My first evocation (Sitri)

Is there any problem with evocation at night? I thought 3 am is a perfect time to summon demonic entities. I don’t know about the US and Europe, but in my country 3 am is considered to be a demonic hour.

Best affairs ever and unforgettable sex. Romance is not really his but hey maybe a mix of romance and excellent sex might be given

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Nothing wrong with that I’m just scared of doing that as I live alone and there are usually noises after evocation :joy:

I like how everyone says that my experience with him hasn’t been good , he brought me useless trashy idiots , I’m on non speaking terms with sitri for the past 2 years :joy:

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This is the type of request that got me in trouble with Sitri I was provided the opportunity with someone I found very attractive, but her personality flaws I knew made it a horrible idea. I basically didn’t fullfill my end of the pact and have received the cold shoulder since.

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I remember being scared too, I jumped right in to at night and everything as well. Still, sometimes a bit scared like 5 years later, it’s okay. “Enough!” I’ve had spirits do similar things, always leaves me a bit humored.

Successful … depends on how you define it but I would say absolutely. Feeling the energy is really the best part of ritual. So congrats! Also though, I hope you came to an arrangement with Sitri on your petition because there’s not enough here to know about that.

Anyways, really awesome of you to do this and congrats!!!

There are different times for different spirits. Doesn’t mean you have to follow them, but consider looking into (astrological) correspondances.

Honestly, Sitri left me with unforgettable sex. I’m not sure if I can call it that, but mind blown. I can’t wait to have another round of whatever that was.

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This Wednesday I evoked (well, I hope so) him again to ask some questions. So, I started at about 3 am again. This time I tried to add some visualization to the process, like in this guide on evocation by @Lady_Eva .

What confused me is that I didn’t feel the energy as well as I had felt it during my first ritual. When I tried to visualize Sitri, I could see an indistinct shadow with my peripheral vision. It seemed to be moving, but every time I looked at it closely the shadow disappeared. Anyway, I decided to trust myself and go on. I asked Sitri my questions, which I had written down a couple of days before the ritual. Then I just listened to the answers coming to my mind and wrote them down.

Honestly, I am still not completely sure whether it was Sitri or just my own thoughts, but I am happy with the result anyway. In the worst case, I was just listening to my own subconscious mind. This is, I believe, also not a bad thing. The answers I got were quite reasonable and helpful. By the way, whatever thing I was talking to told me to buy some incense (cedar preferably, but rose and lavender are fine too). I’m going to try this next time.

I also have to add that I didn’t feel well during the ritual. In the middle of it I got a headache and nausea. The entity I was talking to told me that I felt nausea because of crisps I had eaten not long before the ritual and recommended me to eat shit like that less, because it’s bad for my appearance, lol. I finished everything at 4:01 am and felt really drained next day.

A lot of the time, your first evocation will be the “most” strongly felt one. When you contact a different deity it may be stronger the first than second time with that one as well.

Also, sometimes the energy just makes you feel funny. I remember thinking I’d legit throw up on the floor in the middle of my ritual my first ritual with Sitri. That among other things like being scared I was gonna die right then.

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Well, I asked him about that on Wednesday night. He told me that it was my chance and there would be more. All I have to do is not to miss them anymore.

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Yes, I read about this. Perhaps I should experiment with this in my future evocations.

For now I have only one thing to add. I’m starting to see my personality changing slowly. I’m a shy, introverted and unconfident person actually. I guess, I wouldn’t need to evoke Sitri, if I weren’t. But now I feel like I’m becoming more confident when talking to girls. Maybe even impudent. This week I even wanted to slap my boss’ ass just for fun. Gosh, my hand almost did it, luckily, I stopped it at the last moment :grin:


Sitri can be very overpowering. I was nearly overwhelmed when I summoned him to. His presence was sickly sweet and thick making it hard to breathe.

You have made a real connection with Prince Sitri .
He can be a wrathful spirit do not try commanding him in the name of YHVH or anything like it or you’ll end up sorry that you did that.
Just treat him like foreign royalty find out what he wants and give it to him.
.way to go man congrats we salute you.

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Okay, it’s been a while since I started my work with Prince Sitri, so I can summarize things for now. I’m absolutely sure that I managed to summon the spirit. After the evocation I definitely got more attention from women than I usually do. But it all eneded like a month ago. Prince Sitri delivered some opportunities for me and I want to thank him for that. But the problem lies within me. I didn’t use those opportunities because I have tonns of inner blockages. I guess, I have to deal with it myself. Anyway, I think I have learned something from my mistakes and I’m going to evoke Prince Sitri again very soon. Perhaps next Thursday, during the sun eclipse.


Congrats! Something important to consider is how prepared you are for what you’re asking. Spirits will often deliver (with exception of those who reside within phrases like ‘for the greatest good’ or ‘given it’s the right time’). Make sure you’re ready to receive what you ask for so you can learn from it and have fun!

Are phrases like ‘for the greatest good’ or ‘given it’s the right time’ bad? What could come of adding this to your petition?

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They’re limiting.

I don’t think they’re “Bad,” but also exercise caution where you choose to use them if you’re certain you want what you want, regardless of the other consequences. When I’m asking for something, I’ll usually make sure no one who is just getting in the way gets killed or anything drastic, but I also know what I want. I’m asking for help because I’m sure I want it and I trust myself enough or have a strong enough desire that I don’t care really to say those phrases.

Some people really love them, it’s up to you. Your practice is your practice.

I’ve summoned him in the name of YHVH and gotten great results - several times…why do you say that?

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It could sabotage/limit your results, especially if angels are involved.

Always consider the possible blow back from the magic, however, and prepare yourself…use potent protection.

I was a very new student and thought I could get away with a Solomonic style command and constraint. It blew up in my face. We’ve since mended fences however.