My first Evocation.... with Duke Dantalion and the so far lol

I used a mix of the incantations. I used #2. Summoning of All Magickal Powers pronounced badly to try and build up my energy after a while I started the ritual using #4. To Summon Forth I repeated that for a long time until I felt I had to push the change of energy as I could not get to the crossroads [whatever they are? one day] so I started to repeat WITH RESPECT in the most respectful way that I could “Come to me Duke Dantalion I command you into my presences”. As I figured that Duke Dantalion would know the difference my command to get him to help by pushing though while I was trying to pull him into the ritual area as I have understood in my reading and, that of a command of a man to a dog.

Here is the link to the 4 incantation’s 4 Incantations To Conjure Limitless Power [EAK] - Become A Living God

And I got a lot of info from Sha’s excellent post below

well most to be honest but ssshhhh…

Good luck

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