My Encounter with Lucifer

Some time ago I had a very vivid vision of what Lucifer looked like. Today I described AI what I saw and it was pretty spot on. Here’s what it generated:

I’d be interested in hearing how others have encountered him, how he presented himself to you. I am curious to learn the similarities and differences. Thanks!!


That reminds me of Nero from Devil May Cry, only with a poof. :joy:

I don’t go in much for visuals, which is probably a woman thing, so AI is lacking is every sense I use to feel Lucifer tbh, most of all, the energy signature that uniquely identifies him as a sovereign spirit.

I felt him coming from a distance while he was still far out, a huge noise that was not noise announcing his approach. His energy signature reminds me of things, but he is none of those things, and much more: he’s a very big and ancient presence. He came as a swarming, dark mass of sheer will, purpose and strength represented by streaks of red lightning through his aura. He wasn’t a pretty boy, he wasn’t a human man at all, and he didn’t feel or look human: he was a Deva, a god and he felt like one.


Very close to the “version” i met two years ago.

I still don’t know “which” Lucifer that was. Definitely not the one from goetia and medieval summonings…

It was an angelic power tho, i witnessed he changed the weather when i ask for a sign.

My theory is i contacted an angel who has the power to bring enlightment.

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That is interesting, I asked for a sign too, well it was more actually I was calling out to him and he answered with lightning and that night was when I had the vision of him that I posted.

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I saw him as a very tall muscled guy who looked like a shadow. I was going through a hard phase and I asked for protection. One of my females “friends” demanded me to have sex with her in order to help me after I summoned him. The following night she and her kids were closed to die on a car crash. He also wasn’t a big fan of my ex boyfriend. When I would speak about my ex he would pop up and bang on doors. Also when I had a miscarriage of my twins he gave me a vision showing me that he will protect my babies in the after life

I kinda saw the same thing minus the aura. I was working as a security guard and he would show up on the cameras walking down the hallway banging doors