for your consideration.

Again, i’m not a medical doctor, and i’m not a nutritionist or personal trainer. I have to leave it up to your medical practitioners to suggest a good diet to you, offer you suggestions for exercise and lifestyle changes, and check your 11 organ systems for pathogens or metal/pollution toxicity. They will know how to keep you in tip-top shape and detox you from any environmental factors.

Once again, welcome to BALG and good luck with everything. Cheers


Public Disclaimer:

Thanks to a friend,
reminding me about the general terms,
and how we work best together,
i want to point out,
that this specific advice,
i wrote for ambercatgoddess,
included on the spot reading,
(also known as scanning), - a form of Divination;
of her metaphysical state,
her Aura,
and therefore,
isn’t to be used by others.

I had to fill in details,
she hadn’t yet provided by herself,
and due to some of my statements there,
seemingly refering to medical termonology,
misinterpretation could happen.

That was,
not intended for anyone to be misinterpreted,
so i’d like to remind myself here:

Magick and Health are seperate topics,
unless it’s in the Health section of the forum.

My apologies,
to anyone,
who might have misunderstood my explenation.




This is directed to Yberioth and what he just accomplished for me.

I used to sustain myself with blood infusions from donors from time to time. So whether knowing or unknowingly was exactly right to use that as a reference.

Yberioth’s information concerning Belial and the experiences I have had all match up quite accurately.

Application of cold showers if done rationally and slowly are therapeutic. Light therapy and or addition of sun-gazing have been proven to be helpful. These are suggestions I might add, that he offered as a potential solution. I am allergic to sunlight insofar as it causes my eyes to water so much that my vision becomes blurred each time i attempt it. I have pain not unlike a migraine and the touch of it on my skin begins to become unbearable usually within five minutes to ten minutes of exposure. I prefer the gloomier days and the nighttime. Yberioth also suggested this was an if needed suggestion allowing me to choose whether to apply this or not to heal myself.

Then Yberioth suggested I go speak to my doctor and find out the levels of Vitamin D, Serotonin and to find out my cortisol levels. My most recent blood-work confirms that I am anemic, my serotonin is lacking as well as my cortisol levels being abnormally high. My white blood cell count is also abnormally high suggesting that my body is fighting something but the doctors have not been able to ascertain what it is that I am fighting. Yberioth was absolutely accurate.

Nothing that Yberioth suggested shows a need for chastisement or concern. I for one am extremely thankful to Yberioth for what he has managed to accomplish today. I look forward to further discussion and potential advice from him. :smiley_cat:


High as in diagnosed with Cushings?

I am surprised your doc sent you for serotonin blood tests. It is not a usual procedure at all.

That is hyper sensibility to sunlight, not sun allergy. But I get your point. It can create migraines, yes.

It should be mandatory for all the UK residents, as well as vitamin D supplements too. Any country without much sunlight should, so that is a nice shot to try.

Well your doctor then has not checked enough, because it could be a sign of inflammation. You should get CRP checked as well as some immunity markers checked too.

Did they found the cause of anaemia?


Can you send me a PM?


I was given Vitamin D supplements and Iron Supplements. More than seven doctors from different surgeries have found that my white blood cell count is abnormally high and could not or did not find a cause for this.they did not find a cause for the anaemia they just gave me the tablets. I had to push back at every appointment but they tend to lump it all into the fibromyalgia. The doctor said it was a sun allergy and one medication I take reacts if I am in the sun. I have been diagnosed with a number of problems.

The inflammation was explained away due to fibromyalgia. I wish I was joking but I am not. I am glad you have so many questions but to be honest I have asked most of them and they do not offer an answer. A few doctors said that I knew more about my conditions than they did but they do not listen to me when I ask them about the inflammation…for example etc. Why my optic nerve is inflamed or why I have twitches in my eyes for no discernible reason. One major factor is that my father was exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam war. A friend of mine who is a nurse has no answers for me because there are so many strange symptoms.


I need to go and have a rest I have missed some sleep and I am tired.


I am appalled for what you tell me.

How the fuck did they diagnose the fibromyalgia? I hope not by discarding diagnoses.

Your doctor is a dick. That is then phototoxicity due to drugs, not allergy facepalm.

Well you need some immune markers and CRP done, please. If positive, then rheumatology referal could be a nice idea. I recommend you changing GP surgery then. I am honestly appaled.

Go to the optician. Also, don’t be alarmed but the option of MS is plausible, so if I were you I would go to the GP and ask to be screened for that.

Also for some vitamin B12, iron and folate blood samples.

Your situation with the docs is utterly ridiculous.


Thank you NoxLotus for helping her further.

Glad you joined in on the progressive side of the Topic.

:blush: :sunny:




It is always good to join forces with different people who have knowledge about different types of medicine and healing to compare and agree.

An holistic approach is always the best, but sometimes it worries me that people takes all the internet comments as gospel truth and misinterpret things.


And indeed,
i see you’re giving good advice here.

Please don’t feel interrupted from me.

I like the course the conversation is going now.

For the holistic approach,
maybe you can give her some suggestions,
in how to cope with the missing sun light?

As we both are vampiric in nature,
i looked for methods out of my reportaire,
but from what i get,
she won’t be transitioning into daylight mode anywhere soon,
so i guess your understanding will be more benefitial then mine,
on that specific notche.

If you got an idea or two,
please share it with us.

Just for a quick note;

I’m not assuming that you currently suffer from a form of

But some symptoms simply match with out expierience range.




Well, if we are talking about the lack of vitamin D due to the lack of sunlight, vitamin D supplements are the best approach, to be taken over the whole year.

From the point of circadian rhythm disruption due to the absence of light, again, as you said before, light therapy with special light bulbs is the most effective therapy, as well as having regular patterns of sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

I also find useful to drain energy from the moon, as for vampires is refreshing and rejuvenating, as well as healing in nature.


Normally porphyria develops into physical symptoms that she lacks due to her avatar pic.
It is normally quite clear when someone suffers from that disease:


those are the sections i’d love to hear more advice for her from you.

I think the Moon-feeding might actually be a good way to go.




As people might probably have noticed, I am normally more into practical western medicine,but glad to help with complementary therapies.

Also crystals can be useful.


Well, good point,
but the pictures taken in the medical journal there,
are clearly taken after intensive radiation (ultra violett light),
has been applied to the subjects photographed,
we both know,
that it takes a sun impact to cause such burns.

And if such conditions would apply,
she’d probably not use a real life picture for her avatar,
i guess.


Which is pointless,
because i just noticed similarities,
rather then assuming a diagnose.



1 Like

She reported being on iron tablets. She would have gotten worse by them if she had porphyria due to the excess of iron as a secondary effect of that disease.


NoxLotus I am equally appalled with these things. I went to see a rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. He did this by what I described and by looking at me. At the time there was no blood work done or anything involving a laboratory. I waited six months to be seen as well. I am waiting to see another one but as the government continues to cut funding the wait time seems to get longer and longer. Not just for me but for many people.

More than one Doctor has confirmed that I am allergic to sunlight. But it really doesn’t make a difference the sun hurts and I avoid it as much as possible. Bright light in general is uncomfortable. I also have a highly developed sense of smell. Sounds hurt if they are too sudden and sharp. It feels like a painful jolt all over if I have to endure a sudden loud sound burst. Even if my girlfriend speaks too loudly it hurts and that is a continuous sound. I have to ask her to speak more softly.

My pain threshold for touch is not good. For instance when I go to see a Doctor and they have to take my blood pressure I have to warn them. As the cuff on my arm tightens it begins to hurt and it gets worse and the more pressure I have applied the worse it is for getting an accurate reading. When the results come back my blood pressure reads 200+ over 100+ and they shake their heads and say ok I’m going to have to try again. I go through this every time.

Every time I have to have surgery or any kind that requires anesthesia I have to tell them ahead of time that I have tend to wake up during the surgery. I think it may have to do with the fibromyalgia but either way I have awakened while my back surgery was in process and that is a sensation I can’t forget. It was very unpleasant.

I could tell you what surgeries I have tried. There have been two locally. Within those surgeries I have seen at least six to seven at one Surgery before giving up and trying another one. The second one I have now seen five or six and most want to take away my pain medications and muscle relaxers. I use them sparingly but going without them completely isn’t possible. There is a fibro clinic in London that has many cutting edge treatments for fibro specifically but it is for private insurance and I cannot afford that. The initial consultation alone is £350. Just to be seen.

The neurologist appointment is where I will ask to be checked for MS. I asked my GP and they seemed to think that the neurologist would be best to get an answer for this.

My partner has gone as my advocate to many appointments and it has changed nothing. I have asked for supplements and nothing has come of it. this is appalling to me as well. I feel on occasion I am banging my head against the wall. It is never ending it seems with little to help. The muscle relaxers I am given enough to last two weeks if I take them as prescribed. Instead I just take them less. Yes I have asked for more and been denied many many times.

If I went into how many medications I am on you would be appalled. If you knew all that was going on you would be equally shocked. This is why I was so happy with what Yberioth was able to do to help me. Does it replace medical advice, no. Did it help me though, yes. He reminded me of things that I had forgotten or neglected spiritually and that alone is great. Perhaps if I had you as an advocate here things would change. I don’t know. All I know is I have done my best. The doctors have let me down quite often.

Moon feeding does sound great as well. I have been given a means to help myself today thanks to Yberioth and it has worked so far. I do want to thank you for your input and concern NoxLotus, it is appreciated. In a month I will be going to see an optician by the way and I will ask them then I promise.