Thanks @Demeter. But it i already made peace with Goddess Herala and she wasn’t angry with me at all in fact she just wanted to help me but since she is a bit alien to human consciousness she kinda forced Herself into my brain which may have started the whole damage.
@Borgy Now i’m feeling a bit better. I still have episodes of panic attacks and Tuesday i’m going to go to my doctor to tell him about the shitstorm that’s going on in my head.
I’m still refraining from performing any magic at all because last night i tried doing a ritual and it made my panic attacks become horrible again after i just started feeling better. I had some amazing brothers do some grounding rituals for me but i broke them after i tried doing magic again without leaving time to heal.
I’m trying to get a timescale here as i want to see how long does something like this last. Does the brain rebuild itself? ever? Am i going to be able do do any magic at all or should i take a looooong break like years.
I’m still in the storm but may be getting calmer? I don’t know. I realized that when i enter in this panic attacks i instinctively start fighting them out of fear and then something popped in my mind. What if i don’t fight them at all? Besides the fact that my mind is not trying to find any enemies at all now but just bluntly scaring me with thoughts like i’m lost, i will loose all awareness, i will not be able to live a normal life anymore, besides the lack of absolute focus and the fact that i can’t sleep half of the night.
This is my report for now. I don’t know. Maybe i’m learning something from this? I do feel like something is happening. When in my moments of peace like now i get these thoughts that “after this all will be great” and “i’m just passing through my first transformation” maybe i’m becoming a butterfly? Fuck knows.
I’m just going along with it. The panic attacks don’t seem to go away as of last night.
Has everyone here gone through these types of experiences before?
How long can they last?