@Faustus Yeeeeesss… We haves some more precious:
Or this vvvvvv
Okay guys now I have a visual to the Norse Mythology book I am reading.
I Just made a cleansing spray- I have to constantly cleanse and cleanse again… with interactions of all kinds we tend to pick shit up… I literally have a candle going in a room that I lit yesterday and everytime I see it I slam the house with white light - purging negativity out and all of its spawn. I am going to clean the house again and spray every room. place my wards and go outside and ground myself. I wish you well, - and I was just thinking that I needed to work on a Glamour spell to make people believe I am a fair princess, good in all my deeds, that I am pure of nature and have never cast a stone. Cause I serious am carrying the fucking witch of the west face and attitude. Or if I use the Fuego app this is the image people get of me
Hey dude I get it. Sometimes you need to take a break because evocation can drain you and sometimes you have to wait for some residual effects to end before you try again.
Pace yourself.
Lol nice one: the guy they had someone sit down and digitally modify the images of because they thought his crotch bulge was too big
Dang I felt this one. I’m so sorry I know how that feels. Sorry I’m a bit late to the thread!
Guys I might have destroyed the problem but the damage is still there. I feel better now. I might need to have a longer break at magic. But who’s to say that i had any real monster or curse after me anyway? Even the sorcerer sees in the other person exactly what the other person believes deeply is true. At least that’s what i understood from my experience
Hear me out:
Now what happens in my brain since i was little: I tend to become scared at every story about something bad happening. Such as the story of mikan with his Herala situation and her killing a luciferian because he tried to take her out of his head. Now that is what triggered my collapse.
And my situation can apply to many of us here because this might just be a normal human fear related problem that can easily take over anyone.
Remember that belief especially if it goes deep in the subconscious can destroy one if one does not clear his/hers mind of that fear.
Now, for me i mostly know that this is not any real entity at work because i have been having this fear that other people’s bad experiences have to become mine just because they “MUST” be contagious since i was little.
This kinda went out of control for being too long opened in magic.
I was always like this. Heavily believing anything bad and starting to think that now i must have it as well.
For some reason there is a part of my subconscious brain that feels the need of having an enemy that is scary and indestructible that is on the look out to destroy me.
And this can be a problem that many of you might have experienced as well. As i think is a normal human fear related factor.
This experience of mine is just a logic less and childish mental behavior that can be HEAVILY amplified by magic. So who is to know that the entity that the other sorcerer saw in my space is not just a creation of my subconscious to compensate for the lack of control i felt.
Now the lack of control is still there but i’m getting at it slowly and i feel that a combination of grounding and going outside more plus allowing the panic to slightly take over but going into it with a level of awareness can level things out and make me more objective.
As it is HEAVILY clear to me that this although magical unbalance it has only amplified a mental weakness i already had since little.
And anyone that becomes molested by an entity is all about a weakness in their mind that they developed either from too much soul travel or by some fear that they were never aware they had.
This can easily be caused by a childhood trauma or any form or unconscious belief system that fucks everything up.
This fear in turn allowing for a habit to form that is buried so deep in the subconscious that makes the person strongly believe that it is being chased by an entity all over the place.
And this is not fake because the strong belief that there is an actual entity hunting you and being all over you, creates such a strong horror story and thought-form around you, that it can and it will kill other people that try to help you out for the simple fact that you believe strongly that there is an actual monster that is on the hunt for you.
One way you can see that there is no such thing is by realizing that you are the only one the entity is not actually killing and you are the only one that has the power to fight that monster.
Because of this that entity is not necessarily real. If it was someone else could easily banish it for you.
I hope i’m making myself a bit understood. But what i’m getting at is that firstly before going into magic you must be sure you don’t have any potential for loosing control over your brain when you start soul traveling and evoking/invoking because all those are systems that don’t go hand in hand with normal consciousness and damage the brain if you do not perform regular and heavy groundings.
Do the soul travel/ consciousness projecting rarely like only once two or three weeks thus allowing the brain to recover and meanwhile practice mindfulness meditations to go and fix anything that might be a potential for a disaster in your mind.
And this is just my personal realization and it is in no way meant to challenge the beliefs of anyone here.
And if this helps anyone cope with their problems that are similar then that’s great!
Edit: My final suggestion to anyone who agrees with me here is to always try to find another explanation for the loss of control that one might feel. This can and will help you because in a state like this magic will only amplify the situation so one must become materialistic for a time until they can fix the situation.
Even if you think you might have offended a demon or an angel or any spirit really and now those beings are on the hunt for you try to look deep in your own belief systems you have been programmed since little. Question everything because it might just be your belief that makes things bad. If you go into magic and ask the entity whether you have offended them then the answer will be yes for the most cases because you believe somewhere in your subconscious that this is the case and it might not be so.
These entities are infinite trans-dimensional beings with power and wisdom that goes beyond the existence of this universe. Why in the whole of existence would they ever be offended by a human’s actions? Even if they are described to be offended, the sorcerer who discovered them had a belief system that filtered their attitude in such a way that could easily make any information they send an act of real anger but being the nature of entity that is (Destructive, Rage-full, Possessive, warrior etc) Their message could be misinterpreted as: “He/She/It is on the hunt for me and now i’m dead”
Again this is only my opinion as i don’t want to challenge anyone’s beliefs here and if this can help anyone who is struggling with this then awesome. Remember even if you are taken out of your body by force become objective when in the presence of that entity.
Become objective because, being taken out of your body by force, could easily be a damage that happened to your brain for too often soul travel that got mixed in with a fear and a bit of belief system which is not all that good.
The result is it created a habit for you to get out of body at random when a panic attack happens and your brain automatically interprets that as an entity that is fucking with you.
I admit that it might be impossible at that time but if you can then i would suggest to start questioning everything. Do not insult or offend anything there just question deeply in your mind: Is this real?
And if the answer comes: “How dare you question me?” or “what do you mean by this? of course its real!” or even if the entity might try and attack you to “prove” it is real, allow that to do its thing but be calm and don’t join in because it might just be all you.
Hope this helps anyone who struggle but doesn’t challenge any great sorcerer here. This is helping me a lot to expand my awareness and fix my damage.
Final edit: Remember you are the creator of your own reality! ALWAYS! The implications in this is that there will never ever be an actual entity that is on the hunt for you if you do not have such fear or belief in your mind and even in you unconscious mind that causes for such to happen. When you create your reality that means the whole you. Which means conscious, subconscious, unconscious and hyperconscious parts. Most of us are mainly using only the conscious part. and when we soul travel we mix in a bit with our subconscious and unconscious parts that are filled with all sorts of programs and beliefs that come FIRST.
In the process of becoming a god one must have utmost control over ones consciousness at all times. Else, DISASTER!
Hey buddy, do you know there are easy solutions for all of these things?
All these things can be fixed and by God, should be fixed with magick if you
ever hope to get over these things permanently.
So, with your permission, I can fix you up full on, no problem
Making you adore your life in every possible way…
So just let me know, and I’ll boost you into paradise on earth…;
I just want to thank all the forum for this amazing support i am getting. It is really helping me get through my shit and helping me realize how to change my lifestyle.
It seems that coming to this forum was needed for me to change who i was in the past and to actually reach my true potential. But it isn’t an easy road and it can be truly terrifying at times.
What is impressive, is your ability to face those fears. You are stronger than you believe yourself to be, Ive got confidence in you. You have a passion for your vision, so if you take a break, or just ground, its not as though it does a disservice to things.
Take a halftime from your football game, its an important one
You got this my bro
Ozraga is known for having done very well when it comes to supporting the brothers and sisters!
- the “Ordon Zone” you talked about sounds like it exactly matches his expertise.
If i may recommend you something aswell:
When you have a situation like that - i certainly had magickal freak-out’s where i couldn’t tell safely where “me” ends and something else begins - refocusing towards a different perception speed helps tramendously!
If you feel your thoughts are racing like an unstoppable train, rushing into the abyss of deeper darker suffering hell, that is likly to be a situation where you’re -having substential magickal expierence - but at the same time, the power to control yourself and take a step away.
Black Tea can push thought-racing to faster cycles, so stay away from black tea until you feel saver again.
Get your mind to attach to a known source, best working are childhood memories like a song or book or audio book you used to hear.
Those work WONDERS in grounding back to Sanity!
(every good parent would give you something along that lines + be close to you until you feel better)
if there’s no one in your direct enviorment you can take close to you,
you can still evoke a singular deity you feel most confident with to aid you.
your own intuition knows best who that would be and how to go about it.
having a phone call to someone can help aswell.
and finally, another option is to get outside, and make a “cabin in the woods” for yourself.
I used those in my biggest time of need.
It doesn’t have to be a complete hut,
a circle of banishing works fine for the first few hours.
having a save-space which techniquely belongs to the public but isn’t used regularily is one of the most essential protections i can recommend you.
It help’s you notice the merge between you and the world around you aswell.
It also helps you to ground into protections that are cast for you from the enviorment / other sorcerers / Deity’s and Nature itself.
Just for your consideration:
May it actually be a Entity which was given to you to help you!?
I mean you asked Sorcerers from different pathways to aid you - and they surely done so.
I remember a time where i asked for help on this forum and been blown away by how increadibly fast and effective their help came about.
I had to cleanse myself a lot for to disconnect myself from that for a while aswell.
Just know that what they did was for your good.
Ok this does sound like something I do have a little knowlage on. Sorry for the long delay by the way, Wednesday is family day.
But back to it. This “Zone” you speak of is somthing that I have heard of and have some experience with. Though this is the first time I have seen it given a name.
First off. That bit of “crazy” you had, perfetly normal when dealing with this. It’s a lot for the mind to handle, that every thought, idea, story ex. has a place where it comes into reality.
Now for the bad news good news bit.
Bad news you found it, you are always going to be aware of it.
Good news. There is somthing that can be done to drastically dull the conection. And great news people here have already given you the answer!!!
Grownding!!! this will make it so it is more of a fleeting thought.
I am a little busy today, but I will get you a list of stones you can carry with you that are great for grownding.
This was just something that i came up with to help me deny my attention from falling back to the crazy.
At this point i’m actually too unsure about my mind in order to perform a ritual. But any help that comes from the exterior i would heavily appreciate.
As of now i’m starting to try and build a new lifestyle that is a bit more organized and more grounded. But the habits are kinda there to always fly between spirits and aliens as i’ve been doing it for 14 years without considering the consequences will lead to this.
But any help at all is awesomely appreciated. And it is working for those who are offering it.
As for immediate contact of someone close to me i don’t really have.
But by getting in me some more physical activities does help. And becoming more detached from the old lifestyle of just floating in the void without grounding…
Guys i changed the topic name as i now feel like this crisis that i have is a stepping stone in my ascent.
I have discovered the official tiger of it. It was this schizo guy from a mental health care institution i worked a night shift in about two weeks ago.
Because now that i feel like i’m getting the grip on my mind and my godly power (thanks to all your support as well for which i’m immensely grateful) I keep seeing that destroyed face popping up in my mind almost frustrated because i suddenly have the power do deny madness from taking over.
So in this case. How do i disconnect from a deranged person?
@J.A.Ragnarson - why this particular mercury retrograde? But Yea, this probably explains why I’ve been feeling shitty last couple of weeks - particularly the last few days. Feel very heavy energies even though I do daily banishing and protection. But everything seems magnified at the moment. Like I’m overreacting to every little thing - more than usual.
Is the energy changes are due to this ‘event’ spiritualist and new agers even Christian YouTubers are speaking about? Massive energy changes around the planet.
This guy has own theories and there are more on YouTube that speak about this 'event. I’m still quite confused about this event😐
You mentioned Mercury retrograde so I thought this was interesting that this YouTuber mentioned it.